Stop, drop, and roll! Chen clutches the painting to her chest and flings herself on the ship deck around her, landing hard on her shoulder and rolling about like a big cylinder with her prize clutched against her protected by her tightly wrapped arms. In a momen when she's done putting out the fire and protecting what she can of the painting, she breathes again and tries to let her brain catch up to her intinct. Chen begins taking a look around, the sun on her head still blazing brightly. Okay, half the ship is an inferno. Well, she did take her eyes off all the monks and foxes for who knows how long so she can't really say this result was unexpected. Did she help start it as part of waking her sun up, or was the fox conspiracy as ready with arson as they were with kidnapping? Not that it mattered all that much, as the shrieking of foxes and the crackling roar of the blaze merge together into a general bedlam. One would be forgiven for thinking that Chen might be panicking at this point. Her very large on-loan cruise ship is significantly more on fire than a few moments ago and everything is in chaos. But no. Chen's grinning. This is, well, it's a problem she can try and tackle by racing about like the wind, and working with Rose. She might not fix it all, sure, but it's just so absolutely physical in nature that she can just go at it the best she can and if that's not enough then that's okay too, they'll pull the foxes out of the water in life rafts for the last leg, just you watch her! As she takes in the scene, Chen also sees Rose coming around the ship deck, gesturing for the old monk who had landed with her to go indoors. And mmm, she looks so good with her scarf and her bare muscles doing that maid's polite gesture for him to go ahead. Chen wants to linger there and just take in the sight, and gosh wouldn't it be nice to let Rose handle everything? But she figures Rose is imagining the same thing and besides she can't just pull up a beach chair by the pool full of foxes, pull her sunglasses down, and tan to the roaring fire, now can she? All of that took only a few seconds once she was off the ground, and then a few more for the admiring gaze of Rose. Then, Chen's off like a bolt, blasting across the ship deck at top speed as she flings herself to the main building wall of the ship where there's emergency fire suppression equipment. She slows enough to rest the painting against a wall that's not on fire. She doesn't want it to burn down, but it's fine if the foxes or the monks steal it, so as long as it's not destroyed she's good. Then she lowers her sunglasses (eye protection always important, even in a pinch!), grabs her sword hilt and smashes the glass open, pulling out a huge hose and cranking on the water. The big thing is nearly as big as she is, and as she hefts it over her shoulder, she looks rather like a scaled up version of a little girl trying to heft a garden hose to water some flowers. But this is the whole ship deck and Chen's got magic on her side. She hefts the hose more firmly over her shoulder and takes off into the air riding atop her sword as the water starts rushing through the hose. Surfing on the sword blade, Chen begins spraying across the deck, dousing wood and foxes alike as though a geyser has sprung into being in midair ten feet above the ship deck. She starts working across the deck systemically, first putting out the small fires to contain it, and then working her way towards the core of the blaze. All the while she's not speaking, but there's a grin on her face and as she goes, she starts laughing and giggling like a madwoman as she hose scours the surface of the ship! All the while, the shard upon her head is glowing and pulsing, gaining strength. [Chen will defy disaster. She was putting the ship at risk if she didn't do a good enough job, but with showing off her legendary skill as the chosen, the result is a 10 (6+1+2+1).]