[hider=Ríoghnach][center] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/99f65139-2875-429e-a879-ccbc5a4afca5/d88razn-660fbd82-143b-4441-b0fa-2a750b069a5e.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzk5ZjY1MTM5LTI4NzUtNDI5ZS1hODc5LWNjYmM1YTRhZmNhNVwvZDg4cmF6bi02NjBmYmQ4Mi0xNDNiLTQ0NDEtYjBmYS0yYTc1MGIwNjlhNWUuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.UWDXi4xiEK9_zbv4zKN0de0aEwWYHN0qNjAEHg5m4q4[/img] [h1][b][color=DAF6C7]Ríoghnach "Riona"[/color] | [color=DAF6C7]24[/color] | [color=DAF6C7]Female[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] [h2][u][b][color=DAF6C7]Appearance[/color][/b][/u][/h2] [b][color=DAF6C7]Height:[/color][/b]5”10’/177cm [b][color=DAF6C7]Weight:[/color][/b]146lb/66kg [b][color=DAF6C7]Eye Color:[/color][/b] The darkest of browns, almost black [b][color=DAF6C7]Hair Length/Texture:[/color][/b] Mid-back length/Wavy curls [b][color=DAF6C7]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Predominantly black with some brown strands [b][color=DAF6C7]Skin Color:[/color][/b] Olive [b][color=DAF6C7]Facial details(freckles, moles, etc):[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=DAF6C7]Distinguishing features:[/color][/b] Hidden under her clothes are countless scars. Most are minor: ones that come from simple mishaps; normal scars that could form on anyone over the course of their lives. Some look like marks left by corporal punishment. But the largest, nastiest scars are on her abdomen and back. Based on the angle, one can surmise that the scars came from what should have been a fatal stab wound. [b][color=DAF6C7]Clothing Preferences:[/color][/b] As a servant who works under the Danrose family —one that the royal family may even see— there are strict protocols to what Riona can or cannot wear. Like many of the other domestic workers, Riona is often seen wearing the issued uniform: a simple, modest servant's dress that covers as much skin as possible, from neck to toe, and a brooch which signifies that the person wearing it was a property of the Danrose. When in uniform, Riona's hair is tied into a tight bun or tucked away in a mobcap. On the rare occasion that she is off duty or doing manual labor outdoors, Riona prefers to wear tunics and pants that are long enough to cover her limbs. [hr] [h2][u][b][color=DAF6C7]Psychology[/color][/b][/u][/h2] [b][color=DAF6C7]Likes:[/color][/b][list][*] Music [*] Art work [*] Money [*] Freedom[/list] [b][color=DAF6C7]Dislikes:[/color][/b][list][*] The Danrose bloodline, the King in particular (though the Queen is a close second) [*] Uncleanliness [*] Wastefulness [*] Unfulfilled promises[/list] [b][color=DAF6C7]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Bisexual/Demiromantic [b][color=DAF6C7]Hobbies:[/color][/b][list][*] Singing [*] Dancing [*] Drawing [*] Crafting[/list] [b][color=DAF6C7]Life Goals/Dreams:[/color][/b] To get out of her current situation and find happiness. [b][color=DAF6C7]Personality Summary:[/color][/b] While on duty as a housemaid, Riona is a quiet and reserved woman. She's a conscientious worker who reliably completes what is asked of her, but beyond that, she is more or less invisible to members of the Danrose family and their guests. A living doll, whose sole purpose in life is to be at the beck and call of her betters. Once hidden from Danroses and Danrose loyalist's eyes and ears, Riona becomes much more unruly, frank, and short-tempered. With how much she must hold herself back on a daily basis dealing with stuck-up nobles, she has little patience left to deal with others' nonsense outside of her job. Had Riona abandoned all sense of responsibility, she would have left this life for another with more freedom. But she doesn't. She can't. Not because she is loyal to the Danrose family —far from it—, but because she holds onto grudges with a vice-like grip. [hr] [h2][u][b][color=DAF6C7]Background[/color][/b][/u][/h2] [b][color=DAF6C7]Current occupation:[/color][/b] Maidservent [b][color=DAF6C7]Any past occupations?:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=DAF6C7]Relatives:[/color][/b] Orphaned [b][color=DAF6C7]Skills:[/color][/b][list][*] Most dometic skills (such as cooking, cleaning, and sewing) [*] Stealth (To be considered a good maid in the Danrose family, one must learn to be unseen, unheard, and unnoticed) [*] Gardening [*] Herbalism [*] Scouting [*] Knife and dagger proficiency [*] Singing [*] Drawing[/list] [b][color=DAF6C7]History Summary:[/color][/b] When Riona was little, her family was killed before her very eyes. With no one else to look after her, Riona was taken in by a family acquaintance who happened to be a gardener employed by the Danroses. As she started to assist the gardener with work, she also started taking on menial tasks below stairs. This eventually led her to be officially trained and employed as a maidservant. [hr] [hider=Questionnaire][h2][u][b][color=DAF6C7]Questionnaire[/color][/b][/u][/h2] During the entire interview, the servant remains perfectly still, maintaining a blank expression, and only talks in a tone which makes it difficult to discern what she is really feeling. [u][b][color=DAF6C7]History[/color][/b][/u] [b]Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"The head housekeeper made sure I was trained properly." [i]I'd say 50/50. Not completely neglected, but not really nurtured. I was actually treated pretty well for being an orphan, all things considered.[/i][/color] [b]When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"It would be highly unprofessional to abandon one's duties just because one's feelings were hurt. Such behavior should not be tolerated." [i]There's really nowhere I can reliably go to, so I usually run to the first place I can be alone in. Even better if that somewhere has a pillow I can punch or scream into.