[center][b]Darcy O'Connell[/b][/center] Darcy smiled as her number two, Baxter entered the car. Surprisingly they managed to fit all five people in her car, passing the joint around to make sure everyone got a hit before Darcy announed her big news.[color=pink]"Most of you already know, but i feel I need to restate this. I had taken out a loan and paid the network to get us on the air. We finally have our foot in the door and we will be able to have the show for a year so long as we provide the best footage we can. We are already cleared to investigate the Northern State Mental Asylum. We can start tonight if you guys want."[/color] Darcy was trying.her best to hide it, but it wasnt enough. She was worried about pronouncing words correctly. She was trying very hard with her worda already, but one could hear her Irish accent slip out here and there, which worried her. She was woreied shed screw up the gig with her accent. [center][b]Nora Mays[/b][/center] Nora seen that Darcy was getting nervous, this waa truly a big moment for all of them and failure was not an option. She rubbed Darcy's back gently.[color=green]"We got this girlie, none of us will let you down. Now relax and be yourself, you are the center peice of our friendship and none of us would even be here, packed in your little hot rod, if it wasnt for you."[/color] She then checked all her gear in her tech bag, making sure everything was ready to go.[color=green]" All charged and ready to go, If we do make it on the air, we will definitely celebrate."