[@Lunarlord34] Oh, right. Her accent. Kapoc sighed and loosened his grip on Steph's arm. It hasn't even been a full day since this girl became a trainer and she's already gotten herself in this mess. Upon looking around, he noticed the injured Sneasel that his little sister was holding. His eyes narrowed as he looked back at the assault victim and then back to the Pokemon. It looked like he was starting to put some pieces together on what exactly was going on, albeit he was missing some vital pieces of information. [color=ed1c24]"Freya, what exactly happened?"[/color] Due to the laziness of the GM, Freya recounted the entire series of events that led to this moment from Steph's Pokedex being stolen to the thief injuring his own Pokemon as a distraction in an attempt to get away. The more he heard, the more contorted with rage his face became until one would think that this man looked more demonic than human. [color=ed1c24]"So that's what happened... And he did that to his own Sneasel."[/color] He said through gritted teeth, his eyes were now trailing back to the thief and stepped towards the criminal. There was a loud crack. The professor had swung his leg in a low roundhouse kick against the thief's head, which then smacked against the pavement hard and was now completely out cold. Kapoc glared at the unconscious thief and spat in his general direction. His messy, long black hair was somehow even more disheveled now. The white-haired young man and Freya just looked at the professor in complete wide-eyed, mouth gaping shock as they watched him now pick up Steph's Pokedex and handed it back to her. [color=ed1c24]"Don't lose it again."[/color] He said so nonchalantly that one would not think he just cave some dude's head in like it was a football (or a soccer ball). [color=8882be]"What the[/color] [color=ed145b]hell Cedric?!"[/color], exclaimed both the white haired young man and Freya at the perpetually tired looking professor. It was less of surprise and more on the along the lines of, 'God dammit, not again.' In response, he simply shrugged. [color=ed1c24]"I'll deal with it. Besides, I'd rather not stop her journey when it's just beginning."[/color], he said while pulling his own smartphone out. It looked like he made a call to the proper authorities for this matter. Judging by the way he spoke, it seemed like he had some pull within the law enforcement. Professor Kapoc sighed and looked back towards the person that was accompanied by when they entered the scene. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry Basil, we'll catch up later."[/color] He pushed his hair back from his face and did his best to at least look somewhat presentable for when at least the cops arrived. [color=8882be]"It's fine. There's always next time, whenever that is."[/color] said Basil who didn't seem annoyed, but more disappointed. He turned his attention to the two girls. [color=8882be]"Come on, let's make ourselves scarce. You and that Sneasel need some patching up."[/color] It was probably no surprise to Steph, but her knuckles were very raw from beating that guy down. [hr] [@samreaper] The person that Tristan approached was a man that seemed to be in his mid-forties. His messy short, black hair was showing signs of graying early and his skin in a perpetual state of farmer's tan. He wore a very durable looking button-down shirt and dark brown pants that also looked like they could take a beating. In comparison to Neil, he was far scrawnier, but one would expect that this guy's body was pretty damn strong from all of the farm work. That and he was one arming an entire bale of hay. His attention was turned to the kid wearing nice clothes and yet, was also wearing some very worn, dirty black boots. "Yup, we heard from the boss. Not sure why he'd offer the job to a kid like you, but these are desperate times I s'pose." He said, tossing a bale of hay onto a truck. It did not escape his notice that the kid's nose crinkled up though he didn't blame him. No one is going to come out of a far smelling like a rose. Tristan examining the worker's clothes also did not escape his notice, but he let it slide. The kid then asked a pretty odd question, but okay then. [b]"Well, it's more to personal preference than an actual uniform. Some of us prefer denim, some prefer canvas, but it must be something that is durable enough for all seasons and protect us from the sun. You also don't have to mind getting a little bit of mess on it too."[/b] Now the man wasn't dumb. This line of questioning and the context lined up way too perfectly. He narrowed his eyes and asked ever suspiciously, [b]"Is there a reason why you are enquiring about our work clothes?"[/b] [hr] [@Zarkun] Considering the level that Spinarak evolved into Ariados, perhaps it would be a good idea to finish their business before they ended up on the wrong side of a web. The bug-maniac arched his brow in a mix of what could be described as surprised and somewhat impressed that Jason actually knew about Scythers. [b]"How astute of you. I didn't think that you would know what they are considering their rarity."[/b] In fact, it was even more surprising that Jason would know what they are because the only regions that they do not appear in was Hoenn and Unova and even then, in the regions they live in they are hard to find. Then again, the internet was a thing and there were shows and battles that air on television or streamed through many services, so it wasn't that farfetched if that's how learned about it. [b]But yes, you would be correct in your assumption. We have strong evidence to believe that Scythers are beginning to repopulate the area. They used to be more abundant and cleared out the webs though due to their decreased numbers the Spinarak have had the run of the place since.[/b] He said, motioning to the myriad collection of webs that littered the woods. Meanwhile, uh, Connor looked a little self-conscious as it dawned on him that between the three of them, he looked like he had no idea what they were talking. The bug maniac made sense, but Jason started around the same time as he did, so he just felt a bit behind the curve. [color=f7941d]"Y'all are making feel kinda dumb. What the heck is Scyther?"[/color] [b]"If we're lucky, you'll find out soon. That is if they don't find us first."[/b] Responded the bug-maniac. While they walked, the maniac would observe things such as footprints, slash marks in the trees, and... uh, actual shit to see if there were any of these bugs nearby. Connor too was looking for similar things as well. What does Jason do?