[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 776 (+2 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 40/90 [b]Location:[/b] Edge of the Blue[/color][/center] The dark wave that washed over the beach, the island, and the heroes themselves had to signal the true end of the battle. It was just like after the Enderdragon's defeat, especially so when after a few moments of tense patience, nothing else emerged from the surf to stand against the Seekers. There was only the spirit of the Orphan of Kos, presented to the group on a bed of golden-colored hands. When all was quiet the Cadet began his transition out of battle-mode. With the alchemy barrel empty of contents, it easily shrunk down small enough to stow in the hunter's item pouch. He wasn't sure how the shades had procured it, but he was thankful that they did - and that it didn't disappear after the guardian's defeat. The device was sure to come in handy again. His armor had miraculously held up, though it was dented and had some small punctures in various places. Nothing a touch up couldn't fix. His weapons were safely sheathed, though the lance wasn't salvageable - pieces of it resurfaced on the beach, which the Cadet collected. Who knew, maybe they would be useful somehow. He had tried to take some of the crystalline hands that sprouted up from the sand, but the feeling he got from them was... awful, and dark. Just being around them was hard. They were better left there on the beach. As the sun started to shine down on the island, the Seekers reconvened. Everyone was exhausted and then some, and there was a sobering feeling hanging in the air. It was dispersed by Nadia with some much needed levity. The Ace Cadet let out a loud snort in response to her pun. Following it was Geralt's rather anticlimatic fusion, which put the Cadet in a much lighter mood. He usually worried for the people fusing, but this was pretty much the best outcome they could have hoped for. [color=salmon]"That's really handy,"[/color] he said in regards to the Witcher's explanation for the subdued changes. With the area's boss taken care of, the only thing left to do was go home he supposed. The manner in which they did that was in question though. The Atomos was one option, thought several counterpoints were brought up. [color=salmon]"Don't think we could all fit in it anyway,"[/color] the Cadet reminded them, as half of the crew had taken to traversing the sea by ship. Blazermate offered a teleporter, but the Koopa prince was quicker on the draw with his portal-creating art. Not all of the Seekers were quite ready to leave yet, as it turned out. After Link retrieved the spirit of Delsin, he, Kamek, Sakura, and Rika decided to sweep the island again. Normally the Ace Cadet would join them, but... he was tired, so tired that he felt it in his bones. This whole adventure left him much more drained than he probably had ever felt in his life, between all of the close calls and the new feeling of revulsion he had to grapple with around magic after the Maw. With all the adrenaline fading from his system, he was definitely on team "get the hell out of here." [color=salmon]"I'll go with Junior,"[/color] the Cadet told Kamek. [color=salmon]"The palicoes are pros, but I wanted to check in on everyone they looked after anyway. Better make sure Shippy made it back in one piece too."[/color] He did feel some sense of responsibility towards those that the felynes carried away and he [i]was[/i] worried about the living sea vessel, but saying it out loud just made his body feel heavier. He could use a good night's sleep and a meal or three. The hunter pinched the bridge of his nose to will away the sleepiness and the headache that was sure to come along with it. Once the painting portal was completed, he shuffled through it with the rest of those eager to leave the Carcass Isle behind. The relief that seeing the Alcamoth brought washed away the last of the ill feelings brought by the stormy sea and it's beach. Although inviting, he trudged right through on to Limsa. Their path took them through familiar streets and market stalls closed up for the night, including where he and Junior had met those piglets. Nadia wasn't far behind them, heading in the same direction, but beyond some light and brief comments the small group was mostly quiet. The Cadet waved her off as she headed to a room for some well deserved rest. He intended to follow suit, as soon as father and son were reunited and he confirmed the good health of Mirage, Shippy, and her captain.