[hider=Trypano Somia][center][h2][u] Trypano Somia [/u][/h2] [img]https://images2.imgbox.com/79/35/Fx6tgWEw_o.png[/img][/center] [b][center] "Mana is the vault and blood is the key." [/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 18 | Female | Revidian | Merchant | 8.54 (198) [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Focused] ❖ [Curious] ❖ [Idealistic] ❖ [Pragmatic] ❖ [Calm] ❖ [Introspective][/indent] Trypano is what many would describe as a true woman of science, that science of course being magic. She's clinical, deliberate with her words and able to think both deeply and quickly. Her mind is sharp, able to capture fine details and analyze them. This has the unintended effect of making her fairly frank towards others and even somewhat socially awkward. While most would emote appropriately her face is a relative mask of concentration. She's difficult to disrupt or fluster as well. This works well into the art of spell casting. This is somewhat less helpful for the art of making friends. She's still able to hold her own in a conversation though. Beneath the surface she peels away the world, looking at it a compilation of formulas and elements. Everything that exists is the causal interactions of elemental forces at play. All problems arise from humanity's inability to control that others would see as inevitable, such as death. The answer lies in the blood. Mana lives in close relation to blood after all. In order to unlock the full potential of magic she believes blood holds the answer. Her drive to conquer this ultimate mystery gives her righteous determination, her goals serving the greater good for all. She's not unrealistic however. Someone with a bloodline such as hers should know that her kind are treated with suspicion. Blood children are naturally attuned to Binding but those in the upper echelons fear that could blossom into a lust for blood magic. As such she's often seen with great suspicion by the authorities of Revidia and this reflects in her behavior. She's learned well that speaking her mind could get her imprisoned or worse. Everything she says and does is thusly designed to obfuscate her true intent. In her own words: [color=Crimson]"I detest trickery. But, if we ourselves are to suffer deception, our hands are no longer tied."[/color] [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] She is something of a marvelous specimen of humanity. Her form is both lithe yet toned and she stands at an impressive two hundred centimeters tall. Though she does not look it she is quite heavy for her form. This weight is almost entirely muscle. She treats her own body with scientific precision, her diet and exercise routine all measured carefully to yield optimal results. Due to her blood type her skin is as pale as snow and her eyes are a bright red. Unusual for albinos however is her shockingly crimson red hair which hangs down to the middle of her back like long, gently curved ribbons. Keeping to a singularly chromatic theme her clothes all trend towards starkly red pallets. Her dresses though quite elegant and elaborate are oft strictly varying colors of red. Interestingly though her family is wealthy her only jewelry is a medallion with a single ruby set in the middle. This is largely because she dislikes clothing that weighs her down or impedes her dexterity, especially when it comes to her hands. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Revidian, Avincian and some Paggonian, Kerreman and Mycormish. [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Trypano, being a binder, focuses first and foremost on the human body. She's studied well since before she was admitted to the academy in the medical arts, practicing on animals and even cadavers when not under scrutiny. Being a blood child might of painted her into a stereotype in the eyes of the public but it also laid out the path she'd end up walking. It was a path leading straight up to the front gates of the academy, especially given how potent her RAS score is. The only reason she wasn't admitted sooner was largely just due to the fact that few would believe this amount of potential out of a red-blooded merchant class girl. Often only blue-bloods and black-bloods would see RAS values as high as hers. As for how she uses the gift she is a healer up front. She mends flesh and neutralizes threats, simple stuff really. Where her focus truly shines is in doing more than just mending flesh. She applies her knowledge to alter flesh in order to improve upon it, grant new features and more. She's still learning and largely keeps a majority of her experiments confined to mice until it's clear there's no harm resulting from it but her focus and drive to learn more has given her a definite leg up on her peers in the field most would never dare dabble in. After all, it's terrifying to consider just how mutable a living form can be. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Since her birth Trypano's life has been marked with blood. Her mother had complications during child birth. During the incident a binder was called for to aid them but it was too late for the mother. Only Trypano, the child, could be saved. Since then people have all pointed at this as a clear sign of why she was born a Blood Child. Pale skin and red eyes marked her as clearly different from everyone else. She was never truly able to shake the stigma this birth title held for her, constantly isolated from her peers as she was "strange". Her family were not of nobility, simply merchants who owned several trading ships, trading regularly with Paggon and Feska via the Isle de Mirabeau. They used to trade with Mycormi but due to their (relatively) recent recession they've lost valuable trade ports over these last few years. Her father is the head of the business, constantly talking about trade, money and politics as it's always at the forefront of his mind. She always found it a bit exhausting to talk to him since that's almost all he goes on about. As a result of her unusual birth and predilections however her father put a lot of money and effort behind getting Trypano trained as a mage, seeing the potential for magic as a marvelous opportunity for their family to rise in status. The one she always looked up to was her older brother. He was being raised to take over their father's business but he was always able to take a step back and keep his mind more in the moment making him far better company. He is partly what inspired her to take up such a lofty cause with her research. He always encouraged her to follow her ambition and not let others tell her what her limits are. This is what began her aims to tackle the greatest mystery of life: Mana itself. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] Trypano's motivation is to unlock the mysteries of mana. She believes that blood is the key to unlocking it's secrets and she pursues this study with steely focus. If it weren't for the state of the world being as it is with all the violence and what-not she wouldn't even bother with a lot of her forays into defensive/offensive biological alterations. Due to the scrutiny of the nobility she has to tread carefully in her research too as any appearance of working towards unshackling magic from the control of nobility would paint a target right on her back. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] Mainly she carries a purse with her essentials. Stuff like money, makeup, a book she's currently reading through, bandages and her trusty knife. The knife is of a slender, straight variety that's clearly made to into flesh with ease. It's a little longer than a scalpel and it's handle is custom made for her grip. A left grip, to be precise. [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Concentration. ❖ Surgery. ❖ Medicine. ❖ Botany. ❖ Biology. ❖ Physical Training. ❖ Sailing.[/indent] Trypano's sheer focus and determination combined with her keen mind and high magical potential make her a force to be reckoned with. Her every motion is deliberate and measured, her mind able to concentrate amidst chaos while also being able to delve deep into complex topics when needed. Her mind is as tightly sculpted as her body and everything she is has a reason to be. Little to nothing is left to waste and her caution makes her fairly meticulous with even minute details. [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Social Stiffness. ❖ Cold Exterior. ❖ Needs for Secrecy. ❖ Unusual Appearance. ❖ Disturbingly Clinical Sensibilities.[/indent] Trypano has always been marked by the fact that she's a Blood Child. It had not only decided her career but set her apart socially from others. As such she's not terrifyingly social, often times coming across as cold or clinical. This need for secrecy has made her mildly paranoid and thus she's always suspicious of the intents of others. Any truth spoken in confidence could quickly turn into a visit from agents of the upper class. In addition her largely medical view of biological might make her unafraid of things that would traditionally horrify others but that might make her more horrifying as a result. She sees little issue in distorting the living form for greater utility after all, pragmatism taking a front seat to squeamishness. She's not so foolish as to make obvious changes when that would out her but subtler changes, changes within are open territory. [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] If not already gleamed she is left-handed. Her Hex Code is Crimson:DC143C [img]https://images2.imgbox.com/61/fb/2K0q3WJL_o.png[/img] [img]https://images2.imgbox.com/77/26/Px4xqoFs_o.png[/img] Items: [hider=Ankle Bracelet of the Shameless Dancer] Ankle Bracelet of the Shameless Dancer: The wearer of this bracelet benefits from double advantage in movement rolls and advantage in stealth rolls, a general increase in skill modifiers to magic schools above novice tier by one, and the threshold for a counter is reduced to 7. If the wearer is wearing only this ankle bracelet, they will be able to enter stealth automatically three times per fight. This item has no effect if you are wearing a mana-providing item, an enchanted item, a consumable item or any sort of clothing that would be considered heavier than daily clothing. 8 manas are provided.