[hider=Federated Systems Alliance]

[color=00aeef]Nation Name[/color]:
[b][h1]Federated Systems Alliance.[/h1][/b]

[color=00aeef]Government Form[/color]:
[sub]federal Government.[/sub]


The Midgarians are a humanoid simultaneous hermaphrodite species, they have an endoskeleton, lips, teeth which is similar to that of humans. They have two luminescent eyes with glowing irises, eyelids and tear ducts; this means the eyesight of a Midgarian is pretty standard during the daylight, they are able to see normally during extreme darkness or night. This 'night vision' does come at a cost, however, their focus on distant objects can be slower than that of a normal human as their pupils do not dilate. they also have five fingers, one of which is a thumb along with five toes on each foot, The Species reach approximately 5'6 to 5'10 on average and weighting 158 to 170lbs on average.

In appearance, however, the Midgarians are distinctly feminine, at least to other humanoid races. They have a slender feminine build with slight muscular tones and curves, their skin colour is slightly paler than human with a varying purple, blue or pale grey hue which is of a smooth leathery texture. Generally, Midgarians reach maturity around the age of 22 years old with a lifespan approximately 300 years, Midgarian facial structure and hair actually makes them close to humans in physical appearance. Their physical strength is similar to humans within their own natural gravity of their home world, however; Arinar's gravitational pull is many times greater than the planetary average., a Midgarian possess elevated strength and resilience in environments with an Earth-like or similar gravity, with some human's often joking they have super-strength, their skin iss very durable, resilient enough even to stop bullets from piercing vital organs.

Midgarian's have a complex endocrine system, having several more hormones and chemicals than humans. Although internally, Midgarian's have less glands than the human endocrine system, The Midgarian system produces a greater variety of hormones for each gland present. The most notable of these hormones is the calming chemical known as Relaxitin, which is released from the Midgarian equivalent of the adrenal glands when severely stressed. Relaxitin attaches to the areas of the brain that produces stress, causing the cells to calm and release dopamine, creating an effect similar to the effect of THC in humans.

Unlike most other organisms, The Midgarian's have a specialized desalination gland, located about 3 centimetres from the mouth, allowing them to drink both salt water and freshwater. When salt water is ingested, the gland produces several enzymes that remove the salt from the water. The removed salt molecules are then transported by the blood to the skin, where it is then released from the body, much like sweating in humans. While the species has a robust cellular regenerative system, they do not heal faster than other species. Midgarian blood also differs from most other species as it is a blueish purple colour, this is due to the trace amount of Cobalt in their blood instead of Iron.

As a simultaneous hermaphrodite species, as each individual possess both male and female reproductive organs with the latter being a similar internal reproductive biology to a female human. As a result, there are no gender differences, or gender-based issues which could be common to other cultures. Each individual has a smooth scalar prehensile tail hidden away in their body’s lower back, which acts as the male reproductive organ at the tip. This tail on average is about a meter long, sometimes longer. At will, though usually easier when sexually aroused, they may “grow” the tail out of their body but they prefer not to. Although it may seem that a Midgarian may reproduce without a mate having both a male and female reproductive organs, in reality it doesn't work as they have a protective mechanism against self-fertilization.[/hider]
Terrans and Humans are physiologically almost identical since they are exactly the same species, However, there are a couple of physiological difference; Terrans are a bit more sensitive to bright light. Also the development of gene-based therapies significantly extended a Terrans life, the regeneration treatments extends their life by over a century. During the early years of colonization an Ideology was formed. A decision was made to call themselves Terrans, seeing themselves different from the rest of humanity from their past, often witnessing slavery and fascists movements of those times. 

A new better form of humanity had to learn from the lessons of old Terra, Terran descendants of the old world had to not do a repeat of the same human mistakes that were endemic to it. As a society this ideology developed from the issues that the first ark had and the impact of those events that occurred from it. Terrans view this connection with Terra after the second ark’s help brought a chance of saving this new colony which became appropriately named Terra Nova. This caused a deeper connection to the saving of old terra, and the chance for a better future where Terrans work hard to reject the mistakes of the past and do to better of themselves for a brighter future.

