[center][sub][sub][url=https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vgwlv]Art by Guillem H. Pongiluppi[/url][/sub][/sub][/center][img]https://i.imgur.com/s0aMjVc.png[/img][right][sup][h2][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvNZeh6f8vE]π…ž[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U62YkXZNs8M&list=PLAE502D4A62E2441A&index=82]π…Ÿ[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mxCiIXRaWY]𝅘𝅥𝅮[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyeXnF_WQrM]𝅑[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/ca9wJNkMyB]Discord[/url][/h2][/sup][/right][hr][color=9ACD32]Long ago, along the banks of the rivers now called the Asquelle, Oreuse, Vitroux, and Meine, there lived five tribes: one for each of the Gods, though these people were as yet ignorant of the Pentad. The land that Oraphe had gifted them was lush and green nonetheless, the climate fair, and the forests rich with game. At times, it was true that Echeran raised his mighty sword and there was war among them but, more often than not, there was bounty enough for all and they lived in IptΓ©'s peace. Centuries passed and, as Chune granted them more of her wisdom, the five tribes began to apply her Gift of magic in simple ways. They built villages and towns, pushing back the forests with their dark, rugged reaches and savage beasts. Farms came to cover the hillsides: swaying seas of golden rye, barley, oats, and lentils dotted with thatched-roof huts and cottages. Gradually, the five peoples became one and their numbers grew. They began to call themselves something new: Parren. Dami was pleased by their sound judgement and blessed them greatly for many years.[/color] [color=6B8E23]But the five-tribes-turned-one were simple yet, compared to their neighbours from the rocky, sweltering north. These had built a vast empire on blood, gold, and magic. They, too, were many, and greatly blessed by Echeran, whom they worshipped in marble temples. Now, they turned their greedy eyes south towards the lands of those they called Parencii. How simple was the conquest. Yet, for all of their initial brutality, these Avincians proved just and fair as masters and, in time became brothers with the Parencii and the others whose lands they had marched upon. Once again the people of the Asquelle, Oreuse, Vitroux, and Meine thrived. They learned a great deal in this time - most of all, the names and magics of the Gods - and nobody could call them simple anymore. They built their homes of stone and plowed their fields with oxen and slaves gained from conquest. Their victories became those of the Avincians and the Avincians' theirs.[/color] [color=808000]However, the same was true of their defeats, for such are the Gods of the Pentad that they give and they take. The peoples of Sipente ebb and flow no differently than their world does. Too much, those of the arid north liked their gold, and their empire weakened from within. From the south now, lands cold and unforgiving, blessed only with winds, snows, and a wealth of minerals, came a new threat: the Eskandr. Their magics were fresh and strong and their fury and lust like nothing the Parencii nor their Avincian masters had ever seen. By fire and sword, they set upon the more civilized peoples' homes, farms, and businesses and razed them to the ground. To their frigid and desolate lands, the Eskandr took the accumulated wealth of generations: the gold, spices, and marble, the strong men as slaves, and the beautiful women as unwilling wives. Those left behind howled for vengeance and, within a decade, formed the backbone of the mighty Avincian legions which struck south.[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3gTC9ip.jpg?1[/img][/center][hr][hr][color=B8860B]On the banks of the Meine, the two armies fought to a bloody standstill. The empire recovered itself somewhat and staggered on for another two hundred years. The Eskandr bided their time but, when the thousand year city of Avince and its civilization fell, it was not they who did the deed. Rather, among others, it was the Parench. For quite some time, they had been doing the dragon's share of the work and receiving scant little of the reward. For their greed, Dami judged them wanting and Echeran laid them low. Plague and famine swept the lands of the dead empire. Petty kings, conquerors, and strongmen carved the great corpse into small, feuding realms. Roads fell into disuse, temples into ruins, and forests full of wolves and bandits encroached upon farmland. As they lay bleaching in the subtropical sun, bricks were scavenged from the great, overgrown bones of the old Avincian cities. Public baths, stadiums, and libraries became humble huts and longhouses. Books became kindling and the practice of magic became strange and arcane.[/color] [color=a36209]Now, the Eskandr returned, and they feasted on the soft lands to the North. Under many banners but with one purpose and a common set of heathen gods, they raided up and down the coast and then began to strike inland. The villages of the Parench burned once more and there were a hundred different men who claimed that they would act as saviour to their people: the one to take on and defeat this scourge of Echeran. They would not share their glory, however and, instead, they carved their own lands up in bloody warfare. Only after dozens of these would-be heroes lay dead and the heathens ran rampant, extracting tribute and taking slaves, did the remainder swallow their pride and adopt the titles of dukes, counts, barons, and margraves. On the shore of the Γ‰troite Sea lies the old Avincian city of Solenium, with its handsome stone buildings, cobble streets in their original grid pattern, and palm trees that sway in the maritime breeze. Renamed Solenne by the Parrench, it was here that the proud lords of the land, near to broken from their wars against each other and Eskandr alike, gathered on the Ides of Verdi. As cathedral bells chimed and the year’s first flowers bloomed outside, they bowed their heads and pledged their fealty to a new king: a first among equals.[/color] [color=A52A2A]The ruler of the unified Parrench people, Arcel, is a young man, for it was truly his father Rouis who won the crown and then expired too soon to wear it. Some say he is clever, handsome, and strong in The Gift. Others say that his are a young man's dreams and too grand to make for reality. Dukes and counts whisper and scheme. Margravines curtsy and court him. They say he will fail but, in truth, he must succeed, or the bold experiment that is one Parrench nation will fail with him and become a feast for the Eskandr. To that end, in cities, towns, and even the largest of villages, King Arcel's agents now appear. For those few who can read, parchments are hammered onto posts and church doors while innkeepers and town criers relay the king's message for the many who cannot. Arcel, first of his name, King of the Parrench, calls all willing and able warriors skilled in the use of The Gift to the town of Relouse, on the southern frontier. Knights, Wizards, Rangers, and Scoundrels alike, he calls them to fight for the future of their people.