[b][color=A30000]Level:[/color][/b] 2 → 3 (7/30 EXP)
[b][color=A30000]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Inner Mountain
[b][color=A30000]Word Count:[/color][/b] Less Than 750 Words (+1 EXP)
[sub][b][color=A30000]Interaction:[/color][/b] Open[/sub][/center]

A ragged gasp escaped Laharl's mouth as the nasty cut opened, stretching across his throat seeping concerning amounts of blood that soaked the scarf-like cape wrapped around his neck. His eyes widened then with a choked gurgling noise the fledgling prince fell backwards onto his back desperately trying to staunch the flow of blood from causing him to lose consciousness, pressing his cape tightly against the cut. Laharl couldn't die here, no he [i]wouldn't[/i] die here! Not from some stupid cut, besides it wasn't his fault it was his incompetent minions fault. Determined to not let the wound he took to slow him down Laharl struggled to his feet, tightening the cape around his neck like that of a makeshift tourniquet but it was by sheer luck the boy could even get to his feet thankfully the constitution gained from his prior engagement boosted his resolve enough to survive his injuries.

Balling up his fists Laharl shook both from sheer terror and boiling rage, the beasts incredible aptitude for surviving the most brutal of wounds annoyed him to no end yet caused a shudder to run down his spine at imagining whatever hole the wretched creature had spawned from. Suddenly the air was filled with gunfire, bursts of fire flying through the air overhead like fiery comets as it seemed [i]most[/i] of the team had converged to finish the Wendigo [i]unlike[/i] he could by himself. 

[color=A30000][i]'So much for defeating it yourself, stupid zombie.'[/i][/color] a pouting Laharl childishly exhaled haughtily, nostrils flaring [color=A30000][i]'At least the stupid thing is de-'[/i][/color] a smirk was beginning to tug at the edges of his lips, the smoking carcass of the creature finally laid low and peppered with bullet holes but soon his smug looking face went white as a sheet as the things spirit floated out.

It may have sheerly been out of terror but in his brief moment of weakness Laharl clamoured backwards choking out a fearful croak [color=A30000][i]'Now that does it!'[/i][/color] he thought angrily, a snarl forming upon Laharl's face [color=A30000][i]'Nobody scares me like that, especially not some stupid spirit!'[/i][/color] thoroughly worn-out from the fight the little demon used what resolve he still had to stumble over to the disturbing spirit, smashing it between his fists, heaving a lofty sigh Laharl fell onto his ass. Everything else was a blur afterward, he felt considerably better but dazed and shaken from fighting the Wendigo, last he recalled someone told him to hang on so he did.