Krentasians are an upright, bipedal beings with manipulative hands descended from a felinoid life form. There are two sexes, male (Krentan) and female (Krentas). The most notable external difference was the slightly increased size of the male, though specimens of both genders tended to be lithe for their size due to a higher volume of muscle than most mammals. Fur covered their bodies, most times a solid colour or shades of a similar tone. While most ranged between grey, sandy and golden, black fur was not uncommon, and white was quite rare but not unheard of. In almost all Krentasians, the eyes were a golden colour and provided excellent night vision. However, in those with black fur, green eyes were observed, and white furred Krentasians tended toward light, almost clear-blue eyes.

Krentasians shed in small amounts throughout the year, since their original world's orbit was less elliptical than most and maintained a near constant season, lacking the winter that would require thicker fur and subsequent shedding. As a result of this temperate to hot climate, Krentasians had a lower tolerance for colder climates. Their feline ancestry showed in their facial structure, the fur covering their bodies, long and agile tails, and their voices, which resembled the purring of Terran felines. When agitated, Krentasian fur 'bristled' in a manner akin to that of a Terran cat. There was very little that a Krentasian could do to control this bristling response, and it took place with nearly all the fur on the body.

Krentasians stand one to two meters tall, similar to, but often lither, than the average humanoid. However, they are more agile and dexterous than their size suggested. There legs could store quite a bit of potential energy in the 'crouch' that was the resting state. This gave the Krentasians the ability to spring quickly into action, granting them a significant ability to accelerate from a rest state. The power of those legs also granted them an impressive leaping ability of up to 7 meters. Due to the way in which steps were taken, a gradual absorbing of the weight, their species has incredibly silent footsteps. Krentasians are excellent sprinters (many able to reach 40 kilometres per hour for short bursts), but left them little endurance for long distance running. They tended to lack the endurance for extended exertion, though this shortcoming could be overcome with an extensive regimen of exercise and a specialized diet. 

As a by-product of the Krentasian reliance on a tail to aid in balance, most coped with damage to one inner-ear, though loss of the tail or micro-gravity conditions can lead disorientation and nausea. Their long tails, generally accepted as one of the key features allowing them to achieve a bipedal form. The tail functioned as a minor aid to balance, but Krentasians who lost them seemed capable of physically compensating for the loss. Scientists assumed that the tail was once a key component of communication, but once actual speech developed, it was no longer needed as much (though the tails certainly provided a gauge of emotion, as did the positions of the ears). Krentasians required a minimum of four hours of rest per day; however, whenever possible they tried to get 10 hours.

Krentasian eyes are capable of dilating widely to grant the race expanded vision in lower light. They could see functionally in 20 percent of the light required by a human. The irises contracted in a ‘V’ shape, decreasing ocular response time and allowing them to adapt from low-light to bright light conditions quickly. Additionally, where Humans had visual receptors placed evenly in the inner eye, Krentasian receptors were concentrated on a more defined horizontal axis. This allowed a high degree of visual acuity, enabling them to catch movement and details on their horizontal plane at greater range, and with greater clarity and accuracy than humans.
Krentasian ear structures enabled them to hear in ranges far beyond the human baseline. While they were no better than Humans at hearing in low range bands, their high-end aural sensitivity extended to four times that of Humanity, they could hear tones up to two full octaves higher. In addition, they could rotate their cup-shaped ears for better auditory focus, and in fact could directionally locate sounds to within 20 centimetres in any direction without physically looking.

