"you say that like you still got strength to take us on girlie" one of the men sneered with a sickening smug smirk on his lips. "you also assume we're after the men you were with but we don't give a shit about John Constantine's lackie and the nobody with him" he added. "so why don't you just come with us without a fight yeah? Last thing you wanna do is make that keg of yours worse now" he smirked. Seeing Drake go white, Kay knew instantly that what she said meant nothing good to them. She watched him as he pulled his phone out to read a message before he dialled a number and cLled whoever text him. She felt a wave of shock and familiarity course through her when she heard the name Fia being spoken. It was so close to her birth mother's name and it seemed the theme of fire related names seemed to continue when it came to naming her kid whenever she has her. "bloody hells!" Fia cursed down the phone, sounding exactly like her father as she always cursed like he did. "get out of there before my folks see you and we'll get moving if we're to save your mum!" she told him as she paced outside the millhouse.