[Color=#67a4e0]Level:[/color] 2
[Color=#e607f8]Experience:[/color] 12/20
[Color=#e607f8]Currently In:[/color] Frozen Highlands, Snowy Ruins
[Color=#67a4e0]Word Count:[/color] 209 (+1 Exp)
[i][color=skyblue]Albedo[/color] [@Lugubrious],  [color=forestgreen]Linkle[/color] [@Gentlemanvaultboy][/i]

 Ah, it wasn't magic?

 Frisk tilted their head in curiosity as D and Tatiana explained the source of their power. They slightly frowned as the gilded warrior expressed his distain for some mentioned scholars. They didn't mean to open past wounds for the guy. Tatiana then took her turn to explain. Faith. That was what gave them power. And lots off it it seems! The child's eyebrows rose as she listed off the cool stuff they could do, cause of this higher being they followed. 

 Frisk faintly smiled as the cleric patted them on the head, assuring them that even they could have that kind of power as long as they believed. ...In who or what, they had no idea. Perhaps a higher being could humor them at some point. For now, they kept Tatiana's words in mind, nodding in response with a more pronounced grin.

 Though D seemed more pesimistic about it, talking about an Erdtree and gold. Guess he likened faith to gold? Would make sense. The head cleric's optimism countered his pesimistic outlook, to which he simply shrugged off. As Albedo diverted the warrior's attention for the moment, Frisk spoke up to Linkle again:

 [color=67a4e0]"Wanna get going?"[/color] They asked, not seeing any further reason to stay.