[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6qWm7nF.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RdjXXQV.png[/img] [h3][color=EEC041]Time:[/color] Early Evening [color=EEC041]Location: [/color]Caesonia Castle Ball Room in Sorian[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/emmZpAO.png[/img][/center] The event that had just occurred felt as if it had been a nightmare for the nobles in the room. The visitors from Alidasht Kingdom had just been humiliated before all. This was a worst-case scenario for the Danroses. King Edin looked as if steam was about to start blowing out of his ears, red in the face as he shot up from his throne. Alibeth had her mouth covered in shock, seemingly stunned. Meanwhile, while no one had been looking, Count Calbert was snickering under his breath, amused by it all. Servants of the Alidasht party were scrambling to help both the Grand Vizier Hafiz and Sultan Raif up, making sure neither were hurt. While the Sultan was not a happy man, it was Hafiz who spoke up first once the two were back on their feet. [color=gold]“What is the meaning of this! In all my years I have never been so humiliated! Where is the man?! I demand his head!”[/color]He began barking orders at the guards to seize Lorenzo to bring before him, but it was the Sultan that had them pausing as he held up a hand. [color=CFA36D]“While I expect punishment of this man, let us not act so swiftly. I would like to hear what our generous [i]hosts[/i] have to say about this matter. What say you, King Danrose? I do hope this wasn’t a plot to humiliate us.”[/color] While Raif’s voice was slightly calmer than his brother’s, it was evident that Raif was still furious as his fists trembled at his sides. His tone was stern and deadly serious as he had spoken. King Edin was silent in his thoughts for a moment, shaking his head as he could not get over how much of a fool Lorenzo truly was. The man had thought they were performers… Secretly, King Edin had a bit of amusement bubbling up inside of him as he hated how arrogant these Alidasht people seemed to be. They thought they were better than himself? In their dreams! It had been satisfying to watch that overconfident Sultan fall to the floor where he belonged. King Edin bowed his head and said with the most earnestness he could push into his voice, [color=DDB775]”I offer my humblest apologies, your majesty Sultan Raif. This was certainly not planned and we will see to it that Duke Lorenzo Vikena suffers for his utter ignorance and cruelty.”[/color] The Grand Vizier was not satisfied with that reply, continuing to rant on, [color=gold]”Not only has his actions led to the Sultan and I falling off our palanquins, but he has taken our spotlight away from us! This was our chance to show all the greatness of the Alidasht Kingdom and he so selfishly and carelessly stole our stage after all the hard work and effort we put into pleasing the Caesonia Kingdom!”[/color] He glared around the room and then met the eyes of King Edin, [color=gold]”Is this how you treat your esteemed guests? Letting this insignificant man embarrass them?”[/color] Before King Edin could answer, Count Calbert emerged from the crowd and moved into the center to wrap his arm around Lorenzo’s back, [color=rosybrown] “Your highness. Don’t you think we are overreacting here a little, hmm? Now these enchanting people did come all the way across the sea to us and we should all be very delighted they are gracing us with their presence, but Duke Lorenzo here simply is not to a fault. I saw as many others did, that someone else stumbled and created the fiasco, not Lorenzo. He was a little tardy and misunderstood things. King Edin is also known for preparing theatrics for us guests. It’s easy to misinterpret someone entering late. No serious matter to behold here. ”[/color] He waved his hand dismissively, [color=rosybrown]“But regardless, we all came here for some fun, didn’t we? Accidents happen. Let’s give the Alidasht Kingdom a round of applause for the marvelous display they prepared for us!”[/color] Many were able to read the room and take on the cue as the room erupted into applause. [color=DDB775]“Ah yes, yes! Applause for the amazing Alidasht Kingdom and their wonderful dancers and animals!”[/color] King Edin encouraged, waving his arms to get people to clap louder as he called out. As they settled down eventually, he announced, [color=DDB775]“In our gratitude, we shall clear the way to the sustenance and drinks for them to have their first choice before the rest of us dine!”[/color] He had hoped to entice them to escort the animals out of the ballroom at some point, but he knew better than to push his luck. All he could do was hope the tiger wouldn’t eat his guests. [color=CFA36D]“We would be quite pleased to get back to festivities, however, regardless of whether or not this man [i]misinterpreted[/i] things, something still must be done. We have been humiliated and we demand retribution.”[/color] The Sultan was not about to let this matter go, they would be compensated for the damage done. Whether that was by the removal of the head of Lorenzo or not was something they were willing to negotiate. King Edin rubbed his temple as he fought off the urge to sigh. Despite Duke Lorenzo’s [i]many[/i] faults, he was very good at his job. Certainly, his young daughter would not know how to govern nearly as well; women were not well suited for such things as per the example of the idiotic Alice Smithwood of the Varian Kingdom. Still, Lorenzo was a thorn in his thigh with all these mishaps… Maybe it would be better to just have him executed after all. Queen Alibeth spoke up instead, gently suggesting, [color=DDB705]“Is there anything we can give you to compensate you for the pain you have felt today, your Majesty?”[/color]