[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/AdauLgF.jpg?1[/img][/center][hr][hr][h1][u]Your Legend[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h1] [b][u]First: The Story[/u] |[/b] This is a low fantasy RPG set in the same world as [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/187336-the-hourglass-order/ooc]The Hourglass Order[/url], but eight hundred years prior, during the Dark Ages. It shares much of the same lore and deals with the coalescence and founding of the nation of Perrence. This takes place against the backdrop of merciless and persistent raids and invasions by the southern 'barbarians' known as Eskandr. Yet, these invaders face issues of their own. Their northernmost brethren - the Drudgunzeans - are increasingly forsaking their ancient ways and the faith of their fathers in favour of Quentism. You'll be playing warriors of a great many sorts who have answered the young king's call to fight for their country or else the very barbarians who seek to destroy it in order to preserve their ascendance. [b][u]Second: Character Creation[/u] |[/b] This RPG involves magic and a handful of fantasy creatures, but is more concerned with a degree of realism than most fantasy. To that end, you'll be playing human (or yasoi) characters. You are allowed a concurrent maximum of two. These should be setting-appropriate, which means no clockwork tinkerers, half-elves with violet eyes, unusually tall emo kids, rebellious princess-knights, or anime main characters. The people that you create don't have to revel in their outward uniqueness simply for its own sake. They can be archetypes but still be compelling if thought, nuance, and heart go into making them. Good Dark Ages character art is also [i]very[/i] difficult to find, so I'll be allowing some leeway, but this is not a D&D campaign or an anime. Characters' attire should be practical and reflect their setting and role. [b][u]Third: Conduct[/u] |[/b] This will be a fast-paced game with plenty of action, intrigue, politics, and exploration. It will have a clearly defined goal and ending. Players will be expected to adhere to the standard rules on powerplaying, metagaming, and 'asspulling'. Play this game in good faith and it'll be rewarding. If you find yourself very focused on 'winning' against other players as opposed to telling a collaborative story, then I'd ask you to look elsewhere. In terms of activity level, I'm looking for at least two paragraphs per post a minimum of once per week. If you don't think that you can keep up with that activity level, then this isn't for you. If you go inactive on the forum and on discord without prior notice for more than a week, I will ping and Direct Message you. If you fail to respond after a second week of inactivity... your character will fall in service of the kingdom or join the Visitor in GrΓΈnhal. [b][u]Fourth: Deaths[/u] |[/b] As participants in a wartime game, you run the risk of character death. These will not be random acts of the Gods, but risky choices are, well... risky. That is not to discourage risk-taking. There may be sizable rewards as well, but ill-advised decisions (and you will always receive a warning of the risks and possible benefits if you would like one) can also result in the maiming or death of your character. You are free, however, to re-enter with a second character if your first is taken by Echeran. You'll only be permanently kicked from the game in instances of counterproductive behaviour or extended inactivity without notice. [b][u]Fifth: Character Roles[/u] |[/b] There are three main factions and ten Callings (otherwise known as classes). Some are fairly unique and there will be caps on how many characters are allowed of these types. For the sake of realism, if your character is going against the societal grain, I would like to see good, nuanced, developed reasons as to why. If you're rebelling in some way, it needs to have a compelling internal logic and thoughtful emotional justification. In general, to ensure a balanced spread of characters that reflects the spirit of the game, we'll be using a quota system. If there are too many characters submitted for a particular quota, the one best suited to the direction of the narrative will be taken. The other player may submit an alternate character if they wish. [hider=Quotas][b][u]Nation Quotas:[/u][/b] [list][*]Parrench: 0/8 [*]Eskandr: 0/4 [*]Drudgunzean: 0/4 [*]Yasoi: 0/2[/list] [table][row][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][b][u]Calling Quotas:[/u][/b][row][cell]Bard: 0/2[/cell][cell]Berserker: 0/2[/cell][cell]Horseman: 0/2[/cell][/row][row][cell]Infiltrator: 0/2[/cell][cell]Knight: 0/6[/cell][cell]Maledict: 0/2[/cell][/row][row][cell]Priest: 0/2[/cell][cell]Ranger: 0/3[/cell][cell]Witch/Warlock: 0/3[/cell][/row][row][cell]Wizard: 0/3[/cell][cell]Dervish: 0/1[/cell][cell]Total: 0/14[/cell][/row][/table][/hider][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oSATD6S.jpg?1[/img][/center][hr][hr][h1][u]The World[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h1] The world of Sipente, where our story takes place, is vast and complex, governed by the laws of nature and magic but, to its people, by those of the divine Pentad as covered in the holy Menanne. All Parrench and many Drudgunzeans believe firmly that it was through the will of the Gods that all things were brought into existence, by their leave that man flourishes, and by their wrath that he fails. Distinct from most fantasy settings, this world is very much in its equivalent to the Dark Ages (though the later part of them). Tactics and technology are simpler than in later medieval times: castles humbler, siege warfare in its infancy, good steel more valuable, and mounted knights a relatively new innovation. Full plate armour does not yet exist. The trebuchet has not been invented. Still developing, too, are the social codes that will come to define the middle ages: chivalry is a mere idea that some people have, nobility is still as much a state of being and behaviour as it is a status that one inherits. Magic has become less schooled and more arcane, still widely used but with much of its written form and finer points having been lost. Kingdoms are generally small and evanescent in nature. Parrence is the first truly large one to form north of the Asquelle since the fall of the Avincian Empire. Its success or failure may very well determine what the continent's future will look like. Many are the peoples, places, beasts, and legends of this world. However, in this brief guide, only those that may play a role in our story will be covered. [hider=Pentad][h1]The Pentad of the Quentic Faith[/h1][h3]IptΓ©. Chune. Oraphe. Echeran. Dami.[/h3] Lover, Learner, Creator, Destroyer, Judge: All magics and all of creation pay homage to the divine Pentad who brought them into being. Thy existence is beyond human understanding, thy ways both arcane and divine, and thy gifts the foundations of life itself. May thy will be done now and forever. [hr][h3]🌹 IptΓ©: The Lover 🎻[/h3] IptΓ© is known as The Lover and occupies the first position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their right hand beneath their left shoulder when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, IptΓ© possesses a female aspect - Aun-IptΓ©, the Queen of Beauty - and a male aspect - IptΓ©-Sept, the Lord of Love. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Rose and the Lyre, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Air, Arcane Magic, and the year's first season of Hundri, in the depths of winter. The works and deeds of IptΓ© make up the books of Ephaire and Kinship, which are the fourth and fifth books of the Menanne. This god's blessing, oft delivered by Hundrian monks and nuns, is "IptΓ© enchant you." [hr][h3]πŸ“– Chune: The Learner πŸ•―οΈ[/h3] Chune is known as The Learner and occupies the second position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their left hand beneath their right shoulder when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, Chune possesses a female aspect - Aun-Chune, the Keeper of Knowledge - and a male aspect - Chune-Sept, the Seeker of Knowledge. