[center][h2][color=007236]P[/color]an [color=007236]Y[/color]imu[/h2][/center]
Yimu thought about her mentor's words. Some petulant part of her still managed to be irked by the Zeon’s wishy washy interpretation of a straightforward question, but for the most part she found herself cought off guard by how similar his philosophy was to her own. Replace learning with opportunities, which learning was in fact one of the many paths to, and their views would have been almost an exact match. Still, she couldn't see what use there was in offering opportunities to those that already had them or putting effort into trying to shape the opinions of others that had no doubt already formed their opinions of her before they’d even met, as the Zeno seemed to imply she should.

She was still thinking about this as Vyrik, seemingly having only awoken just in the nick of time, rushed to catch up with her, offering her a piece of bacon in exchange for information on where they were going. Yimu opted to ignore the part where Vyrik got her name wrong even as she accepted the bacon, she wasn’t one to turn down good food and he was close enough on the name that correcting him wouldn't be worth the effort. Instead, she offered Vyrik an answer to his questions, [color=007236]“Wasn’t told, but I’d guess we’re getting shown around or else we’ll be selecting our classes now. I’m assuming both of those will be happening today.”[/color]

As it turned out Yimu was correct about their activities for the day, and she found herself staring down her course registry forms, which specified up to three choices to be split between six options, or rather five considering she was automatically locked out of the Atomic course on account of her RAS. Unfortunately her limited choices would mean she’d have to specialize, something she’d avoided doing thus far. At a glance, binding was far too useful not to take, Yimu couldn't imagine any reasonable scenario where she wouldn’t be able to draw for it and the versatility of its casting was obvious, so this made her first choice. Chemical magic was tentatively locked in as her second choice, it was again very versatile, synergised well with binding magic and could be used as a medium for converting energy between several of the other schools in a pinch. 

That left one school of magic to choose. Yimu pretty quickly dismissed magnetic, as many uses for it as she could see, it didn’t compare to her other two options, especially if she also considered the ease of drawing. That left the kinetic and arcane schools of magic, both with their own pros and cons. Perhaps it would be best to consult her mentor on the matter, her opinion of him had improved considerably after finding out his philosophy about learning, even if it still wasn’t great, and she’d have to consult him to pick three classes in any case, besides, if she failed to leverage the opportunity that the Zeno represented, it’d be her at fault, not him.

With that out of the way for the time being, Yimu turned her attention to the elective courses, which fortunately was a far easier ordeal. The arts stream failed to catch Yimu’s interest, at least not nearly to the degree of the other streams, with a couple of the streams even seeming like down right silly choices. Who in their right mind would chose to learn tayloring when binding magic existed and could achive similar results? Fundamentals of natural sciences, on the other hand, was an easy pick and after some deliberation she decided that while several of the other courses in the academic and skills streams certainly interested her, none of the stood out as being things she couldn’t teach herself on her own if the opportunity or need ever arose, to that end Yimu turned her attention to the language courses, checking off both Revidian and Perrench. 

Marking down her final remaining choice Yimu let out a slight sigh. She could of course see the necessity of focusing one’s attention on a select few subjects from an academic level, after all, advanced applications of subjects tended to require a significant investment into building the groundwork before they could reasonably be attained, but at the same time it still felt bad to be limiting herself in such a way, the form almost acting like a visual representation of her removing her opertunities.