[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color]

[hider=inventory]GP: 200
Items: PokeBall 4x, Potion x1[/hider]

Stella was breaking to have a meal with her Pokemon. They'd battled a few wild Pokemon by now, and she'd made some keen observations of the Pokemon around her, like which ones were less common. Which ones seemed stronger. She'd make an effort to catch a Rookidee at some point, but there had been something else she'd noticed.

She finished eating quickly and looked around. She'd seen them around this route, so she was glad she came this way. They looked so adorable and fluffy, with their big, puffy fur mantle around the neck, and that big, dopey smile.

Ocul crawled up her arm to the top of her head as she looked about, wondering what she was looking for. Kaebe was savoring his food.

"[color=silver]Oh, Ocul. I'm looking for that dog Pokemon we've seen. You know the one, right?[/color]" The bug gave a chirp in response, lightly tugging a lock of Stella's hair to get her to look in his intended direction.

She looked, and smiled, "[color=silver]yes, that one![/color]"

A Yamper, rolled over on his back and sunning.

"[color=silver]What a cutie~, let's make friends.[/color]" She did it once... Could she do it again? Maybe Ocul could help her, or maybe they'd end up with another battle. She approached the electric dog casually, stopping at a respectable distance. "[color=silver]Hello~[/color]"

She was ready to move. Cute or not, this was a wild Pokemon, and not so wimpy as a Blipbug.