[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/39ad52ee6dbb97d2aa971d3a64bbe0ef.png[/img][/center] Sora's ears drooped even further, if that was possible, as Sable growled at them to not tell their father. He felt a flash of indignation at his older sister since she seemed to be focused more on himself and Lumi than the other two; especially since Cane was usually the blabbermouth. He didn't want to get in trouble though, or make their father upset, so he kept his mouth shut and just turned his head away from Sable as she began to lead them home. Storm walked next to Sable, occasionally muttering something to their sister that Sora couldn't hear. Not that he really cared all that much. They were probably just talking about what exactly to tell dad, but he couldn't help but feel upset that they were being excluded. They weren't the worst when it came to not listening, and Storm always had his tail in a twist. Maybe that's why the two of them got along so well. His younger brother was walking a step in front of him and Lumi, his fluffy tail now dragging the ground and his head down. He felt a pang of sadness for Cane. He'd been so excited to see the parade and meet the adventurers, and now his memory of them was one of stress and fear. Cane usually bounced back pretty quickly from disappointment, but this was something that meant a lot more than just a dinner he didn't like. Cane had been very young when they'd lost their mother, but he'd heard stories, and seeing the team like that must hurt more than he could imagine. He wanted to try and cheer him up but he didn't know how. As Lumi's fur brushed up against his darker coat he swiveled an ear towards her, but kept his eyes on the others to make sure they weren't listening in. [color=a0410d][b]"I dunno. The Luxray said something about feral Pokémon, and that they were protecting the Sage Stones, but I don't really understand what that means."[/b][/color] He hadn't thought much of it when the team left, it happened often enough, but this one was definitely weird. Pokémon didn't just go [i]feral[/i], it didn't make sense. He paused for a moment to really make sure that the other three weren't paying attention before whispering to his sister, [color=a0410d][b]"Do you think we should go and check it out? I know they said to stay away, but we're a lot smaller so maybe we'd see something they missed."[/b][/color] He was also just really wanted to know about what was in that cave. It had to be super strong and the prospect of that made his fur prickle with curiosity. They could sneak out, they'd done it before, and just come back before anyone noticed they were gone.