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Record Book and the Lantern, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Lightning, Thunder Magic, and the year's second season of Stresia, when the spring bloom begins. The works and deeds of Chune make up the books of Bergamon and Wisdom, which are the sixth and seventh books of the Menanne. This god's blessing, oft delivered by Stresian monks and nuns, is "Chune enlighten you." [hr][h3]🌳 Oraphe: The Creator πŸ₯­[/h3] Oraphe is known as The Creator and occupies the third position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their left hand upon their right hip when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, Oraphe possesses a female aspect - Aun-Oraphe, the Giver of Life - and a male aspect - Oraphe-Sept, the Preserver of Life. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Tree of Life and the Ambrosia, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Water, Blood Magic, and the year's third season of Dorrad, in the hottest months. The works and deeds of Oraphe make up the books of Lazaire and Flourishing, which are the eighth and ninth books of the Menanne. This god's blessing, oft delivered by Dordian monks and nuns, is "Oraphe keep you." [hr][h3]πŸ’€ Echeran: The Destroyer πŸ—‘οΈ[/h3] Echeran is known as The Destroyer and occupies the fourth position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their right hand upon their left hip when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, Echeran possesses a female aspect - Aun-Echeran, the Hand of Death - and a male aspect - Echeran-Sept, the Bringer of War. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Skull and the Sword, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Fire, Essence Magic, and the year's fourth season of Rezain, when the harvest takes place. The works and deeds of Echeran make up the books of Gelgamed and Wrath, which are the tenth and eleventh books of the Menanne. This god's blessing, oft delivered by Rezaindian monks and nuns, is "Echeran spare you" or, in some cases, "Echeran empower you." [hr][h3]βš–οΈ Dami: The Judge πŸ”¨[/h3] Dami is known as The Judge and occupies the fifth and final position in the sign of the Pentad. One retracts their hands from the hips and presses their palms together in a sign of reverence below their chest. Like their four fellow Gods, Dami possesses a female aspect - Aun-Dami, the Giver of Choice - and a male aspect - Dami-Sept, the Arbiter of Justice. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Scale and the Hammer, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Earth, Force Magic, and the year's fifth and final season of Somnes, when the harvest is over and cold rains coat the land. The works and deeds of Dami make up the books of Arbroast and Judgement, which are the twelfth and thirteenth books of the Menanne. This god's blessing, oft delivered by Somnian monks and nuns, is "Dami guide you." [hr][h2]Five Gods, Five Orders[/h2]The Quentic Faith organizes its religious orders into one for each deity in the Pentad. They take variations on the names of their associated seasons. Monks and nuns of a given order are responsible to all five divine members of the Pentad, but especially to the particular deity that they serve. Each order also contains suborders, with their own original vestments, purposes, and structure of governance. Every monastery of monks or convent of nuns is headed by an abbot or abbess, respectively. These are almost always members of the nobility, while other members may be of any social class.[center][h3]The Hundrian Order[/h3][/center]Deity Served: Ipte Associated Season: Hundri Blessing: β€œIpte enchant you” Suborders: [list][*]Gold Order Hundrians: Counselors and advisors who facilitate family relationships - 50% nuns, 50% monks [*]Green Order Hundrians: Gardeners and animal husbandry who cultivate beauty in nature - 40% nuns, 60% monks [*]Vermilion Order Hundrians: Courtesans and escorts dedicated to the arts of sexual love - 70% nuns, 30% monks [*]Orange Order Hundrians – Counselors and therapists committed to facilitating marriages - 60% nuns, 40% monks [*]Turquoise Order Hundrians – Performers, muses, and models who showcase human beauty - 40% nuns, 60% monks[/list][hr][center][h3]The Stresian Order[/h3][/center]Deity Served: Shune Associated Season: Stresia Blessing: β€œShune enlighten you” Suborders: [list][*]Stresian Scribes: responsible for the transcription of books and recordkeeping - 60% nuns, 40% monks [*]Stresian Sages: live in remote areas engaged in the study of time, space, and magic - 50% nuns, 50% monks [*]Stresian Philosophers: scientists, thinkers, and inventors engaged in the natural sciences - 30% nuns, 70% monks [*]Stresian Scholars: teachers, instructors, and researchers - 50% nuns, 50% monks [*]Stresian Thaumaturges: scholars and practitioners of magic, particularly holy magic - 60% nuns, 40% monks[/list][hr][center][h3]The Dordian Order[/h3][/center]Deity Served: Oraff Associated Season: Dorrad Blessing: β€œOraff keep you” Suborders: [list][*]Sisters of the Sunrise: dedicated to assisting with childbirth and infant care - 100% nuns [*]Sisters of the Sunset: doctors, healers, and carers for the elderly - 100% nuns [*]Brothers of the Sunset: doctors, healers, and carers for the elderly - 100% monks [*]Brothers of the Unconquered Sun: protectors, paladins, and magical healers - 100% monks [*]Sisters of the Unconquered Sun: magical healers, menders, and protectors - 100% nuns [*]Children of the Nourishing Sun: dedicated to the preservation and protection of nature - 50% nuns, 50% monks[/list][hr][center][h3]The Rezaindian Order[/h3][/center]Deity Served: Eshiran Associated Season: Rezain Blessing: β€œEshiran empower/spare you” Suborders: [list][*]White Rezaindians: care for the dying, easing their passage to the afterlife - 80% nuns, 20% monks [*]Grey Rezaindians: burial of the dead, mourning, and commemration - 70% nuns, 30% monks [*]Black Rezaindians: assassins in service of the Death God - 20% nuns, 80% monks [*]Brown Rezaindians: maintenance of graveyards and monuments - 40% nuns, 60% monks [*]Red Rezaindians: warrior monks who spread and protect the faith - 10% nuns, 90% monks [*]Blue Rezaindians: disposal and destruction of unwanted things - 40% nuns, 60% monks[/list][hr][center][h3]The Somnian Order[/h3][/center]Deity Served: Dami Associated Season: Somnes Blessing: β€œDami guide you” Suborders: [list][*]High Somnians: judges, lawyers, and justices of the peace - 30% nuns, 70% monks [*]Old Somnians: advocates - keepers and enforcers of tradition and morality - 50% nuns, 50% monks [*]New Somnians: advocates - challengers of traditional morality, guarantors of free choice - 50% nuns, 50% monks [*]Grand Somnians: advisors to royalty and high nobility, lawmakers - 30% nuns, 70% monks [*]Light Somnians: protectors of due process, fairness, and legal transparency - 60% nuns, 40% monks [*]Dark Somnians: dispensers of vigilante justice, clandestine challengers of injustice - 20% nuns, 80% monks[/list][/hider] [hider=Peoples][h1][u]History:[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h1]Four hundred years ago, by the reckoning of learned men, lived the most powerful magic user of all time: the legendary Fradje Ironshaper. We can gather from Avincian texts and modern deduction, that he was a prodigious mooncaster, with abilities exceeding anyone alive in this day. Through force of will and arms, he unified the Eskandr tribes and sacked the eternal city of Avince, capital of the Empire, bringing his people great wealth, respect, and plunder. It is said that he lay with ten thousand women and some men as well and that fully one of every twenty Eskandr can claim ancestry from him, including much of the nobility. Of course, the moment he was finally called to the Visitor's table - for not even he could resist that call - there was no other figure who could hope to hold his empire together. The Avincians rebounded, thanks to the efforts of Macian III, and their empire lasted, against all odds, for another 250 years until its final collapse at the hands of its own maltreated vassals. The Eskandr people retreated south of the Asquelle and Meine Rivers and bided their time. They remained fierce and feared and Eskand itself, along with the two lesser Eskandr kingdoms of Drudgunze and Holmenbahn bullied the North. The Northerners were a disaster: their kingdoms, duchies, and counties small, weak, and feuding, and they could not fight back. Soon, they did not even fight each other. They settled down and produced: works of literature and theology, fine jewellery and garments, delicious and exotic foods and spices that the Eskandr could not hope to derive from their cold and wild lands. The Northerners paid their tribute, and they sent delegations with it each time: larger and more richly appointed delegations. These people had names attached to them that weren't their own names, like Somnians, Stresians, Dordians, and Hundrians. They met with Eskandr kings and spoke with them. They showered the kings with gifts. The kings forgot the Gods. They traded Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, and Visitor for Ipte, Chune, Oraphe, Echeran, and Dami. They decreed that their people should do the same. The Drudgunzeans bowed to the will of their kings - not all of them, and not all at once, but they did. In Holmenbahn, the people rose, but so did the king's defenders. East and west were torn asunder: two kingdoms forever more. But in Eskand itself, the proud Jarls and Aerchons put the king's head on a pike for his blasphemy and marched North. The worshipers of the false Gods recanted or burned. It had been many years since a great Eskandr horde marched north, and many things had changed, but there was nothing else that could be done that would satisfy the Gods or, truly, the people. It is this very army - a great heathen army under Hrothgar the Black - that now stands at the precipice of Parrence, its violence spilling across the borders, its bloodlust far from sated after in turns pacifying and plowing through its Drudgunzean former kinsmen. Its leaders claim that a different sort of war has been waged against them and they are here to ensure that it never happens again. Against such an uncompromising threat, Arcel of Parrence, shield of Quentendom, has no choice but to fight. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pwCP3lW.jpg?1[/img][/center][h2][u]Eskandr[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h2][b][u]Overview:[/u][/b] Eskandr hail from the cold and unforgiving lands to the south. Gradually, through exploration, conquest, and settlement, they have worked their way up the continent and make periodic raids deep into Quentic lands. A rugged and hardy people, Eskandr tend to be tall and fair, possessed of a warlike nature and vitality. Proud, temperamental, and unquenchably vain, they bathe and groom with startling regularity. These people keep five gods of their own - Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, and Visitor - and most refuse to hear of any others. In their homelands, they ply the meager soil with root vegetables and maintain vast herds of sheep and goats. They survive on these and supplement their diets with rabbit, grouse, and cheeses. They gather herbs in the short summers, hunt the roving herds of mammoth that call the southern steppes their home, and take fish from the endless bounty of the sea. Eskandr prefer to live communally in fortified longhouses, guarding against raid, weather, and beast. Indeed, their lands are home to some of the most ferocious creatures known to study, including the great black dragons of the volcanic mountain ranges. In battle, Eskandr are fearless and underhanded, seeking all and any advantage they can muster over their foes. The men and the women alike fight, though the former are more commonly in the press of shield walls whilst the latter often feature as skirmishers, spies, and scouts. None are to be underestimated. They are audacious in the extreme and well versed in The Gift, with many possessing at least a rudimentary knowledge of all five branches of magic. These, they will employ to augment their bodies and strikes, fell enemies from afar, and enhance their vitality. An Eskandr warrior will fight to the very last breath so that he or she may gain a place close to the head of the Visitor's table in GrΓΈnhal (the Green Hall). In general, their society is much enamoured with the notion of legacy. A man will be judged by the Father and Visitor on his achievements in battle and the fairness of his dealings with others. There is no greater honour than to perish bravely in combat and such warriors will earn for themselves an exalted place at the great table of GrΓΈnhal. A woman will find herself subject to the Mother's and the Visitor's judgment by much the same metrics but, to a limited extent, also those of her sons and daughters. For her, it is imperative to survive battle so that she may be there to raise them and impart her guidance. Thus, there is a web of responsibility, enforced by religious belief, that binds people together and encourages behaviours that will benefit society. [b][u]Major Cities and Regions:[/u][/b] Farthang, Stormhavn, Gronmark, Astland, Hegelo, Altberg, Vigholm. [b][u]Common Heraldic Symbols:[/u][/b] Bear, Wolf, Mammoth, Dragon, Owl, Elk, Ram, Serpent, Trident, Hammer, Oak Tree, Volcano. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T5d9tYV.jpg?1[/img][/center][h2][u]Drudguzeans[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h2][b][u]Overview:[/u][/b] Drudgunzeans are people of the midland plains and forests. Originally a subset of the Eskandr, they displaced the Angrii - original inhabitants of the lands they now call home - over two centuries ago. In the much more forgiving climate, they have adapted and flourished, growing new crops and developing new tastes that their forbears could never have imagined. Intermediaries between their Eskandr brethren and the myriad peoples of Parrence and the Ensollian coasts, they are in the process of forging a bold new identity. Over the past century, most Drudgunzeans have made the decision to forsake their ancient heathen ways and accept into their lives the light of the Quentic Faith. A proud warrior people, they have become increasingly known their shrewd and calculating nature of late. Old ties of loyalty - once sacred in Drudgunze - have been tested by their eagerness to benefit from both their northern and southern neighbours. This canny eye for self-advancement has ever more greatly become a hallmark of their emerging culture. Drudgunzeans are nothing if not keen, diligent, and efficient. Yet, when their blood can be coaxed to run hot, their fury is truly a sight to behold and their armies something to cow even the mightiest of nations. Some say that they combine the ferocity of their Eskandr ancestors with the discipline of their ancient Avincian foes. Constant innovators and master metalworkers, they create for more than mere function: the war masks of nobility and particularly renowned Sturmknecht (Stormcniht) are works of art that speak to the glories earned by their bearers. They are also diligent in the use of magic, employing it in a myriad of workmanlike ways and also taking great pains to preserve its teachings through the writings of a new and invigorated clergy of wizard-priests. Though generally less concerned with beautification than their Parrench neighbours, Drudgunzean monks produce gorgeous illuminated manuscripts and the people at large are enthusiastic consumers of northern music, culture, and tapestry. [b][u]Major Cities and Regions:[/u][/b] Albesas, Meckelen, Salterberg, Fenske, Einderhal, Endburgh, Harrowende. [b][u]Common Heraldic Symbols:[/u][/b] Dragon, (Black) Eagle, Wolf, Stag, Lion, Crocodile, Sickle, Stars, Lightning Bolt, Castle. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/InPfZzj.jpg?1[/img][/center][h2][u]Parrench[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h2][b][u]Overview:[/u][/b] There has never been a people, in the known history of Constantia, so blessed and so cursed at once as the Parrench. For millennia, their rich green lands have been the envy of all others, and the fortunes of this nation have ebbed and flowed accordingly. Most of all, however, the Parrench have grown. They are numerous beyond all others, playful and puckish, clever and creative, hard working and relentlessly determined. These people squeeze everything that they can out of often short and brutal lives. They laugh and cry both in great measure. They honour their dead but then move on. They build great monuments but are not slaves to their pasts. The one thing that does not seem to resist them is the soil. Greatly blessed by Oraff is the land, and they can grow most anything on it in abundance. Indeed, the cuisine of Parrence is varied and their trade flourishing. Increasingly, under the banner of young King Arcel and his father Rouis, these people have started to emerge from the darkness and chaos following the collapse of the empire. Their art and music fuse those of their tribal ancestors, their former Avincian overlords, and many exotic cultures from around the Ensollian Sea into something new and exciting. Much of this is made for secular purposes, but the Parrench people, too, are devout and keep the gods. Their architects quarry the stones of the Eschamps Plateau to build great cathedrals that soar into the subtropical sun in stunning new styles or Retesque and Balthazarene. Yet, war is a shadow that constantly stalks this green land. As duchies, kingdoms, and counties flourish, their lords grow grasping and ambitious. They train their sons, daughters, and loyal retainers in the magics of Old Avince, otherwise lost, and send them to fight. The magics of the Pentad are terrifying when used against mortal flesh. Those without the Gift find themselves fodder for those with, and a social order begins to emerge in greater certainty. The Parrench are not natural warriors, but like all endeavours that they set their minds and the great mass of their numbers towards, they have molded themselves into fine fighters: fiery yet disciplined, iron-willed and steel-armoured. From hundreds of smithies across the realm have emerged the arms and armour necessary to equip a Grand Armee capable of taking on the Eskandr and, if necessary, the Drudgunzeans. This collective will is something new for the proudly individualistic and independent Parrench. They have a natural stubbornness and irascible temperament that drives them always to fight for what they value, even against seemingly insurmountable odds. Now, with their various feuding realms having been forged uneasily into one, they are ready to make their stand: for their futures, for their pride, for Parrence! [b][u]Major Cities and Regions:[/u][/b] Solenne, Nazaire, Loris, Gaen, Relouse, Chirence, Eux-en-Vitroux, Lac Ste. Guillaume. [b][u]Common Heraldic Symbols:[/u][/b] Wolf, Falcon, Lion, Leopard, Snapping Turtle, Hare, Hound, Sun, Moon, Crown, Mace, Unicorn. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BWvhyJD.png[/img][/center][h2][u]Yasoi[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h2][b][u]Overview:[/u][/b]Unique among the peoples of Constantia, yasoi (Homo Sapiens Angustus) are not actually human (Homo Sapiens Ingenium). An entirely separate sentient species, they are somewhat closely related to their more common cousins but noticeably visually distinct. Compared to humans, yasoi are noticeably (about 30 cm or one foot) taller on average and rather lanky or gangling in appearance. They have high, prominent cheekbones and broader, more prominent nasal bridges. Their large eyes are most commonly found in shades ranging from blue through green, yellow, and orange. These are well-adapted to the dimness of their deep forest lands and reflect the light at night in a manner similar to those of many animals. Also distinguishing them from humans are their ears: larger, more sensitive to picking out individual, distant sounds, and pointed at the tips. Their olfactory system is well-developed as well and, in general they tend to be far more sensory-based than their cousins. As a general rule, yasoi skin is notable for being pale, with some individuals sporting an almost greyish undertone. Their fingernails tend to be thick, sharp, and fast-growing compared to those of humans. In general, it is possible for a person to mistake one species for the other from a distance or in rapid passing, but most can readily tell them apart. Cognitively, culturally, and socially, yasoi are also quite a people apart. Their heavily sensory nature all-but guarantees that they are experience seekers. Compelled to near boundless curiosity, they are famous (and sometimes infamous) for their travels and their need to collect things of rarity and value only to quickly swap these in distant lands for others. Indeed, it is held by some that these dynamic people have contributed more to human exchange of knowledge and culture than humans themselves. To participate in a yasoi Mette'stiroi (swap meet) is to be part of a visual, musical, olfactory and tactile carnival of delights. Over the span of one week, fortunes are won and lost, alcohol flows liberally, stories and music fill the air, and babies are made by the dozens. There are feasts of everything that the yasoi can gather: tasty or tasteless all, and this is also the only place where traditional 'Tetsoy' (facial tattoos) can be earned. Yet, for all of their curiosity and copious use of the gift in service of their epic wanderlust, the yasoi are often stunningly socially inept by human standards. Judging by these metrics, they are rude and unfiltered, flighty, inconsistent, and either obnoxiously talkative or else withdrawn and antisocial once engrossed in a pursuit. Indeed, this extreme dichotomy of focus is both one of their foremost strengths and most crippling weaknesses. When engaged with a pursuit or dedicated to learning a skill or some knowledge, yasoi are utterly, obsessively relentless. Time and other needs will fade to the background and they will achieve or [i]master[/i] that that thing. Combined with their long lifespans (120 years on average compared to 80 for humans), they often possess skills and knowledge that their cousins simply can't match. On the obverse, yasoi are also eternally restless and often reckless. Unless zeroed in on a particular obsession, it is rare to find a yasoi sedentary or relaxed. Even then, they are often fidgeting, humming, daydreaming, or swapping madly between tasks. Their society is hierarchical, like that of humans, though these hierarchies are generally based on respect for deeds done, magical ability, skills mastered, and others sponsored as opposed to land owned and raw production of goods. A king or queen is generally elderly and finished with traveling. She or he presides over an area and guides it until death. At that point, another family member or close friend who is entering old age will take over. The same process is true for nobility, who are known exclusively as Barons. This is all to say that yasoi society runs on its own sort of organized chaos and functions quite well. However, when