[/i][/color] [b]What were you like in your teenage years?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Ignoring the occasional hiccup, disciplined." [i]A hormonal mess, which I guess is what teens are. I think I mellowed out since then... Comparatively speaking.[/i][/color] [b]How close are you to your parents?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Not very close, considering they are no longer with us." [i]But when they were alive? ... I hope so. I can barely remember what they looked like now.[/i][/color] [b]Do you have any trauma that haunts you?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Nothing that will impact my duties." [i]My family and friends' death.[/i][/color] [b]What advice would you give your younger self?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Study as hard as you can." [i]And it doesn't change what will happen? Then nothing... Wait, no. 'Spend as much time with everyone.'[/i][/color] [b]Were you an obedient child or defiant?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"I have been, am, and forever will be, His Majesty's loyal servant." [i]As surprising at it sounds, I think I've always been more on the obedient side, even as a little rascal. If anything, I wish I was more defiant. Like, start a revolution or something. Instead, I'm just spitting into their drinks and food when I know no one's watching.[/i][/color] [b]What is your biggest regret?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"I have no regrets. I am honored to serve His Royal Majesty." [i]Being the lone survivor.[/i][/color] [u][b][color=DAF6C7]Romance[/color][/b][/u] [b]Have you ever been in love? :[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"I am devoted to serving the royal family." [i]Teenage love, with one of the stable boys. I even considered eloping with him. That dream ended when he was trampled to death because a couple of noble brats thought it'd be funny to scare the horses sh*tless.[/i][/color] [b]What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"A respectable, honest man who is devoted to serving Caesonia as much as I am." [i] Someone —anyone— who makes me feel safe. Who cares about... me, as a person. Not... as a tool.[/i][/color] [b]How do you display affection? What is your love language?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"I will have to refrain from answering such inappropriate questions." [i]With the amount of work I have, it might be hard to spend time together... all I can give are words of affirmation and physical touch. But... the thing is... with the physical touch. I have a hard time with it sometimes. It's not that I dislike the intimacy... it's just... Well. I just need time to get comfortable with it.[/i][/color] [b]Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Forgive me for repeating myself, but I will have to refrain from answering inappropriate questions." [i]As much as I want to say it was with that stable boy, it wasn't. My first kiss was one of those 'practice-kisses' with one of the other maids-in-training. It was... a bumbling attempt at best.[/i][/color] [b]Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"No." [i]No and I probably never will understand why that's even a thing. It just sounds like infatuation for how someone looks.[/i][/color] [b]What does marriage mean to you?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"The union of two families." [i]An economic proposition? I know, it's not the least bit romantic, but really, what's it for aside from legally claiming that the other person, and their things, are also 'yours'?[/i][/color] [b]Are you currently crushing on anyone?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"No." [i]Nope.[/i][/color] [b]Do you ever consider having children in the future?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"If circumstance allows it." [i]Eh. I guess? Maybe? Who knows.[/i][/color] [u][b][color=DAF6C7]Personality[/color][/b][/u] [b]Describe your ideal Sunday morning:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"To have everything perfectly prepared for the family, like any other day of the week." [i]Not having to work.[/i][/color] [b]What kind of person do you aspire to be?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"The perfect servant, one worthy to be a Lady's maid or even head housekeeper." [i]A free person.[/i][/color] [b]What bad habits do you have?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Some have told me that I should smile more often while on duty." [i]I think it's this job, but I think I can get a bit too picky about stupid little things.[/i][/color] [b]If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Absolutely nothing." [i]Everything, if I could.[/i][/color] [b]What is your greatest fear?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Tardiness." [i]That nothing changes.[/i][/color] [b]What are your pet peeves?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Imperfection." [i]You know when something gets disorganized or dirty just when you finished organizing or cleaning it a second ago? Yeah, that. Makes me feel like I wasted my f**kingtime. [/i][/color] [b]When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"As a professional, one should know how to deal with such unproductive emotions." [i]Alone if I'm still at work. With others, if I'm not.[/i][/color] [b]Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?:[/b] [color=DAF6C7]"Fighting is not in my job description." [i]If the fight is not dangerous, then maybe with words. But, I'd probably be really bad at it. I always have my knife with me, so I won't hesitate to use it if things turn for the worst.[/i][/color] [/hider][/hider]