[@Zapdos] I hope my gooey friend here will be up to snuff! :)
[hider=Pete Coney AKA Slime]
[b]Name:[/b] Pete Coney

[b]Hero Name:[/b] Slime

[b]Age:[/b] 20 

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Family:[/b] Jameson Coney (Workoholic, overbearing dad who works at the local newspaper outlet as Publisher and Editor-in-chief), Priscilla Coney (Stay-at-home mom, enthusiastic baker and all-around great parental figure), Jessica (Jess) Coney (Older sister who left Lafayette for some abroad opportunities; inherited dad's work policies, but is a bit nicer. A bit.)

[b]Occupation:[/b] Works on the clean-up crew for a movie theatre; occasionally fills in for concessions as well (though he's prone to digging into said concessions....)

[b]Appearance:[/b] You know the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover'? Well....Maybe this book is a bit shallower than most. What you see is what you get with Pete Coney, from his horribly dated choice of beanies to his cheesy Star Wars tee. Finish it off with some crappy beige cargo shorts and wearing [i]crocs[/i] and you can tell he's out of touch. As far as his actual physical appearance goes, he ain't much to look at, either. He's a wiry guy, probably only weighing a little over 130 lbs., and stands at a fairly average 5'8...Though that might be because he slouches so much. Beyond that, he's got pale white skin (pale enough to make it clear he oughta spend more time outside), murky blue eyes that make it seem like he's never quite all there (which, to be fair, he often isn't), and his large nose that people poke fun at pretty often, but he's good at letting it slide. 



[b]Slime Body -[/b] Pete possesses the ability to morph either parts of his body or his whole form into that of an amorphous, slime-like material. The slime is resilient to most forms of damage, either simply bouncing it off, or, if the assault offers too much resistance, merely splits apart and reforms later (though he still feels it somewhat, so he's never eager to get blasted into bits). The slime is also flexible, and capable of immense amounts of stretching, though he's quite bad at doing that manually as of right now....

Beyond that, the slime's composition is unique in that it can be subtly altered by the user. He doesn't realize this as of now, as it's a rather complex piece of this puzzle, but he unconsciously utilizes it by changing the slime to have more sticking power from time to time, allowing him to cling to and climb surfaces, as well as snare up baddies with his whole 'bod. 

Lastly, his slime has a notable regenerative quality, though when possible, prefers to merely reconstitute itself from existing parts if possible. As such, if part of his slime body is torn apart, blasted away, etc., it's more likely the bits will find themselves once more and merely reform into a proper body, rather than try to remake the whole thing. 

[hider=Full Slime Body][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/451869516830474240/951567030379741184/R.png[/img][/hider]

[*] Due to the slime's ability to reject or nullify most forms of harm, and reform itself under real damage, they are an incredibly resilient and annoying combatant, if nothing else. 
[*] The adhesive properties Pete unknowingly activates on occasion are incredibly strong, and if he can get his full body around an individual, it could even stop individuals with fair levels of Superhuman Strength, among other things. 
[*] Thanks to the slime's insane amount of stretchability, it is extremely resilient to any form of blunt force. Not to mention, if he can learn how to manually stretch himself, it will open up a wide window of possibilities. 

[*] His raw strength with his slime body is....Very lacking. In fact, due to an absence of real musculature, he's quite weak as far as that goes. This can be amended through clever use of his stretching and adhesive qualities, but that will take time to master. 
[*] While the slime body can reform itself even under dire circumstances, it takes time for it to recollect all of the missing mass, and until it does, Pete's head is a scrambled mess, and he's effectively helpless. 
[*] It's an odd weakness, but due to how lightweight and flexible his slime body can be, it means that an effective way of neutralizing him is merely to find a way to contain him. And since his slime body can compact itself rather easily, the size of said container won't matter either. He's had an embarrassing encounter with a vacuum before...
[*] Not quite a weakness per se, but definitely an annoyance, is that his clothing doesn't work well with turning into a slime dude...So he usually takes it off before changing, which means after the cool battle's over he has to slink off and find his clothes again. Maybe eventually he'll figure out a trick to avoid this.

[*] While he wouldn't call himself an expert, he's not bad at baking things (which has absolutely no correlation to another pastime of his. None at all...)
[*] He's gotten really good at cleaning things up thanks to his job at the theatre. I mean [i]really[/i] good....It also might help that his slime body can dissolve most stuff he puts in it. Maybe. 
[*] He likes to skate sometimes. He isn't good. But hey, he likes it, and he's getting....A little better. 
[*] He's been talked into doing very dumb things quite a few times, and the only reason he's made it out of those situations without something broken (or worse) is because he's a bit more dexterous than you'd expect, and can do a bit of honestly impressive parkour, even before he became a slime monster. 

[b]Equipment:[/b] He takes his skateboard most places, and a cheap camcorder as well, because he likes to record when funny or interesting things happen. That's been happening a lot more often recently. Also, he has an iPod, because he thinks they're cool and doesn't like more modern phone crap. It shits out at least twice a week. 

[b]Personality:[/b] Pete is a very laid-back dude, never sweating the details, chillaxed and cool. Probably because he's a bit of a pothead. Still, he's a likeable enough guy, if more than a bit impressionable and naive, not to mention a little too talkative for his own good...But he's got a good heart, even if he might be taking the idea of heroics lighter than he ought to.

Biography: Pete always was sorta lost with what to do with himself. From a young age, his father pressured him into being decisive about what he wanted to be when he grew up, and it had the opposite intended effect; the guy could never settle on anything, and he thought it'd finally catch up with him once he got outta high school just last year. Sure, he had a job, but it wasn't exactly worth a life career, and even then, he burnt most of it on weed, which he then also proceeded to burn. Needless to say, he saw the place his life was heading towards...And couldn't muster the energy to care. 

That changed. 

The meteor landed. He thought that was a pretty crazy thing to happen, but it got wilder soon after. The same night after the crash, when he was cruising on some special brownies and takin' a trip, he came back to semi-consciousness with a...Notably lower field of vision. Namely, flat on the ground. In fact, he [i]felt[/i] quite flat. When he tried to move, all he could feel was a strange wobble, and as he moved his eyes around his new form, he realized he was a puddle of slime on the floor. 

If he wasn't baked off his mind, he probably would've screamed. 

Instead, he simply thought [i]'Huh. Cool.'[/i] And kept lying there without a care in the world. It was only the day after when he realized that wasn't just some fever dream; it really happened. He tried experimenting with his new ability, changing parts of his body into that strange goo, getting a feel for the experience. Honestly? He thought it was pretty cool. Then a thought cropped up in his head. His life was on a one-way track to Nowhereville until now, but hey, y'know what they say? If you got it, flaunt it. Thus, for reasons probably not quite as noble as some, Pete decided that it'd be way more interesting to try being a hero in a hero-less world than being a nobody sitting in his parent's basement smoking joints. 

[b]Anything Else:[/b] Pete's favorite Electric Pokemon is definitely Stunfisk. I mean, just look at it! What a funny little guy.