The Krentasian sense of hearing was incredibly acute, able to hear in a higher pitched range far in excess of humans. Their eyes were geared toward low light levels; as a result, they had slightly less colour acuity than non-nocturnal. They were, however, able to operate in near darkness. Their sense of smell is quite well-developed almost matching a Terran canine.
[Hider=Artificial Intelligence]
The first true, sentient artificial intelligence to be created on Terra Nova. Known as “Aditya,” the Artificial Intelligence adopted a female gender – a novel concept not previously considered in early computational models for her computer core. The new A.I. would go on to revolutionizes theories on artificial intelligence and their characteristics. Despite centuries of fear from their ancestors that Old Terra would be destroyed by the arrival of artificial intelligence, “Aditya’s” genesis had a positive impact on Terran life in the City of Gracemeria. There, the fledgling Artificial Intelligence helped city leaders to improve transportation, solve economic issues, and improve the city’s overall efficiency. “Aditya’s” framework became the baseline for future artificial intelligence in the years to come, and remnants of her matrix are found in almost all artificial intelligence in existence within the FSA. More importantly, her existence paved the way for the explosion of artificial intelligence and the birth of a new species that would take a century to earn rights equivalent their Terran creators.

An Android body was soon constructed; it is an advanced technological humanoid construct used to house an artificial intelligence or a limited intelligence. There are a massive number of uses for androids, ranging from industrial to social to military to a combination of all three. Androids are constructed out of a wide range of materials because of the complexity of their construction. The main material used in androids' skeletons are nickel-cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloys, because of the extremely high tensile strength, low weight, and the relative abundance of the materials needed to make the alloy.

The skeleton is the core of the android, and is what provides androids with their enormous strength and durability. There are also polymers and many exotic alloys used for joints and artificial musculature, as they are very durable and have the flexibility and conductivity that allow for extremely high information transfer rate, and also provide better electrical conductivity. Depending on what use an android is being designed for, the spine is either reinforced or streamlined, to either provide enhanced strength for industrial jobs, or to make an android appear more humanoid.

The skin and hair of an android usually are comprised of, once again, polymers, and nanobots. Polymers are used because they have a wide range of tolerances for stress, temperature, and other extremes, and because of that they are an ideal material for an exterior cover. Nanobots are used to repair the polymer as it slowly ages and degrades over time, and are also for cosmetic uses, helping to create hair and change its colour, and to also make skin appear more lifelike by adding and maintaining details such as follicles, pores, and small imperfections so that the polymers appear like real skin.

As implied by the name, artificial life is typically created through sophisticated computer programming and massive amounts of hardware. Additionally, some higher forms of artificial intelligence are able to reproduce themselves, either through self-replication or by combining their own programming information with data from one or more other artificially intelligent entities to create an entirely new intelligence. Artificial life constitutes a sizeable minority of the population in the Known Worlds. Under Alliance law, all machines and programs that pass a standardized set of intelligence tests are afforded full rights and citizenship. Artificial Intelligence's can feel many human emotions, like love, hate, sadness and joy. It has been said that the rate of insanity among Artificial Intelligences is far less than the organic population.


3.5 Billion

Terran 35%
Midgarian 30%
Krentasian 21%
A.I 14%

[color=39b54a]Planet Name and Description[/color]: Arinar is a large Gaia world with several medium land masses, one exceptionally large land mass where the capital of Destera is located and odd islands dotted around vast oceans.  The lands mostly sport good forestry but also some arid areas along the usual poles you would see on earth but larger on scale. The lands also have quite a bit of mountainous regions and plenty of beautiful waterfalls; it would be the perfect holiday destinations for tourists if the much heavier gravity of the planet wouldn’t kill you.

Arinar has three moons orbiting her, the large moon of Nefreya which has been colonized and her two smaller sister moons of Nefrane and Oseros. 
Example of Midgarian structures.

Terra Nova is an Earth-like world with a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. Active and stable hydrosphere. Great landmasses are separated by oceans, with large climate variations depending on latitude and precipitation. Terra Nova has rings often dubbed ‘The rings of Terra’ around the planet along with a single moon called Prospero.  Terrans have been careful with city development making sure to avoid pollutions and noise that could affect the environment, avoiding the mistakes of their ancestors.
Many clean large cities exist along with some rather unique phenomena locations have been left in their natural state. Terrans have made sure to keep these unique terrain locations safe.
[hider=Terra Nova]
Example of a Terran city.
One of the Natural wonders of Terra Nova.

