[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=inventory]GP: 1200 Items: PokeBall 3x[/hider] She was about to give up. It had been a while... If there had been one, had it already run away? If there had even been one. She was just going on an assumption that there might be. She was considering just going and looking for that Rookidee when she heard Kaebe yelp and thrash about a bit. When she saw the Joltic attached to her Pokemon, she couldn't help but grin. It had worked! Now to capture it. "[color=silver]Kaebe, use tail whip and smack it on the ground once, then hold it still. Ocul, get ready to jump on it with Struggle Bug, if it tries to get away.[/color]" She'd be ready with a PokeBall, aware that her little jaw dinosaur might have to struggle against the paralysis. Just the one hit from Kaebe should do it, though she couldn't say she'd ever heard of tail whip being used offensively.