[b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 881 (+6) 
[b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]/////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////// (49/70)
[b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b]  Sandswept Sky - all the way down the mountain and back to the train

[color=Aquamarine]”Thank you for the escort sunshine”[/color] she told the swordsman who’d made sure she got to and from the ammo store safe and sound. [color=Aquamarine]”Could have done without the view though”[/color] she added thoughtlessly, before wincing at her own words. The guy had probably been quite the looker before whatever had happened to require the replacement of so much of his body with gruesome metalwork, it wasn't exactly nice to rub it in.

Rather than go for another ammo run or have time to apologize however, it looked like she had more work to do up top. 

[color=Aquamarine]”Wait, I’m also loading these as well as bringing them? A princess’s work is never done apparently”[/color] Midna said, slipping of her wolfos (which immediately leapt up and snatched a Trilid from the air without her direction) and then grabbed one of the shells at random using her shadow hand and plopping it into the slot, which was simple enough. As soon as it was in the machine sucked up the shell into the barrel, and opened up the slot again.

[color=Aquamarine]”So I just keep feeding this thing and- no alright only one more. Guess I’m waiting around for now”[/color] Midna thought out loud as she popped a second shot into the reserve slot. [color=Aquamarine]”Now we just need to point it right- wow!”[/color] the princess stumbled as the turret suddenly shifted underneath her, being spun round by the travelers to point at their target. While surprised she didn't come anywhere close to falling like Cia did, but she did have to make a grab to make sure her 3 remaining shells didn't roll off.

[color=Aquamarine]”I’ve got them, don’t worry about it!”[/color] she reassured the others once that became the truth, hugging one shell with each arm and holding the third in her shadow hand, ready to fill the reserve slot. A heartbeat later it became available, because the cannon let loose a deafening roar as it spat its first shot towards the titan, the shell flying so fast it seemed to be instantaneous. 

[color=Aquamarine]”Goddesses, this thing lives up to its size”[/color] she swore, rather awed by the power of the mass of machinery. Sadly despite its unfathomable might the titanic worm wasn’t going down from a single shot, or even really dissuaded in any way by it. Instead, as Midna fed the third of her five shells into the freshly emptied reserve slot, it used a bend in the track to catch up with them.

[color=Aquamarine]”Get lost you oversized caterpillar!”[/color] she yelled, disapproving of this

In doing so however, it exposed several mounds that Necronomicon identified as weak spots, an assessment she 100% agreed with even if she couldn't actually do anything about the spots due to them being out of range of her arsenal. Fortunately the people crewing the turrets had that covered, all of them blasting away at its side with gusto. 

Unfortunately it wasn't content to passively sit and let them chew away at its side. Instead it spat out a massive spiked ball right at their train. 

[color=Aquamarine]”Big shot incoming! Grab hold of something”[/color] the princess shouted in warning as she did the same, reaching out with her shadow hand and grabbing a railing just in time, as the biological wrecking ball smashed into the side of the train and sent it shuddering and causing her Wolfos to lose its footing and hit the deck with a pained bark.

Then the spine covered sack clinging to the train burst, and showered the vehicle with awful skittering pod things which, as it turned out when Poppi instantly dashed forwards to skewer one, exploded upon death.

[color=Aquamarine]”Oh great, of course they do!”[/color] Midna complained as she dumped her two remaining shells into the twilight realm [color=Aquamarine]”You’ve still got two shots lined up! I’ll make sure you get the chance to shoot them!”[/color] she announced to the rest of the cannon crew before roughly helping her wolfos stand and setting about helping clear out the bomb bugs.

She raced forward on wolfos back, raising a hand and then lashing it forwards, summoning her newly acquired boxy minion out of the twilight realm and sending the megafied malignant mimic bowling forwards. It slammed into a pair of Bolsepia, bowling them off of the train in a single strike.

[color=Aquamarine]”No hangers on!”[/color] the princess shouted, lacking the cultural nuance to make any kind of train pun/joke in response to her hit. She spun around on her mount, spotting the skull jawed warrior making salami out of some of the bombs nearby, and in the process got her attention directed towards where Tora was in trouble a fair ways away from both of them.

[color=Aquamarine]”On it!”[/color] Midna replied as she flicked a hand, summoning a pair of Chilfos strikers. As the princess tipped off the side of her mount the two frozen undead hurled their signature spears forwards, skewering the bomb and stopping it getting any closer Tora but that did not realy solve the problem, but rather caused it to start priming its denotation sequence.

A heartbeat away from disaster Midna, having hopped from her wolfos’s shadow to Tora’s reached out with her shadow hand over the nervous Nopon’s shoulder and grabbed the pulsating carcass with a [color=Aquamarine]”Gotcha”[/color] before hurling it into the open air next to the train.