[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] Level 10 Blazermate - (21/100) - 1 stored level up Carcass Isle Words: NA [/center] Blazermate, seeing a group of people still wanting to explore this hostile island, waved goodbye to Jr and those that left with him in his little painting. Although considering the stuff she saw on this island even with the guardian defeated, it might've been better to leave with Jr. Even free, the island inhabitants seemed to be incredibly hostile, or at least, indifferent in what they hurt. While Link and Sakura talked about what defeating the boss meant and all that, Blazermate kept healing herself and the others as they explored the island, backtracking and all. They did eventually find a group that the others seemed to be interested in talking to, other Abyssal Princesses. Blazermate did absorb a spirti of an abyssal princess earlier, but she figured if she brought that up that might harm things worse than they were. But considering how hostile even the cute fish creatures were, the creature killing Kamek's clone and another beast with its large knife in one strike, before Kamek finished it off. Seeing as a few of the others were having second thoughts, Blazermate said. [color=0072bc]"So... I think we should go... Like, if this is just their default state like that kid monster Bowser tried to help it doesn't seem to be worth our time?"[/color] The Medabot was questioning even staying, so she was hoping these guys would want to go sooner than later. ========================================================= [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (20/80) [b]Location:[/b] Atop the mountain [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] Having laid into the creature, it retaliated much like ti did to the attacks of the others, by spinning and shaking off its attackers, sending even the bee queen flying. Although unlike many of the others, Sectonia could recover form her tumble without much issue, evne if it was comical seeing a large bee like her do a few spins in the air. [color=92278f]"This isn't much of a 'guardian' is it? I've got a feeling that things will get much worse once its dead."[/color] Sectonia said, echoing the opinions of a few others as she got ready to go in for another attack. This was their enemy, even if it was 'passive', it would eventually have to fall. Soon though, many of the others stopped attacking this creature, having heavily wounded it with all of their attacks, feeling sorry for having attacked something that wasn't attacking back. Heck, Midna's apprehension after having revealed another weak point made Tora stop, and the nipon was fairly bloodthirsty Sectonia noted. Although if this was misplaced pity like Midna was want to do or a genuine good idea Sectonia didn't know. An idea did present itself though, as a few allies pointed out that the bell this thing was circling and the statues holding it were part of the 'riddle' of the area, and that might reveal why this creature was either passive, or possibly the 'real' boss of the area. There was an idea of destroying the pillars, which Sectonia begrudgingly went with. [color=92278f]"Hmph, very well. We can try to destroy these pillars and 'free' this bell, seeing at this creature refuses to fight back. We can kill it at any time it seems if thats the case."[/color] Sectonia then flew next to Midna, glaring at the imp. [color=92278f]"But will this be another case of a 'bleeding heart' for you? Need I remind you the last time you tried to spare something for it to only bite you in the end?"[/color] Seeing as the others were getting ready to destroy these pillars, Sectonia summoned some Fire Antillions to help smash them as well, seeing as they were Sectonia's strongest antilion type in raw physical strength. She also hasted the more physically gifted of her allies as well, their newfound speed hopefully expediting how fast they could destroy these things.