[color=39b54a]History[/color]: The initial colonization efforts of what was code named New Eden originally was headed by one of two arks, Pathfinder was smaller than its bigger cousin, the ship was supposed to take initial colonists to New Eden, providing security, exploration and surveys and more vital work, that would help plan out future endeavours for when New dawn, the larger of the two arks that would arrive. However; this would be a fateful endeavour, the pathfinder had encountered an unknown alien species residing within the system and on the planet designated for human colonization.  How it could have been missed is unknown, but Gaia world was in fact Arinar, The home world of the Midgardian species.

Problem was however, is Pathfinder had was programmed to scan the planet and designate a landing zone for the crew. Communication with their new contacts broke down, translating the unexpected new language was taking too long and despite the effort of the crew, a location was selected upon reaching the planets orbit, advanced small Midgardian craft, began attacking the ship, the end result was the ark crash landing onto the planet’s surface. Panic had set in, security teams were preparing for some sort of assault while other desperately fought to keep the ships systems active, The Midgardians came, but it was futile. People armed themselves and charged outside… The scene was horrific, all those that ran outside were instantly crushed, slaughtered by the planets heavy gravity, files and footage have been heavily classified. 

Several days later New Dawn had arrived through the gate, expecting to expand on the colonization effort, they were instead met with small Midgardian craft, but this time communication was established as the Xeno species had manage to mostly translate one of human languages. Pathfinder by this point had lost at least 70 percent of her crew, due to the planet, fighting its inhabitants, resource shortage and power failures to their ship. To make matters worse the gate shut down isolating this tiny part of humanity, the crew of New Dawn quickly realized they needed to undo the damage her first ark did and work with this new species they encountered as technically they invaded their home. 

New Dawn was allowed to come and rescue the survivors of the first ship with the help of the Midgardians, tension was still high and relations strained but it was a start. There was another planet in the system suitable for human life, quickly designated New Dawn at the time. This would be there new home. A new Ideology was formed from this catastrophe, people of New dawn had decided to learn from the mistakes of their ancestors and the impact of the Pathfinders mistakes. They decided to call themselves Terran and renamed New Dawn to Terra Nova as they saw themselves different from the rest of humanity from their past, this ideology remains the core of Terran society to this day, but not all agreed to this new way of life. 

Those that had not agreed with the Ideology, did what they could over the coming century to sabotage colonization efforts, performing raids on mining operations, stealing ships or vehicles, they did anything they could do to hamper the ever improving relations the Terrans had with the Midgardians to, growing Xenophobic in nature, during this time the moon of Nefraya had been colonized also. Human sympathizers among the early mining station along the out belt rebelled and housed human terrorist groups the fled Terra Nova as their little rebellion was not working, causing mining issues.  At the latter half of the first century the Intersystem Alliance was formed, the predecessor to the FSA.  

In the coming century, this new alliance began making great strides in technological development thanks to open communication, trade, and borders, and wealth of technology exchanges helped improve life throughout many walks of life on both planets. It was also through this technological revolution the first true, sentient artificial intelligence was created on at the Cumbrian Institute. Going by the name of ‘Aditya’, she would go on to revolutionize theories on artificial intelligence and their characteristics.

Another important revolution was the development of gene-based therapies which significantly extend terran life. Developed by Doctor Hiroshi Sato, the regeneration treatments extended terran life to over a century by preventing the slow genetic decay of telomeres in terran cells while slowing the oxidation of organs in the body. Initially hailed as a designer drug, quick action by the Alliance prevented the commercialization of the treatment.  Instead, the research and drug patents were transferred to the public and made available to Alliance citizens as part of their free medical care. These medicines saw people live longer lives, these longer lives and improved health over a longer period revolutionized lifestyles, work efficiency, and helped grow the population further.

Despite this tension still grew with the mining colonies, although many just wanted to make a living, the more extreme elements wanted to take more action against both colony worlds of Arinar and Terra Nova. Again raids began happening, kidnappings, you name it, it was happening as these extreme elements held onto the believe that the terran way of life was in fact heavily influenced or control by the Midgardian people, pulling the strings from behind the shadows. After failed attempts to find a peaceful resolution, the extremists killed some when a planned attack went wrong, this swiftly brought about the ‘Belter rebellions’.

