Teleporting via the shadows with Drake was something she was used to doing. She could and had proven she was more than capable of opening portals and travelling by them, but when it came to ease and quickness, she liked it when Drake did the Teleporting work. It also came in handy when she wanted to sneak out of the millhouse in their time for the evening to go out to a club with Drake or a secret job she decided to do (usually a heist of some kind) behind her parent's backs. "she's definitely a badass" Fia replied. As they heard and saw Serena order the wolves to attack the men, distracting them successfully, as she broke her own leg, Fia couldn't stop the wince from showing visibly.on her face and through her whole body. "I think she did yeah..come on, we gotta help her out." she said, determined to interfere even though they probably shouldn't and if their parents found out in their time, would no doubt get seriously grounded. She ran forward inciting a spell, waving her hands in a circular fashion in front of her before pushing her hands forward, blasting fireballs forward and to the attackers. She then went to Serena, "this group is determined to have death wishes.... I swear" she muttered, helping Serena out of the cab. "we're here to help, so please trust us?" she requested, but the need for urgency didn't fade from her tone.