The shaking and heaving hadn't stopped even as Sora made it outside. He followed Lumi's lead and slid onto the ground and could feel the catch of his breath as the fear subsided into grief. He pressed his own body up against his sister's, desperate for some kind of comfort as he stared blankly at the wall in front of him. The tears were silent as the wet the fur around his eyes and across his face. It both had and hadn't hit him that he was the last remaining brother in their family. Storm was dead and Cane was...whatever that beast was now. He didn't know if he would be able to face his family after what had happened. It had been him that had allowed the two other brothers to come in the first place, because he didn't want to get in trouble, and now they were dead.

He nodded shakily in agreement with Lumi, [color=a0410d][b]"Me too."[/b][/color] He pushed himself up onto aching paws, and hoped that the shaking in his legs wouldn't send him over the edge of one of the narrow paths that they needed to traverse to get back home. He froze as Lumi reminded him that they would have to tell the rest of their family what had happened. [color=a0410d][b]"But, we can't just say nothing. They'll ask where Cane and Storm are, and they'll find out if we lie."[/b][/color] He didn't want to get in trouble, he didn't want to be kicked out of the house and told to never come back. The shaking returned with a vengeance and it almost forced Sora to sink to the ground again.

It took more willpower than he thought he had left at that point to fight back another wave of tears. He took a step forward and helped Lumi onto her feet. [color=a0410d][b]"Lets at least get home. We can figure out what to say on the way."[/b][/color] He was the oldest brother, the only brother, and he wasn't about to let them stay out in the cold any longer than they already had. He let a shaky sigh escape as he stared into the darkness for a moment longer. They couldn't even get Storm's body, it was too dangerous, but he tried not to think about it too much.

He bumped gently into Lumi's shoulder to get her moving as they walked on weary paws back in the direction of home. He didn't want to think about what awaited them there, but he also knew that they had to go home at some point. It was their only option other than going back into the cave and hoping to meet his brother, or running away from Sunspear entirely. He wasn't sure if either of those were better options, but his heart weighed heavy and he just wanted the warmth of his nest at this point. Maybe it would all be a bad dream.