[@Dark Cloud] Here, some thought of my character might have should she notice about yours [Pseudo-IC: Suzy Chen] Suzy looked at a profile just given to her by the fixer med-tech, Gecko. [color=violet]"Looks dangerous, this Sanguinis... I could never risk myself to get involved with him, where did you get the intel for this... assassin?"[/color] "Lawmen's archive, a netrunner helped me to access the database; also a tech-fellow noticed some backdoor purchase in some certain cybernetics combination to a certain address, fitting only for either a contract assassin, or a murderer." [color=violet]"Is it likely that this person would work under someone?"[/color] "For a right price, maybe." [color=violet]"That's what I have to take into equation, he's going to be a formidable foe, should he choose to cooperate with the Conglomerate."[/color] "You still have grudge against them?" [color=violet]"Why do you think I'm still holding onto my life despite having these things inside my stomach? Beside, it's not a grudge, it's about..."[/color] "Nah, nah, we can talk about ethics later, don't let me waste your time, you're here for some maintenance on those things inside your stomach." [color=violet]"Of course."[/color] [/Pseudo-IC]