[/hider] [hider=Vinewolf Seeds] Vinewolf: The Vinewolf is a type of vine-like writhing plant found in Tarlon. They move actively, behaving more like an animal in most respects. These cat and dog-sized pseudo-animals work in packs, slowly migrating to locate sunny areas and prey. When they find an open space, they will stack to form a ‘false tree’, put down a rudimentary root system, and photosynthesize. After some time gaining and storing energy, they will disassemble into smaller component plants and begin to move again. They are aggressively predatory towards other plants, literally climbing and shearing off the limbs of taller trees to replace them in the sunlight. They will opportunistically prey on animals as well, making use of their primitive light-sensing ‘eyes’ similar to those of jellyfish. They possess five of these, at their front, rear, each side, and on top of their small and dense bulb-shaped woody ‘core’. When hunting, they are primarily ambush predators, and can spring forward quickly using built-up tension. In some cases, vinewolves can even move at the top speed of a light jog over short distances. They immediately release pheronomes upon detecting potential prey, and a pack of vinewolves will attack at once, surrounding its prey. Due to the way that their shearlike ‘mouths’ work, they can only ‘bite’ a couple of times each day with their full force, so they need to work cooperatively. Once prey is killed, they will cluster over its body and each other, inserting sharp-tipped roots into its form and quickly digesting it. Reproduction takes place around the ‘mouth’ area, where bulbous flowers grow until they obstruct the shears. They are then snipped off in an area with rich soil and sunlight, preferably close to other bulbs, forming the beginnings of a new pack once they are large and developed enough to move on their own.[/hider] [hider=Nail of the Accursed.] At the cost of your life and soul, you may sacrifice yourself to temporarily achieve your full potential. When this is done, you will have 25 minutes to enact your will before you burn to ashes and dust.[/hider] Materials: Face Devourer Mana Colony Sample, Stoneskin Mana Colony Sample, Rare Clothing Sample Box, Begemot Ivory, Sandwyrm claw, Sandwyrm Bone, Sandwyrm acid gland, Sandwyrm misc organs. Standard Currency: 150 Credit. Special Currency: 1 Chaos Exploit, 1 Diamond Exploit. [hider=Magic Stats (Updated system, Post-Pre War Side Mission] RAS: 8.54 (198) + Ankle Bracelet of the Shameless Dancer (8) = 8.68 (206) Blood types: Red blood - Blood Child Magnetic: 1 - Novice Arcane: 0 Binding: 7 - Master - Corporeal + Medical Chemical: 2 - Tyro Kinetic: 0 Atomic: 0 Blood: 7 - Master - Fleshcraft + Witchcraft Temporal: 1 - Novice Dark: 0 Command: 0 Primordial: 0 Divine Boons: Golden Apple, Serpent's Venom. Signature Spell 1 Name: Disseminating Touch of The Medicant (Custom) School: Binding Skill Tier: Master+ Description: This spell does as the spell "Exchange of Eshiran and Oraff" does in weaving harmful substances and damaged flesh back into healthy flesh but instead of a single target this spell applies to multiple targets. Signature Spell 2 Name: Gift of The Maggot School: Blood Skill Tier: Master+ Description: The caster's knowledge of a living target is absolute, allowing for replicas to be made. Signature Spell 3 Name: Gift of The Living Golem School: Blood Skill Tier: Master+ Description: The caster may create simple living things, larger and more complex depending on skill level. Signature Spell 4 Name: Gift of the Bat School: Blood Skill Tier: Master+ Description: Allows a caster to disintegrate a target in one place and reconstitute it in another, effectively resulting in teleportation. (Points have been re-allocated. More signatures resulting from the Golden Apple feature.) [/hider] [hider=Proficiency Calculations] Year One, Semester One: SK104B - PL, PL, SN SK106 - CM, LS, AL AC102B - AL, EL, TC AR101C - AR, SN, AL SK106B - CM, LS, AL AC101 - AL, CL, SP Totals So Far: AL: 5 EM: 0 CM: 2 TC: 1 SN: 2 LS: 2 SL: 0 EL: 1 CL: 1 AR: 1 PL: 2 CB: 0 SP: 1 Year One, Semester Two: AC102A - AL, EL, TC AR105A - AR, SN, TC SK103B - EL, TC, PL SK102A - SL, PL, TC SK106B - CM, LS, AL AC101 - AL, CL, SP Totals So Far: AL: 5 + 3 = 8 EM: 0 + 0 = 0 CM: 2 + 1 = 3 TC: 1 + 4 = 5 SN: 2 + 1 = 3 LS: 2 + 1 = 3 SL: 0 + 1 = 1 EL: 1 + 2 = 3 CL: 1 + 1 = 2 AR: 1 + 1 = 2 PL: 2 + 2 = 4 CB: 0 + 0 = 0 SP: 1 + 1 = 2 Year Two, Semester One: AC202A-B - EL, EL, AL, 3 lab discoveries AC202C-D - EL, EL, AL, 3 lab discoveries SK203A - SL, TC, EL, 1 lab discovery SK204C - EL, TC, SL, 1 lab discovery AR205A-B - AR, SN, AL, 1 lab discovery SK206B - CB, PL, SN Totals So Far: AL: 8 + 3 = 11 EM: 0 + 0 = 0 CM: 3 + 0 = 3 TC: 5 + 2 = 7 SN: 3 + 2 = 5 LS: 3 + 0 = 3 SL: 1 + 2 = 3 EL: 3 + 6 = 9 CL: 2 + 0 = 2 AR: 2 + 1 = 3 PL: 4 + 1 = 5 CB: 0 + 1 = 1 SP: 2 + 0 = 2 Extra: 9 Lab Discoveries. Year Two, Semester Two: AC208A-B - AL, AL, CM, 2 lab discoveries AR207B - AR, EL, TC SK210 - EL, EL, SL AR210B - AR, SN, SN AC212A-B - AL, TC, EL, 3 lab discoveries SK213 - CB, CB, PL Totals So Far: AL: 11 + 3 = 14 EM: 0 + 0 = 0 CM: 3 + 1 = 4 TC: 7 + 2 = 9 SN: 5 + 2 = 7 LS: 3 + 0 = 3 SL: 3 + 1 = 4 EL: 9 + 4 = 13 CL: 2 + 0 = 2 AR: 3 + 2 = 5 PL: 5 + 1 = 6 CB: 1 + 2 = 3 SP: 2 + 0 = 2 Extra: 9 + 5 = 14 Lab Discoveries. [/hider] _Trypano's Proficiencies: Analytical (AL): 14 Emotional (EM): 0 Communication (CM): 4 Technical (TC): 9 Sensory (SN): 7 Leadership (LS): 3 Survival (SL): 4 Ecological (EL): 13 Cultural (CL): 2 Artistic (AR): 5 Physical (PL): 6 Combat (CB): 3 Spiritual (SP): 2 _Bonus Skills: Free Casting Infiltration: 2 Total Lab Discoveries: Classes: 14. Other: 1.[/hider]