The conflict did not last more than a year before an unexpected event occurred, at the height of retaking the belt, a power surge was detected, the gate sparked to life and activated. Chaos ensued as the rebellion fleet took off, abandoning the mining stations and made for the gate, the small Alliance fleet of that time did their best to intercept, unfortunately most of the rebellion fleet went through the gate to parts unknown before the gate went dormant again. Those that didn’t make it were either destroy or caught. These revelations changed many things, mostly investigating the gate but also improving the life of those living on the mining stations along the belt, better living conditions, medical care and security. After all those that did not fight were still citizens of the Alliance. 

After almost a century had past, technological advancements were slowing despite research into Nano technology. However, their attention would be turned towards the stars once more, but this time not at the gate which the Alliance had been watching ever since it supposed malfunction as some believe. A small fleet of unknown alien ships had entered the system. The fleet mobilized but dialogue had to be established as to avoid repeating the whole pathfinder situation again. It took time, more than many would like to admit but communication was eventually established and not a single shot was amazingly fired, calling themselves Krentasians, the first face to face meeting was certainly one for the ages and one that no terran would ever forget, despite being fewer in number, they were certainly more advanced. 

With nowhere to call home, the Krentasians exchanged technology for a place to life, despite the Alliance saying it was not necessary and allowing the race to settle on Terra Nova. Within a few years the Federated Systems Alliance was born, consisting of all three races becoming the founding members, again technological marvels began happening once more, advancements across the board, one that stood out thanks to the krentasians was tractor beam and anti-grav technology. After almost a century since their creation, A.I had become the fourth member of the Alliance and gained full citizenship and equal rights to their biological counterparts, despite still not choosing a name for themselves as of yet. 

Approximately forty years ago, the alliance discovered an unknown ship right on the outer each of their system, it was probably by pure chance, however the leadership of the alliance had it covered it up and pretended like it never existed, the ship kept hidden while securing the vessel with the intent of understanding where it came from or what interesting discoveries it was hiding, Over the years the discoveries were never revealed, on a strictly need to know basis. Ultimately it caused the alliance to begin modernization programs for its military and navy forces, were they expecting something? 

[color=39b54a]Culture and Society[/color]: Demographics, as with many aspects of the Alliance, are a widely mixed variety. The two colony ships were made of early colonists, coming from a wide range of diversity; Japanese, Americans, British, French, Chinese, Russians, Germans, and Indians cultures are often overrepresented in the Alliance. Many of these cultures stem from the wide variety of original Earth cultures, though nearly every single continent has developed their own unique mix of cultures or new practices entirely stemming from their experiences. 

Alliance culture is bounded by capitalism, however. Planets within the nation are prevented from achieving cultures of notable totalitarian or tribal status by the laws that govern the Alliance, though some peoples do choose to live closer to a tribal lifestyle of their own accord. Alliance culture is particularly connected with the Xeno members thanks to open communication, trade, and borders, a wealth of technology, and little censorship. This fuels diversity throughout the regions on the Alliance and the government encourages a “One Humanity” mind-set for Terrans to prevent racial strife. 

Krentasians were very a territorial species, and they reacted aggressively against any threats to their homes, which in the past led to the development of truly impressive firefighting and repair technologies. Given their physical capabilities, as well as generally aggressive instincts, their species made for formidable troops, Worthy of note was that the Krentasians were almost completely incapable of swimming unassisted due to their low body fat, a result of their high metabolism and they don’t drink beer, which is quite toxic to them. 

There was no real need for a militia force once it was integrated into the Alliances forces. However, early many realized that the training provided a sense of unity, help curb and channel young Krentasian energy and instincts, and formed a foundation of teamwork that could be turned toward tasks such as disaster relief. Every Krentasian underwent basic training, stressing co-operation and constructive tasks. This practice also helped mitigate the predatory instincts of the Krentasians, as well as the 'youthful energy' that could otherwise lead to mischief.

