A beautiful day greeted the students returning to campus for the first day before class. Teachers settled into their classrooms and on campus lodging - for those that stayed on campus for only the school year - while students finished settling into their own lodging. The annex buildings were still locked up, and any returning student would be well aware they were all monitored far more heavily than the main building. Tables advertising school clubs were set up along the main walkways leading from the parking lot to the dorms; senior students sat at them offering out fliers and talking with perspective new club members. Another set of tables were stationed near the main office, with 2 staff members - Ms. Reed and Dr. Coleson - sitting at them; the tables had signs indicating they were where new students could show up and collect their enrollment packets as well as find out where they were being housed and get directions.

Students were welcome to explore, and any new students that needed a tour could easily find older students willing to help show them around, or at least direct them to where their dorm may be. Mr. D could be found in the main lobby of the school building, sitting at the security desk that passed as his remote work space on days non-students might be around. Most teachers, by now, were in their classrooms preparing for the first day of class. A few could be seen hanging out in one of the faculty lounges as well. Some of the more perceptive returning students would notice a few new faces among the staff this year; though there wasn't anything off, per say, it was more the fact they seemed a bit on edge watching the various students arriving at the school than other new teachers. One such new face - Mr K - sat next to Mr. D, and appeared to be discussing something on a monitor hidden under the countertop of the desk. 

A notable absence was Ms Target, the headmaster. While it wasn't every year since becoming headmaster that the woman was readily found on campus for students to speak with, she at least brought a weight to the main building that many could almost sense she was watching from her office. This year, that sense was gone, and if one were to inquire, they would find rumor had it she was indeed not present. Word of mouth among other students would turn up no solid answers. Rumors ranged from just running a little late to a top secret assignment from the LVA to even one kid hearing she died over the summer. One thing was for sure, if she was showing back up - none of the students knew when it actually was.

But for now, classes wouldn't be starting back up for another day. Time to settle in and get used to a new year at Anepool Academy for the Gifted.