[center][h1][color=DB7E07]Jason Connor[/color][/h1] [hider=Inventory] Pokédollars: 900p 1x Potion 6x Pokeballs Camping Kit Spelunking Equipment Good Rod, Red [/hider] [hider=On hand] [center]Slayer[/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b7e864e4-28fe-4e82-9f1e-7ec0faf851df.png[/img][/center] Species: Ralts Gender: ♂ Type: Psychic/Fairy Personality: Jolly Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Takes great interest in watching Jason’s bladework Level: 7 Moves: Disarming Voice, Growl, Double Team, Confusion Ability: Telepathy-Allows avoiding friendly fire from allies. Held Item: Oran Berry [center]Murus[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DOnMgQh.png?1[/img][/center] Species: Golett Gender: N/A Type: Ground/Ghost Personality: Relaxed Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Enjoys lining up boulders and small stones. Holds long conversations with Slayer. Level: 6 Moves: Astonish, Mud Slap, Defense Curl Ability: Iron Fist [i]Causes the power of affected punching moves to increase by 20%.[/i] Held Item: None [center]Sable[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JqNat8A.png?1[/img][/center] Gender: Female Type: Water Personality: Naive Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Stays close to the group at all times after nearly being poached. Level: 6 Moves: Scratch, Leer, Water Gun Ability: Sheer Force [i]Removes added effects to increase move damage.[/i] Held Item: None [/hider] [hider=PC] Empty for now [/hider][/center] Looking around as they walked, the transition from the outer woods to the Deep Woods was practically impossible to miss as the lighting around them slowly faded. After a while, it was only just bright enough for them to barely see and, as a precaution, Jason let Slayer out of his ball, keeping the Ralts close by. His Pokedex continued to outline which of the visible 'mon were which and when it was done, all it did was put him on edge. [i]All these bug types...fortunately, Slayer has his Fairy typing to help resist, but still...[/i] Nevermind that he knew enough about Spinarak to know that its larger evolution, Ariados, was likely lurking somewhere nearby as well. Couple that with the angry Beedrill, the myriad of webs, the many pitfalls and the poor lighting and it was hardly a surprise this guy didn't want to come in here alone. Glancing around again, he eventually sighs. "I'm going to guess this thing has some incredible cutting power with all the webs floating around in here. What exactly is it you're all thinking it is? Scyther comes to mind if we're talking cutting power."