Name: Agana Chambers Gender: Female Age: 13 human years Subspecies: Lizard (Northern Alligator Lizard) Physical Description:4 foot tall. Gray,scaly skin.Being a lizard she has no eyelids and has to lick her eyes to keep them moist. Wears a white tank, black cargo pants, and gray combat boots. God: Helvïn Personality: Short-tempered to the extreme, a single insult can get her incredibly mad. She is also extremely untrustworthy and childish, to the point that if she promises not do something you can expect her to do whatever she promised not to do within 5 hours. Background: Agana wasn't the best child you've ever met but she also wasn't the worst. She didn't do well at keeping promises and was shunned by others because of that. Because of her short temper Agana got really angry really quickly and the one person that could/can calm her down is her older brother, Agro. A long family history in the military has made it so that Agana was trained from a young age in fighting. Besides that Agana has a pretty normal childhood. Once Agana became of age she thought about her occupation but didn't make a decision until she was 11 human years old, when she joined the military. Since then, she has worked during the day and at night and during the weekends she trains. The reason Agana trains so often is that she wants to live up to her brother's expectations. Role: Divitian Soldier, second role is Security Officer.