this is interrupted by outside action, the results are often catastrophic. Interruptions have become increasingly common following the collapse of the Avincian Empire. Though they acknowledge ownership over objects and the importance of private spaces, the yasoi struggle with notions of owning land. It seems, to them, a queer concept: you, this fleeting little ape-creature, claiming a piece of eternal land exclusively for yourself, regardless of how much you actually [i]use[/i] it, and then threatening some form of violence against others who dare walk over it. Most of their people live in the western region of Constantia with its towering highland cloud forests, but many also live where they please, often semi-nomadic and changing locations within a general area every handful of years. This has caused friction with the more rigid human societies that tend to occupy those lands, and yasoi are occasionally viewed as a nuisance who refuse to pay taxes, steal fruit and game from private forests, shirk their duties as people under the protection of a particular lord. Some take this even further and characterize them as a threat due to their unusual nature and powerful way with The Gift. Indeed, this is something that they weave holistically into their lives, not distinguishing between schools of magic, not beholden to certain numbers or types. There are rumours, however, that they manipulate time and space itself, in the fashion of idiot savants, and that is why they live so long. Humans would do anything to get their hands on such magics and that sort of interference is something that even the generally easygoing yasoi take very, [i]very[/i] seriously. [b][u]Major Cities and Regions:[/u][/b] Hyntsax, Marposhy, Anentso, Coiyram, Mycormi, Sasaij, Jyndiin, Oiyasc, Hydarbo, Iilynash, Nettestiij, Hybaxi. [b][u]Common Heraldic Symbols:[/u][/b] Monkey, Sparrow, Eagle, Cloud Bear, Leopard, Rose, Poppy, Serpent, Strangler Fig, Chain, Grand Sequoia, Hooked Blade, Spear, Sun. [b][u]Naming Customs:[/u][/b] In yasoi cultures, a cognomen is inserted between given and family names and these are separated by apostrophes. Traditionally, this has been something earned due to a trait or exploit, but it can also be inherited. (Given name) (Cognomen) (Family name): Talit'yrash'osmax. Occasionally, two cognomens are given: Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora[/hider] [hider=Places][h1][u]The World[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h1][sup][h3]Right click, open in new tab, and magnify for high-res view[/h3][/sup] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IXSPzOC.png[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=The Gift][h1][u]The Gift[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h1][sup][h3]Thunder. Arcane. Blood. Essence. Force.[/h3][/sup] Magic is a blessing of the Gods and so is called, respectfully, The Gift. Yet, it does not come from nowhere. Before any spells can be cast, no matter how trivial, all magical power must be drawn from sources of energy abundant in the world. The five great schools of magic - Thunder, Arcane, Blood, Essence, and Force, draw from the heat, light, metabolic, kinetic, potential, and electric energies of one's surroundings. Those skilled in The Gift may then convert one type of energy into another within themselves. You might draw heat from a raging fire, but that does not mean that you need to cast a fireball. If you can afford an extra few seconds, then you might decide on Arc Lightning from the Thunder school or a telekinetic shove. Spells from all five schools are made viable through the blessed act of conversion. However, there have long been rumours of other as-yet undiscovered magics that promise far greater power if used as well as far greater consequences... Covered below are the five major schools of magic use. Their workings are explained using language that the majority of their practitioners do not even understand and would not be able to reference or explain. Following the collapse of the Avincian Empire, much of existing magical theory has been lost. The essential know-how, however, remains. [hr][center][h2][color=FFD700]Thunder Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yTYDMdf.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Thunder magic draws its energy from the polarity of atoms and molecules, using their tendencies to attract and repel each other to build powerful charges. [*][b]Offense:[/b] While Thunder users have a reputation for being a 'slow' school and defensive counterpunchers, they are more than capable of mounting independent (and often terrifying) offense of their own. They rely on creating charges and polarizations first and then capitalizing on those. Ever watched somebody disintegrate? Ever seen a massive lightning bolt strike someone down from the heavens? [*][b]Defense:[/b] With Thunder users, the line between offense and defense is often blurred, as they tend to be masters of subtle and sneaky techniques that cause their opponents to destroy themselves or set them up to be countered mercilessly. [*][b]Utility:[/b] Thunderers tend not to directly favour utility spells, most of their repertoires being multifunctional. However, their ability to set up their environments, manipulate electric currents, and move charged objects using magnetism can be helpful.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=FF8C00]Arcane Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/E3KzPNz.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Arcane magic uses the radiative energy of heat (thermal) and light as a power source. As a result, it has a virtually limitless (and potentially overwhelming) supply of power during the day and in warmer places and considerably less at night and in colder places. [*]Casts from this school focus on using heat and light in a multitude of different ways. Partially as a result, Arcane is easily the most balanced school in terms of offensive, defensive, and utility spells, boasting impressive flexibility that enables adherents to take either subtle or aggressive approaches. This, combined with the sheer abundance and ready availability of heat and light energy makes Arcane the preferred school for mages than any other. [*][b]Offense:[/b] In terms of offense, arcane magic users can focus the powers of heat and light to burn, melt, and blind. Intensely focused beams of light and heat can cut and burn holes in solid objects, while fire can spread rapidly and offensive draws can cause targets to freeze to death. [*][b]Defense:[/b] Defensively, arcane magic can warp and bend the visible light spectrum to allow a user to disappear from sight and can manipulate temperatures and the surrounding environment to negate incoming attacks. [*][b]Utility:[/b] In terms of utility, arcanists can create powerful illusions, as well as provide light and heat. Especially intense heat can cauterize wounds.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=FF0000]Blood Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/myZqQXV.