[color=D1D0CE]More visions of grandeur flooded Lumi's mind as she imagined the adventurers. A Swellow with big wings? A giant Tyranitar or an awesome Garchomp! Or maybe, just maybe, there would be some just like [i]them[/i], like what Cane said. An Eevee, or maybe even a Flareon, or Vaporeon... it'd be absolutely amazing, like a dream come true. The only evolved Eevee she had seen was her father, since their mother hadn't been of their evolution line in the first place. Her heart hurt for their mother, who had died when most of them were so young. Even now, when she tried to remember, her face was just so foggy... [b]"The walk to the city square should take about thirty minutes, so you better finish up your breakfast quick,"[/b] their father said once he made sure everyone was eating. His brown eyes sparkled with something that Lumi didn't quite recognize. [b]"[i]Please[/i], be careful out there. Stay close to Sable, alright?"[/b] Lumi nodded, stuffing another piece of the omelette into her mouth. Her father's cooking wasn't anything great, but it was tasty enough to get the siblings to eat most of their food. Toffee picked at her food as if she was uninterested in it, though, while Fawn filled most of her belly with the warm loaves of bread their dad had left out for them. Only a few minutes passed before the Leafeon in question turned towards the clock on the wall and blinked in surprise. [b]"I need to get going! Sable, remember what I told you!"[/b] he told her, which only prompted an exasperated look from the long-earred Eevee. He rushed about the table in a haphazard frenzy, nuzzling each of them before he darted out the door and left them on their own. Lumi turned to the rest of her brothers and sisters, perking up her ears. [color=CD7F32][b]"Is everyone almost done? We're going to be late if we don't hurry!"[/b][/color] She fidgeted in her chair as she giggled. At this point, she wasn't even hungry anymore. [b]"I've [i]been[/i] done,"[/b] retorted Sable as she pushed her plate away. The most elegant of her siblings cast a dull half-glance at the reddish Eevee not too far from where she sat. [b]"How about you, Toffee?"[/b] Toffee let out a nervous chuckle, lifting her paw to scratch her nose. [b]"I'm done, but I think I'm gonna stay and clean up this mess. I don't think Fawn wants to go, either..."[/b] [b]"I wanna stay home and draw!"[/b] Fawn yapped loudly as she fluffed out her already very fluffy mane. Sable's ear twitched as an annoyed light shone in her eye, but she turned to Storm without saying anything to her sisters. [b]"How about you, Storm? You coming?"[/b] Lumi frowned. Why couldn't Toffee just clean all of this up when they got back home? And Fawn had the [i]whole[/i] day to draw. She hoped that Storm and Cane would come, at the very least. [/color]