[color=D1D0CE]To her, the moon hung like a very fat Snorlax in the sky. There was hardly a sound filtering through the air. In the distance she could faintly hear the town's Kricektot sing her lovely nighttime sonata, like she always did during this time of night. And even though there was a stillness in the air, nothing happened. It was like everything was frozen in ice. Times like these always discomforted Lumi and made her want someone, anyone, really, to just talk or sigh or break the quiet. There wasn't even the rustle of fur or the scuff of a paw against the windowsill. Where was Sora? Didn't he say to meet her out here? She felt her mane puff up a little as she snorted. If their dad found out about this, she'd never forgive her brother! Then, there was a sudden ruffle. Lumi turned, hoping to see Sora. And... company. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. [color=CD7F32][b]"Sora! You said it'd be just be us two!"[/b][/color] They weren't going on some fun field trip! This could be dangerous! Her cheeks puffed out stubbornly as she glowered at Sora, then Cane and Storm. [color=CD7F32][i]We don't have the time to argue, so I guess we just gotta go.[/i] [b]"Whatever,"[/b][/color] she growled, her ears flattening slightly. [color=CD7F32][b]"We better go now if we want to be back by the time dad wakes up."[/b][/color] And so off they went. The trip to Ember Cave couldn't have taken more than an hour, she figured, because the moon hadn't moved much in the sky by the time they cut through the crags in the mountainside. They had even had to go through some thorny shrubs and muddy puddles too, which stuck into and soiled her fur. There were times when they even crept a bit too close to the edge of the cliff and she even got to look down into the valley below. So that was the river that everyone talked about. It looked so tiny from so far up, and the distance between her and the surface of the rushing white-water river frightened her. Thankfully, they arrived at the mouth of the cave safe and sound. The entrance overlooked another deadly drop below, but at least if they fell, they had the chance to be caught by the current of the river. It was a big opening, she realized, one that yawned out into the valley like a sleepy Salamence. There was a warmth that emitted from inside, and she wondered why that was so. Were there fire Pokemon in there, or was it just naturally that hot inside a cave? Lumi puffed out her chest as she looked towards her brothers. [color=CD7F32][b]"I'll lead the way!"[/b][/color] she stated proudly. Her tail stuck out behind her, a flag bearing the pride yet silent fear that ran through her body. She wanted to be an explorer, so that meant she had to be brave in the face of danger, right? She glanced down towards the younger of her siblings, her eyes softening for a moment as she patted his head with a tender paw. [color=CD7F32][b]"Stay close and don't go off too far, Cane. Storm and Sora, let me know if you see anything that might help us."[/b][/color] After giving the two older brothers a curt nod and a determined smirk, she turned and lead the way into the cave itself. It was... well, dark to say the least. And musty. Spears of stones hung from the ceiling and jutted from the ground. The main pathway was wide, but narrowed as they went deeper and deeper. So far, there were no Pokemon around, but the closing in of the walls started to get her nervous. Thankfully, the space fluctuated here and there, giving them space then making them squeeze against walls and travel in a line. Eventually, they came across another large area. To her surprise, there were one or two torches that lined the walls and lit up the area, and that was when she could finally see shadows move in the corners of the room. Paws, legs, tails, everything of the sort slithered against smooth stone. Swallowing nervously, Lumi pulled them close to the wall and behind a row of stalactites. [color=CD7F32][b]"We need to get around those Pokemon. Do you guys see any openings?"[/b][/color] she asked them before she turned and scanned the room again. There had to be smaller openings around here somewhere. [/color]