[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/39ad52ee6dbb97d2aa971d3a64bbe0ef.png[/img][/center] Sora bounded after Lumi towards the door with Cane shortly behind him. Sure he was a bit older than them, but he still felt the same amount of excitement that he had every time that they got to go into town to do something cool or fun. Storm followed after at a more bored pace but still gave half-heartedly to Toffee as they all left the house and began the walk down the street towards the city proper. [b]"Sure, whatever."[/b] Why did he even bother coming if he was just gonna be miserable the whole time? [color=a0410d][b]"Don't get too far ahead!"[/b][/color] he called out to Cane who had bounded down the stone path the second that the door was opened tail fluffed and wagging with excitement. If any of them were going to get into trouble it was Cane. He didn't mean anything by it, he was just too excitable for his own good and got carried away sometimes. Thankfully the sky was clear and the mountains were shielding them from the worst of the weather as they always did. He could already smell the city scents on the wind. The mix of Pokémon of all kinds along with the smell of cooking foods, particularly sweets. He was pretty full from breakfast but he'd never say no to sugar. He doubted Sable would let them though and Storm wouldn't want to deal with Cane while he was hopped up on sugar. Still it was the perfect day for going into the city to see a parade of powerful adventurers. He bounded up to walk beside Lumi as they all looked around the hustle and bustle of the city. The adventurers would be walking the main street so they needed to find someplace there to set up. [color=a0410d][b]"Yeah! We should try to find something to bring back for dad since he has to work. He said he would've come with us if he could."[/b][/color] He knew their father worked hard and wished the Leafeon could take a break sometimes. It was the least they could do really. A frown crossed his face as Sable talked about leaving. She would really just walk out and leave Sunspear, just like that? He hadn't really thought about what he would do when he got older, did he want to leave too? See the world and everything else it had to offer? Maybe even become an adventurer! [b]"Come on, let's go find a spot close to the road so we can all see!"[/b] Cane called out from a little ways ahead of them on the path they were walking. He grinned slightly at Lumi before rushing past Sable and Storm to catch up to Cane who squealed and turned to run towards the main part of town. If they were gonna be here might as well have some fun for a bit.