Chas and Josh were both breathing heavily from lugging each other away from the fight, leaning against the brick wall behind them. "how you holding up Josh?" Chas asked him, checking him over to see what injuries he may have injured, but luckily, like himself, Josh just seemed to have a bang to the head from when he went forward and hit his head on the back of the front seat. "I'm alright, what about you? You hit the windscreen pretty hard Chas" Josh replied, "I'll be fine, nothing I ain't used to being John's mate" Chas smirked with a scoff, checking the state of his own head at the same time. "we gotta go back for her, it's not right leaving her alone" Josh then said, nodding his head toward the direction of which they came from. "I know, and if she don't show up in the next couple of minutes I'll go back for her" Chas said with a heavy sigh. Fia winced apologetically as Serena hissed at the pain from her leg being banged on the way out of the cab. "ain't happening Serena. You are worth it, more than you realise right now" Fia said firmly to her Aunt figure. She wrapped Serena's arm round her own shoulders. "I need you to stay awake, just for a little longer" she told her, looking at the goons and throwing another fire ball at them to create a firewall between the goons and themselves. Satisfied that she had made a strong enough blockade, she gripped Serena tightly but not to hurt her and let her own red and orange wings appear, similar but not exactly the same to Kay's. With the flutter of her feathers, she bent slightly then took off of the ground with Serena in hold and flew up high above the buildings and headed to the safe place of hers and Drake's.