Their culture had developed a deep appreciation for beauty, which was expressed in many ways: study and contemplation of nature, producing works of art that mirrored nature, and, most commonly, surrounding themselves with beauty and comfort. Krentasians were known to find beauty in nearly any aspect of nature, including such destructive ones as lightning storms. Jewellery was also seen as a form of beauty through which they could express themselves well. Given the coloration of their fur, gold was rarely used, though bronze, steel, iron, titanium, and similar metals were in wide use. Mated pairs traditionally wore matching anklets similar in function to the Human wedding ring tradition. Most Krentasian jewellery contained gemstones, with red and blue being the preferred colours.


[color=f7941d]Governance and Politics[/color]: The Federated Systems Alliance (FSA or SA) is a political and economic alliance comprising of currently three species working together. The Midgarian Confederation, Terra Nova Republics and Krentasian Empire. The Alliance is a federal type of government.

The government of the Federated Systems Alliance is a representative democratic republic with powers centralized in the federal government with member worlds still retaining their form of government and laws unless superseded by those of the federal government. Members of the advisory board and the FSA Council work as groups, individuals, or as part of a committee to write, propose, debate, and ratify legislation. The president, as the head of state and head of government, signs the legislation into law or veto’s the legislation while also having the authority over the military (for short periods) and over executive actions among other duties. Members of the Alliance High Courts serve as the moral compass of the Alliance and often provide interpretations of the Alliance charter or hear cases against the Federal government or high-profile cases referred up to the High Courts.

The central government – or core government – is situated in the government complex in Elysium, Terra Nova. Other major government facilities are located on the central world’s of each region, usually housing the regional government led by that area’s Vice President and the locally elected Governor.

[hider=Advisory Board.] The advisory board for the Alliance is made up of senior representatives from each of the major Alliance powers, including the vice president. The council acts as a cabinet to the president advising him on events, supported by functional officials such as Ministers, Within the Alliance there are various ministry posts which take government policy under their jurisdiction and create the framework and infrastructure to make them functional. Their other main role is nominating a new candidate for president when the current President serves for ten years with a three, consecutive term limit and reaches that limit, unfit, dies or decides to leave office after one of the ten year servings.[/hider]

[hider=FSA Council.]
The FSA Council is a quorum of one representative from each world within the alliance who permanently reside on Terra Nova (or wherever the government resides). They were conceived of as a wartime insurance policy. Such that in the event that war precluded the recall of the Advisory board, the Alliance had governing representatives to represent their respective world’s. Members of the council are elected for a ten-year term and are provided residences on the Presidio in New Geneva. They serve for a period of ten years with a maximum of two consecutive terms.

The council serves as the upper house of the Alliance. They do not write legislation themselves and vote as regular members during normal sessions. In the event of a voting tie in the advisory board however, laws are voted on independently by the FSA Council. A subsequent tie is broken by a Presidential vote. During the wartime, in the absence of the advisory board, the FSA Council serves to confirm presidential orders for military action, write law and legislation during the period of board absence, and holds all other powers normally possessed by the advisory board.[/hider]

[hider=Intelligence agencies.]
Internal Security Bureau (ISB)- is a secret intelligence gathering body for the Federated Systems Alliance. Soon after the formation of the Alliance, it became clear that the Alliance needed an organization to keep track of what the various nations were doing, and to keep track of various external and internal threats including other Alliance members. They also have highly trained operatives that operate independantly from other organisations, performing more unofficial *CLASSIFIED.. REDACTED.*

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)- Of the Federated Alliance Navy. (FAN)

Marine Intelligence Division (MID)- of the federated Alliance Marine Corps.(FAMC)

Army Security Bureau (ASB)- of the Federated Alliance army. 

