The guy stood up, and shook Max's hand. "Yeah, I'm Clayton ... Clayton Dalee. You've got some neat friends there." He smiled and gestured to his sleeping Piloswine, the thing just lay there snoring. "Ignore him, here are my other Pokémon!" He shook his head as he tossed his other Pokéballs Magneton and Heracross popped out of their balls. The Heracross crossed his arms and smirked while Magneton floated around Belle. "My Heracross is Stagger and Magneton is Tritan. Their names might seem strange but I'll probably end up telling you the back stories about them some time." "It's ok. They aren't any stranger than mine. I named mine after Princesses! Heh." Max said as he rubbed the back of his head, and grinned sheepishly. Then he gestured to his Pokemon. "My Togetic is named Belle, my Marill is Ariel, my Sylveon is Cinderella, and my Clefairy is Aurora." Belle's smile widened as she looked at the Magneton floating around her. She looked at the Steel type wondering how exactly she was supposed to play with this thing. "Togetiiic?" Just then, a Jolteon ran up to Cinderella, and instantly sniffed her. Then sat down and barked quite happily. Max giggled as Cinderella just smiled and gave the other Eeveelution a friendly pat on the head with her ribbons. He was then approached by another guy. "Hey, I guess I'm your roommate, my name is Clyde." Max took his hand, and shook it. "Yup, that's me! Hey, how's it goin'?! I'm Max, and that's Clayton." He gesturedto the other guy. "I'm guessing that's your Jolteon over there? Hehe, hey we should battle some time. We could have an epic Battle of Eeveelutions!"