Chas let go of Fia when Serena spoke up after being greeted with the son she was destined to have. He saw how Josh awkwardly waved back to Drake, clearly still trying to come to terms with what he was witnessing and realising. He was baffled at how Serena was seeming to just accept their kid was standing right in front of them and grown up, accepting of what was to come so easily. Especially after they all witnessed how Kay took to the news about Fia. Josh then quickly went to Serena's side as he saw her trying to get up and put his arm round her for support. "I got you" he told her. "I agree, I think it's time the other two met you both, and we deal with this ASAP. We can't keep running forever, no matter how much certain members of our group will want to" Chas said, expressing his agreement. Fia sighed, punching her the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. She should have known better than to think Serena and Chas would accept they can only know so much. "I guess we're going home then" she stated, taking a deep breath before exhaling deeply then opening up a portal to outside the millhouse. "after you lot, I have to go last or the portal will close behind me" she explained. She also knew that the moment she probably stepped foot into the millhouse, the warding would alarm and she'd have to rely on John to turn them off as in her time, they are different wardings.