At its formation, membership in the Alliance was offered to the Midgarians, Terrans (Humans.) and Krentasians. Before becoming a fully-fledged member, each new member must agree to abide by and uphold the Alliance's laws. Each member world or race assigns an ambassador to the Alliance, where they act as a legislative body who may get positions into the FSA Council and Advisory board depending on the availability candidates to take on such roles.[/hider]

[color=f7941d]Technology Overview[/color]: The Federated Systems Alliance initially started of slow to technological advancements in its previous incarnation as the intersystem alliance until the various races of the nation’s openly shared ideas and technology for the betterment of the Alliance. Although plenty of technological advancements happened, it was also not to ignore and improve upon reliable technologies of the past three centuries. As such the Alliance uses a combination of projectile and energy based weapons systems for the various military branches and navy. The military also has access to crude but effective weapons like flame and cryo based weapons along with electrical based weapons and some reversed engineered tech from the alien ship that was captured.

Other notable technological breakthroughs were the creation of Smart A.I and of course fully sentient A.I that gained full citizenship and equal rights of their biological equivalents. Nanotechnology was another breakthrough for the Alliance, originally used in limited capacity in the medical field, bringing the eventual creation of the Medical-Nano bed. It was then further used for Nano-suits under armour for troops but is an included element of the Nano-Solaris hull armour used on navy ships and stations. This Trinium element is also used on the hull of combat vehicles in the army. 

When the Krentasians joined the Alliance, with it they too brought in some new technology, most notably Tractor beam and Stealth technology, they are also responsible for work on the first generation of actual working cloaking technology. Gene based therapy and regenerative treatments are also a breakthrough and became part of the free healthcare plan for Alliance citizens. Research and development has been ongoing for Anti-gravity technology.

[hider=Nano-Solaris Armour.]
The Triple-Layer Hull the FSA call Nano-Solaris Hull Armour serves as Armor in addition to its role of making up the entire outer shell of ships in the FSA. The entire outer shell of the ship is comprised of 3 layers of the triple-alloy. Since the systems in between each layer can supply the area with nanites to repair damages whenever the Hull is not taking damage, most blemishes on the surface of the ship can typically be left to repair themselves automatically.

The alloy used here is comprised of 3 distinctly different metallic elements, each added for its own excellent qualities. Kuridium was used because of it being able to absorb impacts and disperse them along large areas of its surface, lessening the overall effect of the impact both to the ship, and to the hull itself. Neutronium, an element discovered on the planet Arinar, is one of the strongest metallic materials ever tested by the Alliance and it also has elastic properties. Able to take damage and even bend with the impacts, then return to its shape afterwards, all the while maintaining strength and solidity most metals are not capable of under such strenuous conditions.

The last element, Tirinium, was primarily added to the mix for its regenerative properties, and its ability to allow uniquely designed nanites to navigate within its structure, to repair it and the other 2 metallic compounds, without causing instability in the overall structure of the hull.

Together, the three make the ship’s hull extremely tough, and hard to penetrate. Those properties however, do have their disadvantages. As a result of the dispersal properties, most impacts directly to the hull can typically be felt as tremors throughout the outer part of the ship.[/hider]

[color=f7941d]Military Overview[/color]: [sub](This is the space to talk about any offensive capabilities you have. Given that most of these Colonies have been essentially stranded by themselves for three centuries, I don't imagine anyone has a large "conquer other planets" level fleet yet. But maybe your Colony has been in civil war for a hundred years, and has built up an impressive military in that time. Or maybe they even had to fend off a genuine alien invasion.)[/sub]

[hider= Alliance Infantry]
[b]Military uniform. [/b]

[b]Navy uniform. (without blue bits on faces.)[/b]

[b]FSA Army.[/b]
Drop Troops.
Heavy Armour.
Pathfinder Teams.
ISB Infiltrators.

[b]FSA Marines.[/b]

FSA Krentasian Soldiers.


[Hider=Xeno Auxilleries.]

Migdarian Commando's are those that serve their empire and not the FSA like many of thier fellow sisters, they fight as Protectors of their queen and homeworld. They are not part of the FSA armed forces. They mostly operate on the Midgarian homeworld unless on duty to protect the royal family that may be away on royal Buisiness offworld, It is possible they could find themselve assisting Alliance forces as auxilleries if requested. 

