Reminds me of Psycho Pass, except from the bad guy's POV. Sorry if this is a dumb question but what kinds of powers are allowed? This is a WIP uwu [IMG][/IMG] Name: Tori Gender: Female Age: Early twenties Appearance: Tall and fit, Tori could be pretty if she tried. With her broad shoulders and short, dirty blonde hair she could appear to look like a male from behind, but her body is much slimmer then a males could be. Her legs are long and strong, and her slim arms hide muscles. Her face is squarish, with large lips, a small nose, and round, gray eyes. Normally seen wearing form-fitting outfits that could possibly work as camouflage for when she is leaping around the city. Has many cuts, scars, and bruises all over her body from accidents of all kinds. Background: Ever since she was little Tori knew the labors of a working class citizen. Her parents both worked hard, Personality: A very independent soul, Tori finds working on her own to be a bit easier. She is very hard-headed and ruthlessly sharp-tongued, and if there is something that she needs or wants, she will not hold back at trying to get it. Cynical, her trust in people is faint, but she believes they all have a reason for living and thus refuses to kill any of them unless she completely needs to. Around those she trusts (which are few and varied, seeing as her making friends is very unlikely) she is kind, protective, and comfortable. Other then her people skills, Tori is surprisingly dim-witted when it comes to computers and other electronics, and hates the idea of being "modified" with these things and as such tries to avoid them the best she can. Her thoughts on today's society are "everyone is blind and stupid" and as such she has a strong sense of chaos, always wanting to cause a bit of an uproar to try and attract the attention of those always looking down. When it comes to planning, Tori is more of a "act before thinking" type of person, which sometimes works to her advantage (especially when it comes to free-running). It's not that she doesn't think at all before jumping, she just tries her best to do both at the same time. Has a very good memory, and she likes to draw maps of the best running routes she remembers during her free time (which helps with her tracking skill). Morality: Will not kill, innocent or not, only when she is in a very dire situation. Skill-Set: Free-running, hand to hand combat, tracking, mapping out areas Other: