[color=pink]"See, this is what I'm always talking about. You there, chatbot, you're the problem. Mods, get him already. No one's here to read yet another Nova-"[/color]
Mira trails off. Her phone is ringing. She checks the screen, reads "Contractor," and her mood gets a little worse.
[color=pink]"Ad break."[/color]
Her lenses retract. She's alone in the alley again. [color=pink]"Hey-hey?"[/color]
A synthesized voice slowly reads out her ID number in the Milicor Operations Division. She sighs. [color=pink]"That's me."[/color]
[color=olivedrab]"Verification code."[/color]
[color=olivedrab]"Message drop. Grid coordinates NC 1991, 743. Requires decryption key. Will provide upon acknowledgement."[/color]
[color=pink]"Faraday, record the following code as 'Decryption Key.'"[/color]
Talking to Milicor can be exhausting.

Behind a pile of garbage bags, Mira finds her drop: a thumb drive in a plastic bag. Plug it into her phone, have Faraday connect to the phone. Such a lot of work.
[color=lightskyblue][sub]"Contents encrypted."[/sub][/color]
[color=pink]"Use Decryption Key to decrypt it."[/color]
[color=lightskyblue][sub]"Processing. Contents decrypted. One text document."[/sub][/color]
[color=pink]"Read it to me."[/color]
[color=lightskyblue][sub]"Warning: unauthorized viewing or photography of this document is a class 2-"[/sub][/color]
She rolls her eyes, her patience nearly dry. [color=pink]"Faraday, skip this paragraph."[/color]

[color=lightskyblue][sub]"Operative NCS947: Your services are urgently required in your current sector. 40% advance payment has been sent to your account. Briefing pursuant:
Unknown operatives, presumed independent, have recently been reported in armed conflict with security forces wearing identification from the Bematech Corporation in an unknown structure at NC 1440, 311. Police response has apprehended the operatives - as of time of writing, cruiser is currently enroute to precinct at NC 742, 521. Objectives pursuant:
Identify objective of independent operatives. Identify purpose of presumed Bematech facility. Report any further information regarding the conflict or the facility. Minimize personal and MDI involvement according to SOP, with allowance for freeing independent operatives from custody if necessary.
Videocall booth at NC 1439, 314 is reserved until 500 hours local time for post-action report.
Local Regulator cells have been notified of imminent operation and limited cooperation can be expected. Per usual, do not expect extensive help in conflict with police.
Post-script: Mira, we're serious about non-interference for this one. From where I'm sitting, this looks bigger than I can tell you. Don't get seen any more than you absofuckinglutely have to, and follow false flag protocols if you slip up. To be clear: if you get this traced to us, you're on your own with police, Bema, and whoever else you piss off. Go gentle as you can.
Lt. Brave, MDI Operations, Senior Handler.
Message ends."[/sub][/color]

Mira's annoyance fades away entirely about midway through. There's no space for it. She quietly ends the ad break, checks the ammo in her handgun, and starts making plans.
[color=pink]"Guys, I might have to end the stream soon,"[/color] she whispers, her thoughts elsewhere: over a thousand Milicor coordinate blocks away.
When it rains, it pours.