[b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 825 (+2)
[b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]///////////////////////////// (44/70)
[b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b]  Sandswept Sky - Graveyard of the Peaks

[color=Aquamarine]”mmf cmmm ommm”[/color] Midna complained through a mouthful of sandwich and threw up her hands in frustration when the other fliers blasted off, all in a big hurry to put the glowey light surrounding them to use. Then she chewed and swallowed and added [color=Aquamarine]”don’t come crying to me when fighting on an empty stomach comes back to haunt you!”[/color] to her complaining.

If they wanted to run brazenly into danger when an opportunity for rest and strategizing presented itself then they could suffer the consequences the princess thought to herself as she watched them get stuck in. Or squinted up at them as they approached the titan. She started to get a little nervous as the true size of the thing became clearer with the people approaching and assailing it, but her fear was unfounded. 

It didn't really seem to have a way to fight back other than trying to shake them off, which was reliving in the short term but that also gave Midna a sinking feeling that something was off with the situation. Still, that things had not gone disastrously wrong quite yet meant she could finish her food by eating quickly rather than wolfing it all down in one or simply abandoning it. At least she wasn't the only one who was taking a snack break as Therion took her up on her offer for food where the old man had turned it down.  Even though he didn’t exactly have the option to fly off into the fray, she suspected he would have been the kind of guy to take a moment to relax even if he could have rushed ahead. She could respect that

[color=Aquamarine]”We’ve got lots of stuff so, hmm, here maybe you’ll like this?”[/color] she said, picking one of the items from the pile sitting in her extra-dimensional storage cave at random,and handing him an egg and mayo sandwich.

Then she finished up her own food, flicked the rubbish from her meal back to the twilight realm,  stood up, rolled her neck once and then prepared to get going. The feeling of niggling dread was still there, building now, and so she felt like she had to air it before she moved out. 

[color=Aquamarine]”Is it just me or does this all seem a bit… off? Just… keep your guard up down here while we’re up there. I don’t trust that pit.”[/color] she said, mostly aiming her words at Prim and anyone else who was heading down into the bell. 

Still, even if stuff was a bit weird, the boss was in front of them and it was best to try and deal with it as quickly as possible before her bad feeling became justified. So she walked around into Therion’s shadow, and then in the blink of an eye she was gone from there and dropping out of the shadow of one of the sky serpent’s fins. Just in time for it to give one of its shakes and toss her right off with an [color=Aquamarine]”eek”[/color] as she spun end over end which felt extra unpleasant due to her recently filled stomach. 

Fortunately she didn't hit anything, and so one quick summoning later and the princess was stable in the ear wearing her Vibrava like a backpack: its legs around her torso like straps, its tail wrapped around hers so she could direct it with but a thought, and body pressed to her back and giving the princess the look of an impish fairy with how its wings splayed out behind her. 

She’d been thinking about this little maneuver for a while now, and this was the perfect time to put it to use. The winged princess buzzed after the titan with the sun at her back, which gave her the ability to inspect its form properly and see how the gang were rather ineffectually slamming its heavily armored and gargantuan form. 

She was reminded of an inexperienced or frustrated Link, hacking at a boss and not really achieving anything with swordplay alone. She smiled a little at the nostalgia, and then looked thoughtful, skimming over the titan again with the same mindset she had had when helping Link in those times and spotted something interesting. Sigil hidden under dorsal ridges. Three of them, to be exact, which was quite the significant little number in this kind of situation. 

Now that she’d spotted them she realized she’d spun right past one while being tossed off it, and remembered a brief feeling of magical power radiating from them, which more or less settled things. Being in the open air, there weren't exactly any shadows to jump from back to the ridge however, so the princess was stuck chasing after it and relaying her hunch via yelling [color=Aquamarine]”The sigils under the fins! Try hitting them!”[/color] at those who did have a shot.