[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (16/80) [b]Location:[/b] Mountain Cave [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] Sectonia let out a sigh as the fighting was over, moving back next to her fire anitlion as this air was something she did not like without the heat of her summon around. While she kept her composure as best as she could, anyone paying attention could see when she wasn't near her antillion her antenna were shivering a bit. The rest of her allies were not doing so well either. some were much better off than others, but those who got assaulted by the feral zombie looking things that were, frankly, far more durable than they should've been, werent' healing right even with her regeneration aura benefiting them. Even so, they all did well clearing them out with band being a bit... flashy about how he finished the ice golem much to Sectonia's approval. Although he seemed to not want to come with the rest of them, having had enough of all of this before flying off like a rocket. It was then pointed out by a few of them that there were no spirits left over from the feral zombie things they had killed. Sectonia knew what this meant, and said. [color=92278f]"Well if they are just souls flying about, not spirits themselves, then someone or something summons these things and until we defeat that, they will just keep coming."[/color] Having said that, Sectonia scooped up her fire antillion and went up the shaft with everyone else. Now that its been shown how much of a threat these thigns are, she'd have to keep a much more attentive eye on them.