With questions of dark, other realities bubbling in the backs of their minds, the small adventuring party set out once more down the road. The thick, clinging vines of the darkened wood peeled back, and soon they were travelling through a forest like any other, rather than one that could easily be said to contain a monstrously large and particularly murderous turtle.

Madeline, who had taken to floating along rather than engaging in such a mundane mode of transit as walking, was the first to spot the little figure approaching. Of course, little being rather related to distance, it wasn't much longer before Madeline, to her own chagrin, realized she was still the shortest among them, with the new arrival standing feet taller than her once they were up close.

Stifling a little sigh, she offered a wave, noting only now the lingering aroma of citrus.

[b]"Hello ... you smell of limes ... welcome!"[/b]