Midgarian Commando's.

[Hider=Alliance vehicles.]

[u][b]Light Assault/Recon Vehicle.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Sampson Multi-Purpose Armoured Vehicle.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Heavy multipurpose utility vehicle. -Mobile utility platform.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Armoured Cargo Vehicle.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Kodiak Infantry Carrier Vehicle.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Predator Main Battle Tanks.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Manticore Artillery support.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Anvil MLRS - artillery/Anti air combat vehicle.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Firestorm Heavy Flame Tank.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Oseros Heavy Crystallizer Tank.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Prometheus Super Heavy Tank.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Achilles Super Heavy Tank.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Challenger Super Heavy Tank.[/b][/u]

[hider=Alliance craft.]
[u][b]Combat Drone[/b][/u]

[u][b]Drop pods.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Kodiak Class Shuttle[/b][/u]
[b]Medical Variant[/b]

[u][b]Acamar class combat shuttle[/b][/u]

[u][b]Nefraya class Light Fighter[/b][/u]

[u][b]Lucen Class stealth fighter[/b][/u]

[u][b]Remora Class Heavy Fighter[/b][/u]

[u][b]Polaris Class anti ship Fighter[/b][/u]

[u][b]Vindicator Class stealth Bomber[/b][/u]

[u][b]Mantis class super heavy bomber[/b][/u]

[u][b]Phantom Class Gunship[/b][/u]

[u][b]Fenrir class Gunship[/b][/u]

[u][b]Spectre Class Dropship[/b][/u]

[u][b]Phantom Class heavy Dropship[/b][/u]

[u][b]Thunderhawk Class super-heavy dropship/light Carrier.[/b][/u]

[Hider=Alliance Fleet.]

[Hider=Light Ships.]
Lysander Class Stealth Ship.[/b][/u]

[b][u]Osaka Class Cutter[/u][/b]

[u][b]Whitestar Class Attack ship.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Jakarta Class Corvette.[/b][/u]
[b][u]Known Ships:[/u][/b]
A.N.S. Zetec
A.N.S. Majestic

[u][b]Whitestar II Class Frigate.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Tapei Class Stealth Frigate.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Taulon Class Frigate.[/b][/u]
[u][b]Known Ships:[/b][/u]
A.N.S. Da Vinci
A.N.S. Garza
A.N.S. Sentry
A.N.S. Yeager


[Hider=Medium Ships.]

[u][b]Kiev Class Destroyer.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Vancouver Class Destroyer.[/b][/u]
[u][b]Known Ships:[/b][/u]
A.N.S. Appalachia
A.N.S. Ballista
[u][b]New Cairo Class Destroyer.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Rio Class Light Cruiser.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Berlin Class Crsuier.[/b][/u]
[u][b]Known Ships:[/b][/u]

[u][b]Madrid Class Heavy Cruiser.[/b][/u]
[u][b]Known Ships:[/b][/u]
A.N.S. Prometheus

[hider=Heavy Ships.]

[u][b]Johannesburg Class Battlecrsuier.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Perth Class Battlecruiser.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Rome Class Battlecruiser.[/b][/u]

[Hider=Super Heavy Ships.]

[u][b]New York Class Assualt Carrier.[/b][/u]

[u][b]London Class Battleship.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Yorktown Class Command carrier.[/b][/u]

[u][b]Infinity Class Dreadnaught.[/b][/u]

[Hider=Alliance Space Stations.]

[Hider=Civilian Ships]
Freighter Mule.

Mining Ship.

Large Mining Ship.

Startrader Freighter.

Refinery Ship.

Salvage ship.

Medical Ship.

Large Luxury Yatch

Luxury Star Cruiser

Silverstar Liner/Transport.

Research Cruiser.



[color=ec008c]Additional Info[/color]:
[hider=Known People.]
[b][u]President Elias Sheriden.[/u][/b]

[b][u]Ambassador Svetlana Chekov[/u][/b]
