Both Chas and Josh jumped slightly when Drake appeared, the likeness to Josh and Serena not going amiss on either of the men. Josh didn't want to believe it for a moment, it seemed outrageous that he would be looking at his future teenage son when he hadn't thst long admitted to Serena that he fancied her and was willing to try dating her if she would like to. "h-hi.." he stammered, wrapping his head around everything and being a little off guard by being called dad. Chas knew it was risky to take this kid's word and not try and figure out if this was some kind of trick or not but they literally had no choice right now. "okay, lead the way kid" Chas then said simply. "I'm sorry if this causes you pain but it's the quickest and safest way" Fia replied after she noticed Serena was wincing from the take off. She knew she wasn't the most graceful when it came to her flying but she also k ew it was because she did all she could for the longest time to deny her phoenix side. There was a reason she was stronger in her mage abilities and not her phoenix abilities and that denial of her phoenix bloodline was it. "I guess it's pointless keeping the hood up if you've figured it out" she then said, meaning about the earlier remark of who her parents are. It didn't take longer than a couple of minutes to get the rooftop in question where she landed alot softer than she took off and put Serena down on the ground. Without saying a word, Fia shook her shoulder blades and shoulders to make her wings vanish back into her wings birthmark tattoo on her back, that as hidden by her clothing. She pulled the hood down to reveal her bright auburn/orange and blonde hair and ice blue eyes, eyes of her mother, but the jawline of her father. "right let's get this leg sorted" she stated, kneeling down and using her magic ability, taught by John, she placed her hands on Serena's leg and began to heal the break and the injury from the cab.