[center][h1][color=37B5A9]Stephanie Irwin[/color][/h1]
Pokedollars: 1800
[hider=Numero Uno]
Species: Litwick
Type: Fire/Ghost
Level: 6
Status: Dunking on some scumbag loser
Moves: Smog, Ember, Astonish
Ability: Infiltrator- Passes through the opposing barrier, substitute, and the like and strikes.
Held Item:  
[hider=Numero Duo]
Species: Pidove
Type: Flying/Normal
Level: 4
Status: No longer Beaten to a pulp
Moves: Gust, Growl, Leer
Ability: Super Luck- Increases the critical hit ratio by 1 stage.
Held Item: 

Unsuprisingly, the moment the Sneasals eyes locked onto Steph and Dusk its mind immediately went into a panic. After all, last it knew Steph was chasing it down then beating it in a battle and the red head had seemed rather mad at it. Though she couldnt say she had let the matter go entirely, the matter of the fact was that as Freya was now pointing out, it had seemed...reluctant to do so. The fact its partner was so happily ready to abandon it also told a story. They were hardly 'partners' in this at all. If anything, it seemed like the Sneasal had little choice but to follow the thief around. So it wasn't like Steph was forgiving the Sneasal or anything, but she was happy enough to ignore the matter. Best to leave the blame all on the selfish fuckwit who betrayed it.

[color=37B5A9]"Yayh bud, yah deedn't saym ooll too hahppy weeth thaht guy. And sayin haow he trayted yah at the end theah, Oy cahn't blyme yah."[/color] Crossing her arms over her chest, she leaned back against a nearby tree and seemed to study the still hurting Sneasal for a moment. [color=37B5A9]"As curious as Oy am t' ask abeow' yah and thaht fuckweets reluytion, t' be honest Oy dawnt knaow if Oy wahnna knaow. thaht lahst interahction tawld me enough. Yah desuhve why bettah thahn anythin thaht graysy sloimebohl could geeve yah and naows yoah chahnce t' do whuytevah yah wahnna do instayd. Just stie eow' of peoples belawngeengs eh?"[/color] She couldnt help the light hearted jab at the end, after all she hadn't forgiven the Sneasal for starting the mess. But forgiving and understanding didn't have to go hand in hand.
"spaykin of wheech, whahtcha gawnna do weeth em buysil? at the very layst, he nayds t' gao t' a pokecentah Oy reckawn t' geh' chaecked up. naevah knaow whaht else thaht sheettah diied t' hiiem befoah."[/color]