[color=f7976a][b]LÊ BẰNG KIỀU[/b][/color][hr]Bang picked cautiously at the ‘natto’, popping a small chunk in his mouth with some rice. A surprised smile spread across his face. He prodded at the rest of the side dishes, trying a little bit of each as he listened.

[color=f7976a]“Ignored… the gunman,”[/color] he repeated, incredulous but seemingly amused. [color=f7976a]“You’re quite the steadfast sort, aren’t you, Miss du Bordeaux.”[/color]

Another eager mouthful of natto and mackerel as Ryuuko spoke. He nodded.

[color=f7976a]“The gunman seems like a prime witness we could get a testimony out of but ‘person with steampistol’ doesn’t seem like anything we can go off at the moment. It would be like searching for an Egoist with brown eyes. You’re right to focus on the ‘devil’. Perhaps the administrative department of this island would have some records on Egoist abilities here? Or we could just ask around for that description.”[/color]

Not that everyone here would reveal the true extent of their abilities. Bang knew that all too well. But it was something at least. He turned to Jeanne.

[color=f7976a]“That… does raise a question though. If you intended to return when curfew broke, why did you pursue that stranger in the dark? Moreover… what did they do to make you attack first?”[/color]