[center][h1][color=darkgreen]Linkle[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][color=red]Merge Rate: 33%[/color][/h3][/center] [center]Word Count: 1003[/center] [center][color=darkgreen]Level 10[/color] - (32/100) + 2[/center] [center]Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin [/center] [@Dark Cloud][@Majoras End] [hr][hr] Vandahm being a dead man came as something of a surprise to Linkle, but it wasn't as hard for her to rationalize as Nia and Albedo. After all, time was all weird here. If Galeem took people from hundreds or thousand of years apart and mashed them together there was nothing stopping it from grabbing people from weeks or months part either. You could even meet yourself, as she had seen with the two different versions of Bowser. Did that mean they could warn the man? If they did, would it mean anything? After all, he had already died. If that was his fate, then there wouldn't be any way to change that. Then what mean for the Guardian Bowser, they had killed him, when this was all over was he just going to be slotted back into history like nothing had happened? How did that jell with fate? Linkle was as glad as the others that they moved on quickly from that topic, arresting her fall down a dangerous mental rabbit hole by asking after the Master's eye. Not surprisingly, the two didn't seem to know anything but Albedo did hypothesize that it would be in a dungeon somewhere guarded by something stupidly powerful. "Sounds like we'll come across it if we just keep doing what we've been doing so far. There are plenty of strong monsters left in the world to guard it." Nia cottoned on that this was a "save the world" kind of mission and kindly offered her assistance, but Linkle added onto Albedo's point about focusing on the Stranger right now. "Thanks for the offer, though. Eventually the rest of them will make it up here, and we have teleporters so we can hook all kinds of places together. So if you're still interested, ask around then." Someone that could do healing was always a good get, double so if they were Tora's friend. For now, though, she should stay with Treat. It wasn't long after getting the wolf girl settled in that Frisk and Papyrus returned, the kid looking much more prepared for the journey ahead. The two met Linkle outside, as she was holding the odd statue she she gotten from the Doll Master's sprit to he ear. She could swear she could faintly hear the thing saying something, something about the moon? Home? Eeriethrell? It seemed pretty important, if they ever found a place by that name. She stopped and looked up as the two came crunching through the snow. "Nice horn." She said, looking over the trombone Frisk now carried. "I didn't know you played an instrument." Music played an important role in the legends, the songs played on simple instruments sometimes having miraculous magic powers. She wondered if it worked the same way with Frisk. Maybe the horn was a weapon. "C'mon, lets say goodbye and then we'll head out." Leading the pair back inside, the now quartet could say their goodbyes to Treat, Nia, Dromach, and the little dog. It wasn't surprising that it would be hanging around with Treat while hey were out, but it was kind of surprising that it didn't have a name. Albedo's confusion when asked told her that he hadn't even maned it in his own head. "Doge?" She suggested, but the word hadn't even made it all the way out of her mouth before the Alchemist decided of "Soil." Weird name, essentially calling the animal "dirt," but he knew Soil better than she did. With that he stepped out the door and, with a cheery goodbye to the animals and animal girls, Linkle followed him. Once out, Albedo brought up another problem that that had been at the back of Linkle's mind. He was right, there was no way she would be able to meet her man in black tonight if they were going to be taking a trip as long as this. Crossing her arms and thinking about it, meeting with that black coat wasn't as important as finding the Stranger's weakness. He could potentially tell them about that, but that was also what they were setting out to do. The other reason was to get their help trying to contact the rest of the Seekers, and if that didn't work to give him and their group by extension a piece of her mind. It wasn't as vital, but it was still something she wanted to do. She sighed. "I should have left a message with Mr. Grillby." She said, then an idea sparked in her head. She head shot up, back toward Nia's door. "OH! Just give me a second." She said, stepping back up to it and poking her head inside. "Um, Nia?" She said, slightly apologetically. "Sorry to pop back in real quick, but there is something you could do to help. Could you give a message to the bartender at Grillby's to pass on for me? Could you ask him to tell the man in the black coat that that a Seeker of Light wants to speak with him and it's really important, so please meet her in Edinborugh Magipolis. Thanks!" Nodding, she stepped back and closed the door again. "Now he can come find me." She said. "Lead the way, Albedo!" The matter of filling Frisk and Papyrus in about the details of their real mission had seemingly slipped her mind as they set off, until she said, "Now, it's going to be a pretty long way and there might be dangers on the trip. So once we get outside the town a little we're going to stop for a bit so you guys can show me what you can really do!" She turned to the pair as they went. "I saw a little in the basement, but I want you guys to spar with me so we can get a feel for one another's abilities. That way we can work together better if we're attacked. After that, I'll tell you everything I know about the world as we travel."