[center][h1][color=37B5A9]Stephanie Irwin[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/934958596612034630/Konachan.com_-_237143_sample.png[/img] [hider=Inventory] Pokedollars: 1800 1xpotion 4xpokeballs [/hider] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=Team] [hider=Numero Uno] [color=80FCFF]Dusk[/color] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/x-y/shiny/litwick.png[/img] Species: Litwick Type: Fire/Ghost Level: 6 Status: Dunking on some scumbag loser Moves: Smog, Ember, Astonish Ability: Infiltrator- Passes through the opposing barrier, substitute, and the like and strikes. Held Item: [/hider] [hider=Numero Duo] [color=A8A7A5]Dennis[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eGE2pGC.png[/img] Species: Pidove Type: Flying/Normal Level: 4 Status: No longer Beaten to a pulp Moves: Gust, Growl, Leer Ability: Super Luck- Increases the critical hit ratio by 1 stage. Held Item: [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pc] [/hider] [/hider] [/center] God it was satisfying, hearing the crunch of bone on bone, as she wailed on this absolute piece of shit scumbag. If one didn't know any better, they might've mistaken him for a punching bag in a gym. At least that's how she was treating him as she brought her fists down on him again and again. [color=37B5A9]"Tohk abeow' ih'? Faht fuckin chahnce yah absolute poile of shiieh'! Thiies is faw staylin frawm me, thiies is faw attahckin me, thiies is faw-"[/color] As she went to hit him again, bringing her arm back to land another painful blow on the scum of the earth beneath her she suddenly felt something, or rather someone grab her and pull her back. In the heat of the moment, she almost went to swing at the person who had done so till she looked up and saw it was Kapoc. Wait, why was [i]he[/i] so mad? Unless he found out that she had lost the pokedex? Nah surely he couldn't have known. Speaking of which.... [color=37B5A9]"Yayh and Oy'll fuckin do ih' aguyn yah payce of uttah rawtten Growlithe shiieh'! Ahrest me? [i]Yah fuckin attahcked me weeth a Sneasal[/i] aftah fuckin tykin moy pokaedex yah fuckin diied! Naow geeve ih' bahck and [i]mybee[/i] Oy'll theenk abeow' nawt baytin yah intao the naext fuckin saenturay!"[/color] Assuming Kapoc even understood a word of it, it might answer his question otherwise she just seemed to be ignoring him for now. If one paid attention, they could almost see the steam coming out of her ears, the killing intent in her eyes as she glared at the petty thief. Though finally, after a moment she finally spared Kapoc a glance as she went to push him away or try to slip her arm away from him to go have another crack at the man. "[color=37B5A9]And yah, fuckin laeh' gao of me oolraydy! Oy ine't dun taychin thiies crook a fuckin laessawn yaeh'![/color]"