[hider=❄]22 | Female | Freelancers | Meltwater Spring
Moya-no-Yume | Dagger | Physical | Frosted Sheen
Snowdrop Vestige | Sangfroid Convention 
Glacial Stream | Aqua | Rime Rose 
[Freeze, Slick] Damage X, Restrain, Extend, Construction, Trap, Enhance, Mark, Blink, Powerful


[Bronze Touch + Mark + Blink] = 40 Mana

PHYSICAL: E| ARCANE: D | CHAOS: C | 710[/hider][sub][@BrokenPromise][@Majoras End][@OwO][@mantou][/sub][/center]
An enclosed space filled with flammable materials and a trio of pyromancers conveniently chilling wasn’t Klava’s idea of a fun time, so she slipped her hand into one of her sleeves and peeled off a sticker. Just a simple ‘My Name is ____’, red on white. Then, in that same motion, she slapped it on Apollo’s dime-bouncing ass, a melody surging through her palm and into the sticker, leaving a glowing snowflake now pulsating over his right buttcheek.

A Blink Mark. If shit went down, she’d want to make sure that the healer had back up, at least. Or maybe she wanted an ambulance straight to the healer, going by her own track record.

Still, it looked like a simple enough set up. Enemies on all sides, but the unguarded front was the area that they actually wanted to be in. It was an escort mission, so they couldn’t abandon Billy and Blink away immediately, but just needing to hold off enemies was easier to do than to kill them, especially in the presence of a chonky boyo like that robotic butler. While the Timekeeper tried to do something cute, Klava settled into speaking of strategy instead, her voice low and cold as she addressed her allies.

[color=6ecff6][b]“If we just need to get to the end in one piece, there’s only two things to worry about: them going suicidal mode and setting the whole place on fire, or the robot butler slamjamming us in melee. Nothing else can stop us as a group. So, things to think about.”[/b][/color] She began to raise her fingers up one by one. [color=6ecff6][b]“I’m good with elemental constructions. I’ll definitely seal off the entrance once we pass it, but I can do it for either right or left as well. Just gonna be taxing so I'd rather not. A Slick and a Push Melody could yeet the golem away pretty far too, and that’s the only real dangerous one there. Protector, you good for blocking sniper shots? Rifles with paint jobs are either magical or bullshit. Timekid, you’re the fastest, so scout ahead to see if there’s more bullshit in front of us, if you’re done flirting with that grandma.”[/b][/color]

A pause. Her brain whirring, trying to recall the Maverick Esper’s name…naw, Klava’ll ask it later.

[color=6ecff6][b]“Anyways, don’t really need to do any murdering, so let’s get our cardio in before the pizza party, freelancers!”[/b][/color]