[color=b34141][b]Level:[/b][/color] 1 [color=b34141][b]Experience:[/b][/color] 4/10
[color=b34141][b]Location:[/b][/color] Snowdin - Treat's Doll House [color=b34141][b]Word Count:[/b][/color] Less than 700 (+1 EXP)
[color=b34141][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@Majoras End] and [@Gentlemanvaultboy][/center]

To say the skeletal sentry was scared out of his skin would be redundant, besides he was a literal skeleton he couldn't be scared out of his skin because he had none to begin with. Suffice to say he was shaking in his boots just looking at the gigantic figure of the man shrieking and covering his eyes at the sudden light that filled the hallway. 

In any other circumstance Papyrus might have ran away at the first chance or even futilely attempt to get the giant to see even [i]he[/i] could be a better person yet something initially gave the skeleton the impression that might not be as simple as he would like it to be. Therefore all he, the Great Papyrus could do was quiver in fear at the moment it roared at them.

In the light another figure appeared to be engaged in combat or trying to fight it at least in the narrow hall, a shadowy girl was entangled with the man her eyes red and skin a dusky grey whom seemed to become startled of all things by him of all skeletons! She looked as though she had seen a ghost, raising a hand to shout and point a finger at Papyrus trying to say something before getting subsequently cutoff as the man lunged at her, picking her up and throwing her straight down the hall at the three of them out of frustration.

[color=b34141]"GREAT GOOGLEY MOOGLEY!"[/color] the skeleton goofily exclaimed, helpless to do anything to soften the Skullgirls landing he frantically looked between his two new friends and the man with a worried look, unsure of what to do as he was sure this person was good deep down [i]surely[/i] even a scary guy could have a heart but he couldn't let him hurt anyone...

In a split-second Papyrus' soul glowed dimly between his chest casting a low light over his battle body as he lifted but a finger, suddenly several large bones grew from beneath the floor around the giant of a man trapping him in a tight corner within the relatively dark hall.

[color=b34141]"I-I AM SORRY SIR BUT I CANNOT LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS, C-CAN'T WE JUST TALK?!"[/color] still determined as ever to see the good in anyone Papyrus desperately attempted to reason with the man, meaning well by his words no matter how misplaced his intentions may have been.