[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2]
[center]Limsa Lominscuttle- Kanzuki Beach[/center]
[center]Lvl 9 (71/90) -> Lvl 9 (72/90) [/center]
[center]Word Count: 597 words[/center]

As the other Seekers napped, frolicked, fought, and explored, Geralt found himself half-relaxing, half pondering the most daunting task ahead of himself: Finding Ciri. [i]Again[/i]. Damn girl couldn't keep herself still, and knowing her, she'd be off fighting just as hard, if not even harder, than he'd been, unable to ignore a cry for help. It was a skill Geralt had forced himself to learn over the years, when answering the call would either be more dangerous than beneficial, or he was on business too urgent to interrupt. Whether others agreed with his definition of the latter wasn't his concern or his problem. 

The smart thing to do would be to draft up posters, and hand them out to the guard and leadership of every settlement he came across, directing them to steer Ciri to Alcamoth when she was found so that he or Yennefer could find her. When they returned to Alcamoth, he'd have to speak with Peach and the others about it. The logistics of that endeavor would be better suited for the burgeoning army that was Smash City. Geralt wasn't dumb enough to pretend that only warriors and soldiers mattered for an army. The Moogles, their runners, Isabelle and their hospitality staff, Vandham and his people, their logistical and strategic staff, were all absolutely vital to making sure the Seekers' goals were met. If he could get them all helping, finding Ciri and getting her pointed in the right direction could take only days instead of weeks or months, even in this new insane world they were shoved into. 

He'd do that tonight. He'd been stressed enough that he wanted to actually [i]enjoy[/i] this day off, not spend it worrying. Ciri was worth worrying about, of course, but a few hours' delay in starting the official large-scale search shouldn't have too major an impact on their ability to locate her safely. She was tough. She'd be fine. She survived as long as she had already avoiding the Wild Hunt, and now they weren't even a threat. 

So it was time to enjoy the beach. Standing up, Geralt stretched his back with a satisfying pop, then looked to Yen. "I'm going to take a walk. As nice as it is to lounge for a bit, I need to get moving." 

Yennefer replied with a nod and a dismissing wave, eyes still closed as she basked in the warmth provided by the sands below her and the shade from the umbrella over her seat. 

As he walked down the beach, he didn't pay Blazermate and Nadia's conversation much mind, but noted that the two seemed to be having more than just a casual chat. He got a glimpse of Bowser and Junior fighting some guy with those strange, obedient monsters that Junior palled around with. It seemed more like a spar, albeit a completely one-sided beatdown of a spar, given their attitudes, so he didn't pay it much mind. 

He wandered the beach for a short while before circling back as Karin announced that she'd be creating a "sand castle", whatever that meant, and inviting people to socialize with her. 

Wow, that was...kind of sad. Who actually said it like that? Even the high society types that Yen spent much of her time around would at least pretty it up with some flowery language about getting to understand one another. 

"Hello." Geralt plainly greeted as he approached. "I have no idea what a sand castle is." He added, almost as an afterthought, inviting her to explain just exactly what it was she was doing.