[color=b34141][b]Level:[/b][/color] 1 [color=b34141][b]Experience:[/b][/color] 7/10
[color=b34141][b]Location:[/b][/color] Snowdin - The Warrens [color=b34141][b]Word Count:[/b][/color] Less than 700 (+1 EXP)
[color=b34141][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@Majoras End] as Frisk, [@Lugubrious] as Albedo, and [@Gentlemanvaultboy] as Linkle 
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W6_6WHBm1Q][sup][i]Background Music[/i][/sup][/url][/center]
[color=b34141]"WOWIE THE FUTURE?!"[/color] fascinated by the prospect of his home being his home but from the future, Papyrus imagined all the cool things it would have. 

Like a puzzle machine but with even more flashing lights and swinging metal objects, and of course flame decals. His bed would be rocket-propelled and cool, he'd fly around on it too like he had always dreamed of driving a car except now it would be a flying car! [color=b34141]"FRISK! JUST THINK OF HOW AWESOMELY COOL MY ROOM WOULD LOOK!"[/color] the skeleton could see it now: the Great Papyrus driving his flying rocket-propelled bed, all the envy of his peers and King Asgore himself would sing his praises offering him a position as head of the Royal Guard.

[color=b34141]"A SPIRIT? IS THAT DIFFERENT FROM A SOUL?"[/color] he was slightly uncomfortable seeing the Dollmaker's visage again but thankfully the skeleton was on a roll from quick recoveries today [color=b34141]"I MUCH LIKE MY BROTHER SANS, NOT TO MENTION MOST OTHER 'BOSS' MONSTERS OF THE UNDERGROUND CAN USE SOUL MAGIC, ALLOW ME TO SHOW YOU!"[/color] to demonstrate his point the skeleton held out his gloved hand, closing both his eye sockets in concentration as he summoned his magic manifesting as a blue light in his chest cavity then a small bone appeared in his hand [color=b34141]"SEE! COOL RIGHT, WELL NOT AS COOL AS WHAT HUMAN SOULS ARE CAPABLE OF..."[/color] Papyrus' voice trailed as he looked at Frisk, remembering it might be a touchy subject for them after all they had been through.

[color=b34141]"NYEH-HEH-HEH, IT MATTERS NOT!"[/color] the goofy skeleton laughed it off letting the topic change, the subject of friendship was more Papyrus and Frisk's speed anyways [color=b34141]"WHILE I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS AM SURE THAT EVEN HERE THERE ARE FRIENDLY PEOPLE! I WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAKE IT MY QUEST TO BEFRIEND EVERY SPIRIT OR PERSON OR MONSTER THAT CROSSES OUR PATH!"[/color] he stated in a matter-of-fact tone, as if proclaiming an oath.

On the topic of humankind, monsters and the underground. Well suffice to say Papyrus' version of the tale was only half of what it really was, or possibly not even the correct interpretation of it at all [color=b34141]"WHILE I'M NOT SURE HOW MUCH IF AT ALL, OF SNOWDIN HAS CHANGED."[/color] the skeleton explained, scratching his cranium with the tip of the bone in his hands [color=b34141]"WE MONSTERS ACTUALLY HADN'T EVEN SEEN A HUMAN IN A LONG TIME."[/color] shaking his head Papyrus sighed, still not quite understanding the whole humans sealing all of monsterkind underground to begin with [color=b34141]"UNFORTUNATE BECAUSE I'M SURE THEY WOULD LOVE MY SPAGHETTI, BUT IF WE FIND MY BROTHER I'M CERTAIN HE CAN TELL YOU MORE RIGHT FRISK?"[/color] they definitely could count on his shorter yet no less personable brother to know the complete version of the story [color=b34141]"THAT'S IF MY SKELETAL SCALLYWAG OF A BONEHEAD BROTHER ISN'T NAPPING."[/color] and that was a big if.