Well, I partially used [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/History_of_the_Pokémon_world]this[/url] as reference for any semblance of a timeline. Apparently Gen I and Gen III take place at the same time.....somehow.....though such timelines don't exist in the games themselves and Nintendo seemingly hasn't made one either, so I'm not sure. I'm not quite sure how "famous" I wanted to say Rian is, certainly recognizable, at least in Hoenn if not the entire world. Then again the Pokemon world has a tendency to let 11 year olds conquer the Pokemon League in a day. I figured he'd be more famous for rolling past the Hoenn league seemingly without trying more so than his young age while doing so. I give Mahz a lot of leeway as he/Contra(?) are building the site (and writing the code too I believe.) from the ground up. More-so than the hiders within hiders, I need my damn preview function back. :arghfist Though on a more related note, I do wonder how "foreign" characters would react to Rian's almost absolute lack of drive even in the seemingly life and death situation. And now on an entirely unrelated note, does anyone know if that logo on almost every Player Character's clothes is called, if it has a name at all?