Squee Gro-Mok, Son of the late Lord Tier-Mok and Brood-Mother Gro-Mok, looked over the bow of the transport boat with both eagerness and anger. Recently Exiled from his home lands after one of his sisters took over as Brood-Mother, Squee was the only one out of the nineteen remaining who refused loyalty. Instead of execution, his damned sister Exiled him from their lands. She had his beloved worg confiscated and gave just enough gold for him to take the first ship out to this odd uncharted land. Squee had to admit, he was excited to explore this new lands and grow as a wondering Sword-Saint, a Sword dualist. But still, to be dishonored in such a way burned him to his core. As the ship docked and passagers departed, he made sure to keep his pack strapped to him and held the hilt of his katana firmly as it sat sheathed upon his hip. With a deep breath, the goblin would take his first step onto this unknown world, ready to take on his new life. Once on the dock, the goblin would walk around, looking for the closest tavern. He knew from some experience that, if he was to earn money, he would need a job, and most knew that inns and taverns were the best places to find the kind of jobs an adventurer would take. //not sure what action to take, probably for him to locate the tavern or job board.