That whole no hiders insider of hiders thing is bullshit and makes me want to cry. I pray Mahz fixes it as it is a major issue in my opinion. I don't even want to open RP's because my OOC's are too damn large. Since there is no real canon timeline between Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and Colosseum/Gale Of Darkness, I honestly dunno what to say. The only thing that's know for sure is that the two games are a Gen 3 side series, both released after the former game in question. And there is an ingame five year gap in time between Colosseum and Gale of Darkness. I like to make my own headcanon about Orre, giving I'm the only person who seems to even like the region (Out of those who know about it. Some people have tried to tell me I couldn't be from a new/original region. I cried at how unknown Orre was to those people.) But all-in-all, that time seems alright. There's no real saying about when Gen 3 takes place anyhow, so we could roll with almost anything. I like your character, it'll be interesting to see him and Desmond perhaps interact. I don't mind his conquest of the Hoenn League. I mean, Desmond did a pretty good sum of conquest in the seven years he traveled in total. At least in the last four, where he beat the eight gyms of Johto then went home to become #1 on Mt. Battle, which is pretty much Orre's Championship Status. Which... I just thought about it... That makes David, Perdey. Hibiki, and Noll the Elite 4 of Orre. :newlol Even so, they are most certainly not the strongest trainers in Orre. There are multiple trainers who are much more powerful, but wouldn't go for such publicity. Or are just busy with other things... Miror B, for example, has opened up a club in Pyrite Town in my headcanon. Currently he spends his days dancing away with the people of Pyrite, and his Ludicolo's. And of course, Desmond's father would rather research Pokemon Purification with Professor Krane than battle. There's a few others I can't name off the top of my head, but I know they exist.