[color=D1D0CE]The air that had once crackled with excitement and jubilee now weighed heavily upon her shoulders. Lumi nodded at her brother solemnly, her ears drooping to the ground. Cane sounded so excited, too. How could they prove the adventurers were so great if they came back looking like... [i]well, that?[/i] Their little group of Eevee had been quickly gathered up by their very not happy sister, and Sable made sure the lot of them were paying attention to her when she spoke. [b]"Don't tell Dad about what happened. You know how he feels about this kind of stuff,"[/b] she growled menacingly, moreso towards her and Sora rather than Cane or Storm. Lumi looked down at the floor as they walked. It'd make sense that they didn't talk about this to their dad. She wasn't old enough to remember her mother that well, but that didn't mean she would rub salt in her father's wound by saying that adventurers had died. She glared up at Sable once the bigger Eevee had turned away. When she was sure that neither Storm or Sable were paying attention, she brushed up against Sora and whispered into his ear. [color=CD7F32][b]"What do you think they saw back in Ember Cave?"[/b][/color] she asked him. Lumi hadn't a clue on what was in it. She had been wondering ever since the explorer team set off those months ago. Now, she was more confused than ever. [/color]