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] With Blood magic, drawing involves not the repurposing of energy but the repurposing of matter by destroying it and using its potential energy. In the case of healers, known colloquially as 'Binders', this can be used to remove foreign objects from the body, treat patients, or dissolve incoming threats. However, the 'blood price' of turning matter into energy is inherently inefficient. Unless the matter in question contains a great deal of potential energy, one will often need to draw an excessive amount of it. [*][b]Difficulty:[/b] A Blood magic user must be highly skilled in the art of drawing, so as to make the most of sources. These are highly abundant, but many are poor reservoirs and, furthermore, careless drawing can damage allies or even oneself. Binders, in particular, need to exercise the utmost caution while removing unwanted matter from a human or yasoi body. [*][b]Offense:[/b] With Blood Magic, the mere act of drawing is a powerful attack, destroying matter from castle walls to weapons to flesh and blood. However, this is a 'slow' magic, taking more time to draw from than others and requiring great focus. Blood magic users can also repurpose matter, dissolving it in one form and place an reforming it in another. This often takes the form of simpler shapes and uniform materials. Still, a stabbing blade doesn't usually need to be that complex. [*][b]Defense:[/b] The ability to covert matter into usable energy, and vise versa, makes Blood a massively powerful school of magic on the defensive side of the ledger. Blood practitioners can destroy enemy projectiles, heal wounds from trivial to fatal, invigorate allies, and materialize barriers (and simple weapons) for protection. [*][b]Utility:[/b] The ability to create passages for allies and obstacles for enemies is of considerable use. One may also materialize simple, useful devices, like ramps, levers, cushions, and pulleys. Exceptionally skilled Blood magic users may even 'seal' simple spells by creating items that, when drawn from, release the necessary amount and type of energy for the spell.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=BA55D3]Essence Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NIu4EtU.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Essence magic uses the power of chemical reactions as a source. It can use smaller reactions to trigger larger reactions, amplifying the power of the initial spell exponentially and creating a power loop to draw more from. Be careful, though! These can quickly spiral out of control. [*][b]Offense:[/b] Practitioners of Essence magic are known for their terrifying array of offensive skills, and these come in two primary varieties: External and Internal. The former focuses on manipulating and often chemically altering the environment to generate powerful reactions in the form of combustion, explosions, and corrosives, which can be further perpetuated for cataclysmic results. The latter focuses on manipulating the biochemical properties of a living target’s body to injure, incapacitate, dominate, or destroy it. [*][b]Defense:[/b] While they are offensive powerhouses, Essence users are markedly weaker on defense, relying predominantly on their ability to keep opponents on the back foot and, at higher skill levels, to deceive and dominate them mentally. [*][b]Utility:[/b] In terms of utility, Essence users possess a plethora of skills beneficial to both themselves and allies, from minor casts augmenting moods and abilities, to transmutation, to powerful healing and even quasi-resurrection spells.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=1E90FF]Force Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uJJrSK1.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Force Magic uses the power of kinetic energy as a source, meaning that the simple act of anything with mass in motion can power it. It also interacts with less obvious forms of motion and energy, such as sound waves and gravity. [*][b]Offense:[/b] There are three distinct approaches to Force offense. The first seeks to manipulate motion and sound within the environment to use it against the target. The second focuses on offensive drawing and manipulating the target itself. The third approach uses the kinetic energy of the environment to turn the caster’s body into a powerful weapon. [*][b]Defense:[/b] Defensively, Force magic’s telekinesis can allow its caster to throw objects into the path of attacks to act as shield instead of using them as offense. Additionally, the manipulation of sound is a subtle but powerful tool. [*][b]Utility:[/b] In terms of utility, the telekinetic abilities of the Force school are front and center, though their multifunctional nature makes them potent offensive and defensive tools as well. Force spells can also augment their caster’s movements and help him to levitate, making him a very elusive target.[/list][/hider] [hider=Callings][h1][u]Your Role[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h1][sup][h3]Bard. Berserker. Dervish. Horseman. Infiltrator. Knight. MalΓ©dict. Priest. Ranger. Witch. Wizard.[/h3][/sup] Many are the forms in which people have taken to using The Gift, applying it in their existing fields of work and interest, augmenting existing skills and, in some cases, creating entirely new ways of shaping the world and their places within it. Below are covered the ten major callings that will comprise the heroes of this story. Some may specialize in only a single calling while others may hear two. [hr][h3]πŸͺ• [u]Bard[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Bards are particularly blessed of Aun-Ipte. They can be found in Drudgunze, Eskand, Parrence, and Yasoi. Though the auditoriums of the empire are permanently closed as a stage, musicians still abound throughout the continent of Constantia. Many are simple musical performers who sing and play an instrument. However, there are some who can use the Gift to empower their music: whether force or essence, their songs have a palpable power or far-reaching emotional impact. They can inspire, empower, cow, or deafen allies and adversaries alike. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]βš”οΈ [u]Berserker[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Berserkers are particularly blessed of Echeran-Sept. They can be found in Eskand. A rare calling, and found only among the Eskandr, the path of the Berserker is one of controlled madness. These hulking, feral warriors enter a trancelike state, empowering their minds with visions and thoughts of ferocious beasts such as wolves, dragons, and bears and their bodies with essence, force, and arcane magics. Charging into battle, they attack with unmatched ferocity and great speed, greatly resistant to damage and nearly impervious to pain. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]πŸŒͺ️ [u]Dervish[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Dervishes are particularly beloved of Vyshtal. They can only be found among Yasoi. Dervishes coil light chains or cables around their arms, legs, and bodies as armour, unleashing them with Force magic. As these rapidly uncoil, they are used to grapple trees, buildings, and other tall obstacles, allowing for three dimensional movement. In combat, Dervishes use all four of their limbs equally, with metal claws, punch daggers, and poison dart launchers mounted on each. In open field combat, they employ near-perpetual circular and arcing motions to create a kill zone around themselves in which their blade-tipped chains or cables scythe through approaching enemies and projectiles. Using Essence magic to stave off dizziness and sharpen their senses, Dervishes build up their Force energy, occasionally unleashing this in snakelike strikes and stabs. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]🐎 [u]Horseman[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Horsemen are particularly blessed of Aun-Dami. They can be found in Eskand and Parrence. Most everyone who is anyone can ride a horse in this day and age. However, the significant steppes in the Eskandr midlands and those of northeast Parrence have led to horsemanship becoming a way of life for those who live there. More than even the oft-mounted knights of Perrence and Drudgunze, these people have mastered the art of maneuvering and managing horses (and sometimes other mounts) on the battlefield and effectively wielding a variety of weapons in lightning strikes. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [hr][h3]πŸ₯·πŸ» [u]Infiltrator[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Infiltrators are particularly blessed of Aun-Echeran. They can be found in Drudgunze, Eskand, Parrence, and Yasoi. In an age of swords, armour, and honor culture, there are nonetheless those who eschew societal expectation and take another approach to martial effectiveness. While some come from the respectable echelons of their respective cultures, many started out as thieves and hired blades. As a general rule, infiltrators are masters of stealth and quick, decisive movement and attack, employing arcane, force, and even essence magics to act as spies and assassins. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]πŸ›‘οΈ [u]Knight[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Knights are particularly blessed of Oraphe-Sept. They can be found in Drudgunze and Parrence. Recent advances in metalworking technology and the introduction of the stirrup to Constantia by Virangish peoples during the fall of the Avincians have resulted in the invention of an exciting new type of fighter: the knight. Heavily armed and armoured melee warriors skilled in mounted combat, many knights employ Essence and Kinetic magic to augment their massive physical strikes and enhance the performance and endurance of their mounts. Thunder Knights also use their metallic armour to create massive charges and strike down their foes with powerful Thunder magic. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [hr][h3]🐍 [u]MalΓ©dict[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] MalΓ©dicts are particularly blessed of Ipte-Sept. They can be found in Drudgunze and Yasoi. Known as a 'Giftschlag' in the local language, some maintain that these strange sorcerers of the swamplands are merely a story to frighten children. Some are held to be remnants of the original Angrii population who were displaced, exterminated, and assimilated into the Drudgunzean culture three centuries prior. Whatever their origin, they are shrouded in mystery. Their magics are primitive, requiring direct touch or proximity, but immensely powerful. Using Blood, Thunder, and Essence magics, MalΓ©dicts can disintegrate possessions, plants, and people alike, form things out of thin air, and place powerful curses on their victims. Some say that they are cannibals. Others say that theirs is the magic of the yasoi. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]πŸ™ [u]Priest[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Bishops, Priests, Monks, and Nuns are particularly blessed of Aun-Oraphe. They can be found in Drudgunze and Parrence. While all of creation shares in the blessings of the Pentad, not all people offer the Gods their rightful praise. It falls to the religious orders of the Quentic faith - Hundrian, Stresian, Dordian, Rezaindian, and Somnian - to make up the shortfall. Often found in fervent prayer or enggaged in good works, they are motivated by their faith and empowered by the Gift. Holy men and women call upon powerful magics of all five schools to heal the world, protect the innocent, and strike down evildoers. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]🏹 [u]Ranger[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Rangers are particularly blessed of Dami-Sept. They can be found in Drudgunze, Eskand, Parrence, and Yasoi. While many people live sedentary lives as farmers, fighters, or crafters, dependent upon others and never taking the time to master the skills of their distant ancestors, there are some who chart a different course. Rangers are dedicated hunters, trappers, survivalists, and people of the frontiers and forests. Stealthy, quick, and capable, they use the Gift to augment their traps with illusion and empower their use of the bow and arrow. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]πŸŒ™ [u]Witch/Warlock[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Witches and Warlocks are particularly blessed of Chune-Sept. They can be found in Drudgunze, Eskand, Parrence, and Yasoi. In the years since the empire's collapse, formal schooling and practice in magic has declined precipitously and a great deal of written knowledge has been lost indefinitely. Keeping many traditions alive are the witches and warlocks of Constantia. Powerful magic practitioners, many are rugged and self-sufficient businesswomen and businessmen with deep knowledge in the poisons and remedies of the natural world as well as powerful magics that they can use to burn, blind, numb, heal, and invigorate. If some are less than reputable, they are nonetheless a necessary part of early medieval life. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [hr][h3]πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ [u]Wizard[/u]_________ __ __ _ _[/h3] Wizards are particularly blessed of Aun-Chune. They can be found in Parrence. Trained and powerful magic users, schooled in the ancient arts of the Avincians, Wizards can draw from the might of all schools of magic to cast spells capable of immense utility, healing, and destruction. That they can do this from ranges and with speed that others could not dream of speaks further to their dedication, natural affinity for magic, and leadership role. Educated, keen-minded, and stealthy in combat, a true wizard, able to bend the laws of nature to his whim, commands instant fear and respect. [b]Durability:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Stealth:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [b]Agility:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Endurance:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Physical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† [b]Magical Attack:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Range:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Support and Healing:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… [b]Mounted Ability:[/b] β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† [hr] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][code][color=6B8E23][h1][u][color=A52A2A]C[/color]haracter [color=A52A2A]N[/color]ame[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h1] [img]Character Image[/img] [sub][h3][u]A G E[/u] | [u]G E N D E R[/u] | [u]L O Y A L T Y[/u] | [u]G I F T[/u] | [u]C A L L I N G[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] [sub][h3][u]C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] [i]A description of your character's appearance, motivation, and personality.[/i] [sub][h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] [i]A description of your character's life, experiences, and circumstances up to this point.[/i] [sub][h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] [i]A description of items regularly in your character's possession or owned by them.[/i] [sub][h3][u]T H E G I F T[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] [i]A description of your character's abilities with The Gift, Five Wheels rating, favoured schools, and how they're used.[/i] [sub][h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] ❖ [i]Three[/i] ❖ [i]to four[/i] ❖ [i]of these[/i] ❖ [i]go here[/i] [sub][h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] ❖ [i]Three[/i] ❖ [i]to four[/i] ❖ [i]of these[/i] ❖ [i]go here[/i] [sub][h3][u]C O L O U R C O D E & O T H E R[/u]__ _ _ _ _[/h3][/sub] [i]Your character's hex code and any other miscellaneous information. Feel free to use bullet points.[/i] ❖ [i][color=A52A2A]hex code[/color][/i][/color][/code][/hider] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yN27AZO.png?1[/img][/center][hr][hr]