[Center][h1][u][b]Adventure[/b][/u][/h1][/Center] Unusual, exciting, daring, risky. Within the world I am about to show you, folk from all walks of life have embarked upon adventure for all manner of reasons. Those who find success on their adventure are well rewarded for their endeavors. Fortune, glory, the opportunity to weave their names into the eternal tapestry of history. All of this and more can a successful adventurer hope to claim. Those who do not find success however... well I'm sure you can imagine what happened to them. But I digress. Our story will focus on one such adventure. [i]Your[/i] adventure. Regardless of who you are or why you did it, three years ago you decided to embark upon adventure. In the time that has passed since then, your adventure has brought you into the company of others. For just as wolves travel in packs, adventurers travel in parties. More recently though, your adventure has brought you and your companions to the town of Ennton. Though the town was simply another stop on your journey at first, the elders of Ennton came to you the day after you arrived to implore for your aid. Strangers had taken up refuge in a dilapidated tower three miles north by northeast of the town. When approached by one of the local hunters to learn their identities and intentions, the strangers attacked and the hunter barely escaped with his life. With the strangers clearly up to no good, the town elders offer rewards to drive the tower's new occupants away. [hr] For those who haven't seen the interest check or would like a reminder, PCs start a Level 3, Unearthed Arcana must be approved by me before it is used, and this will be my first time DMing a game of Dungeons and Dragons so I probably won't be very good at it.